Harper College

Student Juried Art Exhibition 2021

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Lorem ipsum

About the Exhibition

This annual exhibition includes works in various media and styles by students who have taken art courses throughout the year. Awards are provided by the Harper Educational Foundation.

Our juror this year was Julie Weber, Chicago artist and educator. Earlier this year Julie had a solo virtual exhibition of her work at Harper.

Congratulations to all the student artists who were selected this year!


Renee Windle Danforth Award Recipients, Selected by the Faculty

  • Haruka Smith, Then and Now
  • Preeti Thakkar, Final Drawing Series

Susan L. Shultz Award Recipients, Selected by the Juror

  • Karla Bautista, Lungs
  • Lillian Muller, A Memory in the Mind of One Who Has Forgotten
Last Updated: 4/8/24