Harper College

Job Search

Conduct your job search as if it were a job!

  • Develop a plan of action for your job search
  • Prepare your necessary documents - resume, cover letter and references 
  • Research companies, salaries and job opportunities
  • Learn about job opportunities through networking and social media
  • Track and follow-up on applications
  • Practice interviewing 

Job Search Tools

Hire a Hawk is our online job board for Harper students and alumni. Here you can search for jobs, internships, upload your resume and apply to jobs in your area of interest.

Log in or register for an account on Hire a Hawk

Attend the following workshops to help you become job search ready! Topics include:

  • Career Ready
  • Resume
  • Job Search
  • Interview

Each session is held in-person in Building I, Room I1127 and online via Webex on Tuesdays from 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM. Click here to register.

On scheduled days, On Campus Recruiting takes place Monday - Thursday in Avante (near Subway) from 11 AM - 1 PM.

Harper College makes no representation or guarantees about positions listed by the Job Placement Resource Center (JPRC). The JPRC is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of off-campus employment. It is the responsibility of the individuals to research the integrity of the organizations to which they are applying. The individual is advised to use caution and common sense when applying for any position with an organization or a private party. This website also contains links to other websites not under the control of the JPRC, and we are not responsible for the contents of any linked site. The JPRC provides these links only as a convenience. Harper College and the JPRC assume no liability for acts of omissions by third parties or for material supplied by them.

Watch and Learn

Last Updated: 3/20/25