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Harper College

Predictive Analytics Using Big Data

Badge earners understand predictive models that create business value from Big Data solutions. Participants recognize the technology (databases, query languages, architectures) and statistical techniques of Big Data Analytics. Badge earners have completed a hands-on Predictive Analytics project.

Prerequisite: Basic understanding of statistics, databases, and data management
Program objectives:

  • Determine the predictive modeling problem definition
  • Understand statistical concepts and tools
  • Work with relational databases
  • Use the R language for prediction
  • Examine how to store Big Data using NoSQL frameworks, Hadoop, and Hortonworks
  • Process Big Data
  • Work with Pig Latin and Hive query language
  • Understand advanced analytics

Required Course

Understands how the growth of smart devices and the huge data they generate, along with the significant increase in the ability of computers to digest and learn from data, has led to Predictive Analytics becoming a critical area of focus for most businesses. Explores the three dimensions of Predictive Analytics. Studies technology (databases, query languages, R language, architectures) and statistical techniques of Big Data Analytics. Learns the statistical techniques underpinning Predictive Analytics, such as regression and correlation. Applies Predictive Analytics to a real-life domain situation. Recommended Preparation: basic understanding of statistics, databases, and data management.

Upcoming Courses

To find open classes in predictive analytics, see the Upcoming Courses page.

Funding Opportunities

Some CPE courses may be eligible for grants and scholarships on a limited basis. We encourage you to apply for funding to learn more about options that may be available to you. To apply, please complete the Scholarship Application form.

Contact us

For more information, subscribe to our newsletter, or contact Continuing Professional Education by email at cpe@harpercollege.edu or call 847.925.6340

Last Updated: 11/18/24