Harper College

Math Placement

To prepare you to reach your educational goals, before you register for a Math class or if you're a New Degree Seeking student, you may need to take a placement test.   

Waiver Options (Yes! No test)

Students who meet any of the following criteria may bypass Math placement testing and enroll directly into college-level Math classes indicated under Placement below.

  • ACT - Math score of 22-36.  Must have been taken within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101, MTH103, MTH130 & MTH165
  • SAT - Math score of 530 or higher.  Must have been taken within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101, MTH103, MTH130 & MTH165.
  • PSAT 10 & PSAT NMSQT - Math score of 530 or higher.  Must have been taken within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101, MTH103, MTH130 & MTH165.
  • High School GPA - 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale or 4.0 or higher on a 5.0 scale.  In addition, must have a grade of 'C' or better in a fourth year high school math course.  All high school math courses must be NCAA eligible.  Based on seventh semester or later cumulative unweighted High School GPA.  Must have been earned within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101 & MTH165.
  • GED - Score of 165 or higher on the Math sub-section, must have been taken within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101 & MTH165.
  • Aligned High School MTH080 Final Exam - Must have scored at least a 70% on exam offered at participating District 211, 214, and 220 high schools.  Must have been taken within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101, MTH103 (with Geometry Waiver - see options below), MTH130 & MTH165.
  • Illinois High School Portable Transitional Math Options - Must have a cumulative 'C-' grade or better over two semesters.  Must have been taken within the last eighteen months. Eligible for placement into MTH101 & MTH165.
  • Transfer Math Course - Transfer college-level Math course with a grade of C- or higher. Eligible for placement into MTH101, MTH103, MTH130 & MTH165

Have you satisfied one more of the above test waiver options? If so, the next step is to submit the appropriate score report, high school transcript or college transcript to the Harper College One Stop office. For more information about submitting these materials, contact One Stop at onestop@harpercollege.edu or 847.925.6710. 


Placement is based on test results.  For more information please see the Math Placement Testing FAQ.

I took...

And I got a score of:

Score Pathway Course(s) Placement
76-100  College Math MTH200
61-100  College Math MTH124, 140, 134, 220 & 225
46-100 College Math MTH103 & 130
46-100 College Math MTH101 & 165
    College Math with Support 
(only for students needing calculus)
MTH103 + MTH083 co-req*
30-45 College Math with Support MTH101 + MTH081 co-req & MTH165 + MTH085 co-req   
0-29 College Math with Extra Support MTH101+MTH041 (requires placement into ENG096 or higher
14-29 Prep for College Math MTH065 
0-13 Math Reboot MTH065 + FYS101 Math Reboot 


* Students pursuing Calculus should try to place into MTH103+083 or higher. Utilizing the ALEKS Prep & Learning modules is important (and necessary in the case of retesting) to improving placement. This course also requires that the Geometry Waiver requirement be met (see below for how to satisfy). 

And I got a score of:

  • 660 or higher and I have 2 semesters of high school pre-calculus with a grade of 'C-' or better - MTH 200
  • 660 or higher - MTH 140, 134, 124, 220, or 225
  • 530 - 650 - MTH 101, 103, 130, or 165

All of these placements are considered college level math.

And I got a score of:

  • 530 - 650 - MTH 101, 103, 130, or 165

All of these placements are considered college level math.

And I got a score of:

  • 28 or higher and I have 2 semesters of high school pre-calculus with a grade of 'C-' or better - MTH 200
  • 28 or higher - MTH 140, 134, 124, 220, or 225
  • 22 - 27 - MTH 101, 103, 130, or 165

All of these placements are considered college level math.

  • STEM Pathway or MTH080 final exam passed with the Geometry waiver - MTH 103 or 130
  • Quantitative Literacy and Statistics Pathway or STEM Pathway or MTH080 exam passed without the  Geometry waiver - MTH101 or 165.

All of these placements are considered college level math.

If you have an unweighted high school Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale) with a successful ("C" or better) 4th year high school math course, you place into MTH 101, 130, or 165. This is considered college level math.

Geometry Waiver Options

Some math courses require a Geometry co-requisite, which can be met in the following ways:

  • A 'C-' or better in two semesters of high school geometry.
  • ACT Math subsection score of 22 or higher.
  • SAT Math subsection score of 530 or higher.
  • ALEKS score of 46 or higher.
  • Completion of a college level math course.
  • Completion of MTH 070 with a C or better.


No placement testing is required for MTH 097.

How do I know if the class I took counts for the High School Portable Transition waiver?

Talk to your guidance counselor!  Classes accepted at Harper have the following portability codes:

  • Quantitative Literacy and Statistics Pathway - TM002
  • STEM Pathway - TM001

Choosing the Right Math Course

To better understand your course placement, or to figure out which Math course is best for you based on your academic goals, contact an Academic Advisor. Feel free to contact New Student Advising (located in Building C, room C104) at cnso@harpercollege.edu or 847.925.6208.

Last Updated: 3/17/25