Harper College

Career in HVAC/R

HVAC repairs

In the United States, the employment of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers is projected to increase 15 percent nationwide by 2026, much faster than average for all occupations. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website contains additional helpful information.

HVAC job growth

The HVAC Technician job market is expected to grow by 13.6% between 2014 and 2024.

The foreseeable job outlook and demand for HVAC technicians is projected to be quite favorable.

Much of the anticipated growth in the field will occur in large part due to three factors:

  1. Increased construction, environmental concerns, and the life expectancy of HVAC units.
  2. As more homes and commercial structures are built, more qualified technicians will be needed to install increasingly sophisticated climate-control systems.
  3. Growing concerns for the environment are expected to prompt both residential and business consumers to retrofit, upgrade, or replace older and less energy-efficient systems with new and ‘greener’ models, which are in the long term less expensive to operate.

Candidates knowledgeable in both installation and maintenance and repair work will enhance their employment stability, since new installations may be curtailed when the economy slows and the level of construction activity declines. Job seekers familiar with computer tablets and electronics and who have developed troubleshooting skills will also be sought after by employers.

HVAC technician employment outlook

  • There are currently an estimated 292,000 HVAC Technicians in the United States.
  • The job of HVAC Technician has a B+ employability rating, meaning this career should provide good employment opportunities for the foreseeable future.
  • Over the next 10 years, it is expected the US will need 84,200 HVAC Technicians. That number is based on 39,600 additional HVAC Technicians, and the retirement of 44,600 existing HVAC Technicians.
  • 89% of HVAC Technicians are employed full-time, while 11% are employed part-time.

Source: Sokanu user data. View more HVAC Technician demographics

How much does a HVAC Technician make in Illinois?

 Average HVAC Technician Hourly Wage in Illinois:

  • HVAC Technicians earn a median hourly wage of $25.05. Hourly wages typically start from $13.70 and go up to $36.48.

Average HVAC Technician Yearly Salary in Illinois:

  • HVAC Technicians earn a median salary of $52,100 per year. Salaries typically start from $28,490 and go up to $75,870.

Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 

HVAC Technician Earnings by Seniority

Top End HVAC Technician Earnings

The highest earning HVAC Technicians in Illinois earn:



Senior HVAC Technician Earnings

Senior HVAC Technicians in Illinois earn:



Experienced HVAC Technician Earnings

Experienced HVAC Technicians in Illinois earn:



Junior HVAC Technician Earnings

Junior HVAC Technicians in Illinois earn:



Starting HVAC Technician Earnings

Starting HVAC Technicians in Illinois earn:



Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments. Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 

Job Market Outlook


HVAC/R Career Profiles

Last Updated: 3/3/25