Harper College will be closed Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1 for Winter Break.

Harper College

Helping Your Students Use the Academic Support Center

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The Academic Support Center offers free tutoring for currently enrolled Harper students through the Anatomy Room, Developmental Math Center, Success Services, Supplemental Instruction, Tutoring Center, and the Writing Center. Tutoring is available on an appointment and drop-in basis, both online and in-person, for a wide variety of courses. The Academic Support Center also provides space for individual and small group study and computer use. The Academic Support Center is located below the Library in Building F, Room 110. Please contact us via phone at (847) 925-6539, email asc@harpercollege.edu, or Harper live chat to learn more.

Request a Class Visit or Workshop

Click here to request a classroom visit, tour of the Academic Support Center, or workshop.

Talk to Your Students About Tutoring

Here are some talking points you can use when talking to your students about working with a tutor.

  • Remind students that everyone can benefit from talking about their work with someone else
  • Encourage students to ask for help early -- don't wait until too close to the due date or the end of the semester
  • Share tips for a successful tutoring session
    • Bring materials - syllabus, assignment, book, handouts, readings
    • Read the assignment ahead of time and think about what questions they might have about it
  • Tell students about all the options for help
    • Tutoring is available in-person and online for all areas
    • We have appointments and drop-ins for most services
  • Let students know that they can get help for their other courses and for learning and study strategies like time management and study skills
Last Updated: 12/10/24