Harper College

Advanced Placement (AP) Art Portfolio Evaluation Process

To learn more about the AP Art Portfolio Evaluation Process, please review the following information (also available as a PDF download) or contact the Art Department, Building P, Room P-206, 847.925.6568.

AP Art portfolios with a score of 3 or above will receive one of the types of credit below:

1. General Elective Credit 
This type of credit will be awarded to students who scored a 3 or above, but did not display sufficient evidence of the concepts and techniques covered in any particular art course offered within the Art Department. This credit will count towards the Associate in Arts Degree (A.A.), Associate in Science Degree (A.S.), and Associate in General Studies Degree (A.G.S.).  It will appear on the transcript as “ART901”.

2. Course-specific Credit 
This type of credit will be awarded to students who scored a 3 or above and displayed sufficient evidence of the concepts and techniques covered in a specific course within the Art Department.

Below are more specific guidelines with respect to the two types of portfolios we recommend for submission:

Drawing Portfolios
In order to receive course-specific credit for our Drawing I course, a majority of the drawings must be based on direct observation (i.e. from life), rather than from reproductions. The use of color is not encouraged.

In addition, several examples of linear perspective should be included, both one-point and two-point systems. These may include imagined scenarios, but should also include at least one version that is based on direct observation.

2-D Design Portfolios
Course-specific credit for our Design I course can only be awarded for portfolios that include a majority of work that is not image based. Examples should demonstrate principles of design or other organizational concepts. A knowledge of basic color theory and color mixing must also be evident in some of the work.

Portfolios will be evaluated using the same standards that we apply in our foundation-level courses. A grade of “C” or higher will be required for students to receive course-specific credit. Our grading standard does not necessarily align with the AP scoring system.

When submitting AP portfolios, students must include their name, Harper ID#, and contact information (email and phone) on the outside of the portfolio case where it can easily be seen and read. Portfolios should be delivered to the Liberal Arts Division Office in L-203 at least 2 weeks in advance of the semester start date. The office is open between 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday–Friday.  Students will be contacted after the review has been completed.

Last Updated: 3/3/25