Harper College

Refrigeration Service Certificate

Maintain and repair today's residential and commercial refrigeration systems

Program facts manufacturing construction icon

  • Credit hours: 19
  • Stackable to degree: Yes
  • Potential job outcome: Heating and A/C mechanic and installer

This 19-credit-hour certificate in refrigeration service will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to perform preventative maintenance service and repairs on residential and commercial refrigeration systems. You’ll learn practical applications to help you perform system diagnostics and develop troubleshooting techniques.

Get hands-on experience working with more than 70 pieces of commercial and residential equipment in the HVAC/R Open Lab. The lab is open six days per week, making it easy to set a class schedule that fits your needs.

Credit earned for this program can be applied to Harper’s Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Technology Degree AAS Degree.

Certificate program requirements

This 19 credit-hour certificate program is designed provide students the skill set to perform preventative maintenance service and repairs on residential and commercial refrigeration system. Emphasis is placed on practical application to perform system diagnostics and develop troubleshooting techniques.


Number Course Title Credits
ELT 110 4

Description:  Introduces fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. Covers basic electrical laws and principles. Presents electrical quantities, units, symbols and notation. Examines foundational electronic materials and components. Presents elementary DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current) network analysis, key semiconductor devices, and simple analog and digital circuits. Also covers electrical safety considerations, laboratory instrumentation and test and measurement techniques.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

HVA 101 3

Description:  Introduces vocabulary, concepts and scientific principles used in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. Studies theories on heat laws, pressures, matter, and energy; examines refrigerant chemistry and the refrigeration cycle. Covers proper refrigerant management techniques and safe practices. Emphasizes practical application, troubleshooting techniques, measuring and testing the operation of the basic refrigeration cycle; including working with ACR copper tubing, tools, and instruments.

Prerequisite: MTH 097 (Basic Technical Mathematics) with a grade of C or better, or consent of coordinator.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

HVA 102 3

Description:  Builds on concepts learned in HVA 101. Introduces specialized system controls and accessories found in commercial refrigeration systems. Covers pressure and temperature controls, water cooled condensers, commercial defrosting, and piping practices. Emphasizes practical application to develop diagnostic and troubleshooting techniques, interpret wiring diagrams, service, and repair; including working with zero ODP refrigerants used in commercial systems application.

Prerequisite: HVA 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

HVA 105 3

Description:  Introduces electrical principles and concepts, electrical safety, electrical controls and electrical wiring diagrams utilized in residential and light commercial HVAC systems. Covers electrical symbols, Ohms' Law, series and parallel circuits, power distribution, magnetism, transformers, switches, relays, contactors, AC motors, motor starters and capacitors. Emphasizes the practical application for electrical system diagnosing; measuring volts, ohms and amps; troubleshooting, testing and adjusting electrical controls; interpreting wiring schematics, and wiring electrical circuits.

Prerequisite: MTH 097 (Basic Technical Mathematics) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

HVA 108 3

Description:  Builds on concepts learned in HVA 101 and HVA 105. Introduces the application of the refrigeration cycle in respect to small appliances. Covers refrigerators, air conditioning and fundamentals of heat pump operations. Reviews work-safe practices, electrical system diagnostics, proper refrigerant handling and charging techniques, brazing and soldering copper tubing. Emphasizes practical application, operation, installation, maintenance, service and repairs.

Prerequisite: HVA 101 with a grade of C or better, and prior or concurrent enrollment in HVA 105 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

MTH 097 1 3

Description:  Reviews arithmetic, introduces basic algebraic and right triangle trigonometric techniques. Includes arithmetic, elementary algebra, geometry, ratio and proportions, measurements, right triangle trigonometry and their application to solve a variety of career and technical problems. Draws practical problems the student’s career area, including emergency services, graphic communications, building trades, culinary arts and information technology. Intended for students pursuing Harper degrees and certificates in career program fields. This course: is not transferable, does not satisfy the prerequisite for any other mathematics course, and does not satisfy any general education requirements.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

1 - Students may take MTH 097 or MTH 101 or higher.

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Next steps

For more information about refrigeration and A/C training, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.

Last Updated: 3/3/25