Harper College

Placement Exam Instructions

Step 1: Complete a Brief Interview (all languages)

  • No other preparation is necessary for the interview. If you are interested in testing for more than one language, please select More than One Language on the form.
  • Spanish: Please complete this form and an instructor will be contacting you for your interview.
  • French: Please complete this form and an instructor will be contacting you for your interview.
  • German: Contact Prof. Kim Jaeger at kjaeger@harpercollege.edu to schedule a brief phone or online interview.
  • Japanese: Please complete this form and an instructor will be contacting you for your interview.
  • American Sign Language: Please complete this form and an instructor will be contacting you for your interview.
  • You will be given a placement recommendation by the professor at the end of your interview.

Step 2: Register for Class

  • After your oral interview, allow 1-2 business days for the department to enter an override into the registration system.
  • Log in to the MyHarper Student Portal
  • Click on "Registration and Records" then "Add/Drop a Course" to register for the recommended course.
  • Questions about registration? Please contact Eric Bohman, Placement and Testing Coordinator: ebohman@harpercollege.edu or 847.925.6750.


Last Updated: 3/3/25