Harper College

Art on Campus

Art Exhibition Space

The College's Art Exhibition Space (Building C, Room C200) provides a critical component to the art curriculum at Harper. The exhibits presented in this gallery offer students direct contact with professional artists, the installation process and works of art, all within close proximity to where students are studying and practicing their own art.

Art faculty use this space to teach students how to observe, write and think critically about contemporary art. Students also gain insight into the decisions that artists and curators confront when installing exhibits. Each year about eight exhibits are presented that broaden students' awareness of the ever-increasing possibilities embodied by art.

Our gallery shows include solo, group, national, student and faculty exhibits, and all are free and open to the community. Learn more about current, upcoming and past shows in the Art Exhibition Space.

Visiting Artist Program

The Visiting Artist Program provides a variety of venues for students and faculty to observe and interact with artists. Participating artists conduct activities such as slide presentations, exhibit talks, critiques of student work, demonstrations and workshops. These activities are intended to help participants gain a better understanding of the context in which today's artists create their works. Most of these activities are free and open to the public.

Art Collection

The Harper College Educational Foundation Art Collection consists of more than 360 original works of painting, printmaking, drawing, photography and sculpture valued at over $1.8 Million. It is home to notable art works, including Pablo Picasso’s sculpture titled The Bather, and Chicago Imagist Roger Brown’s oil on canvas painting titled Public Building. The collection provides a valuable resource for exploration of the visual arts, and enhances the learning environment of the campus. The Educational Foundation has developed this large collection with generous donations, privately sponsored purchase awards for artists, grants, and long-term loans made by artists. It is a source of inspiration for Harper students, faculty, staff and community residents.

Display Areas

Display areas located in Buildings C, P and L hallways provide constantly changing exhibits of current student Art work. Some of the larger scheduled exhibits are also presented in these spaces.

Last Updated: 3/3/25