Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Students looking to take an English class or New Degree Seeking students will need to take the English assessment.
Are you getting ready to take the college English placement test but feel like you need to brush up on your reading and writing skills?
Watch the below video for tips on how to prepare for the English Placement testor attend one of our English refresher workshops taught by English Department faculty to help you feel comfortable in taking the test. New dates are added on a monthly basis, so check back for future in-person or online live refresher workshops. RSVP to attend a workshop HERE.
All new degree seeking students are required to demonstrate initial placement levels in Writing, Reading, Math and Geometry upon entry to the College in order to register for their first semester.
Additionally, any student wishing to register for English and/or Math courses may also need to demonstrate specific placement levels in order to satisfy a particular course prerequisite.
The English Placement test is available online, through your MyHarper Student Portal under the "Registration and Records" area or by following this link. Make sure you're accessing the test with following requirements:
Click here for the step-by-step directions needed for accessing your English placement test.
Yes! Students who provide a high school transcript (it does NOT need not be the final transcript - seventh-semester is permitted) showing a minimum, overall high school GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 4.0/5.0 will place directly into ENG 101. All high school coursework must be completed within the United States.
Students who complete the Harper English Test may also use their high school GPA to improve their placement, if needed.
Yes! Students can also use the Preliminary SAT/PSAT test (PSAT 10 & PSAT NMSQT versions that are taken Sophomore year) as a method of placement. A minimum score of 480 on the Evidence-based Reading and Writing sub-section of the PSAT exam is required to place into ENG 101.
Yes. Persons with disabilities who may require accommodations should contact Access and Disability Services (ADS) in Building I, Room 103, or telephone at 847.925.6266 (voice callers) or 224.836.5048 (videophone for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing callers).
Yes. Persons with disabilities who may require accommodations should contact Access and Disability Services in Building I, Room 103, or telephone at 847.925.6266 (voice callers) or 224.836.5048 (videophone for Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing callers).
A valid photo ID is required for placement testing. You will not be permitted to test without appropriate identification. Acceptable forms of identification include:
Typically, results are posted within two business days of taking the test. Immediately after testing, a "place-holder" score of 0.0 will be posted on the student's account. This not a true placement. It is merely an indicator that a test was completed and is in the process of receiving a final placement result. Once finalized, the placement results will be posted to the Test Score and Course Eligibility section of the MyHarper Student Portal. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm that the essay has been scored PRIOR to scheduling Orientation/Advising.
Students will be placed into the English classes that will help them develop the skills needed for success in college. We strongly encourage you to discuss your results with a counselor or advisor as an important first step in understanding your placement.
In extreme circumstances, students may appeal to the English Department Co-Chairs. However, we strongly encourage you to discuss your results with a counselor or advisor as an important first step in understanding your placement and what it means. Our goal is to help all students be successful in college and it’s not uncommon for students to place into courses that will help prepare them for ENG 101.