Harper College

Placement Testing for World Languages

What is a placement exam?

Our placement exam consists of an interview to determine which language course suits you best if you already have some experience with the language. The exam is for placement purposes only and will not appear on your transcript.

Do I need to take a placement exam?

I want to study French, German, Japanese, or Spanish…

  • If you wish to study French, German, Japanese, or Spanish, and you do not have experience with that language, no, you do not need to test. You should register for a 101 level course. 

  • If you are a current Harper student with experience in French, German, Japanese, or Spanish and wish to enroll in a course in that language at Harper for the first time, yes, you need to take the placement exam. See the Placement Instructions.

I want to study American Sign Language...

I use the language at home…

  • For students who grew up in the U.S. and speak French at home, please contact Prof. Linda Schumacher at lschumac@harpercollege.edu to discuss your language background.
  • For students who grew up in the U.S. and speak Spanish at home, please contact Prof. Gerardo Cruz at gcruz@harpercollege.edu to discuss your language background
  • For students who grew up in the U.S. and speak German at home, contact Prof. Kim Jaeger at kjaeger@harpercollege.edu before registering for language courses.

When and where do I take the exam?

After you have completed the online form or contacted the instructor, you will do a brief online or phone interview with a professor. This placement exam will determine the final placement. Follow the Placement Instructions.

How do I prepare for the exam?

There is no preparation necessary. Follow the Placement Instructions.

Contact Information

Please contact Eric Bohman, Placement and Testing Coordinator, with any questions or concerns: ebohman@harpercollege.edu or 847.925.6750.

Last Updated: 3/3/25