Harper College

Innovation Accelerator

Innovation Accelerator logo

In Fall 2022, Harper launched the Innovation Accelerator as a new collaborative College unit designed to focus on rapid development and delivery of emerging technology programming to meet regional employer demands for a skilled workforce. Innovation in this context signifies a paradigm shift, challenging traditional norms with disruptive ideas that pave the way for transformational learning experiences. New programs will ensure students are learning future technology skills and competencies, using industry-relevant equipment, and earning industry-recognized credentials that make them competitive in today’s rapidly changing job market. 

Innovation Accelerator in the News:

Innovation Accelerator Initiatives

Business and Industry Leadership Teams

We are looking for business and industry leaders, including technical executives, technicians, and other industry professionals, working in Cybersecurity, AI, and Cloud Infrastructure career fields to join our new Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) advisory councils. Check out our BILT webpage to learn more. 

Emerging Technologies Pathways at Harper Grant Project

The Innovation Accelerator has been tasked with operationalizing the $1.6 million Emerging Technologies Pathways at Harper (EmergingTech@Harper) project that is funded through the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration's Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grant (SCC3) program. Over the next four years, Harper will develop new accelerated career pathways in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence with Cloud Computing. These pathways will offer multiple entry and exit points, including technical bridge programs for students needing basic skills support, short-term certificates, industry-recognized credentials, credit certificates, and associate degrees. We want to meet individuals where they are and support their academic journey. Click the program links at the top of the page to learn more about new and planned programs that equip students with cutting-edge skills.

Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC)

The Innovation Accelerator is leading a $400,000 three-year National Science Foundation grant project entitled Generating Regional Innovative Partnerships. Harper is serving as the lead institution for a five-institution consortium comprised of Ivy Tech Community College (IN), Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MS), Washburn University Institute of Technology (KS), and WSU Tech (KS). The primary goal of this three-year grant is to build institutional capacity to grow external partnerships for workforce programs to make them more responsive to regional workforce needs supported by the development of a scalable, replicable framework for community and technical colleges transitioning from traditional advisory committees to the nationally recognized Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT) advisory council model. 

The Five Economies Positioned for Regional Future Growth

The Innovation Accelerator is focused on careers fields included in the five “economies” (or occupation clusters) positioned for future growth according to regional labor market data. 

Readiness Economy
Biotechology, cybersecurity, infrastructure, and public health

Logistics Economy
Industrial big data, IoT technologies, and supply chain management

Green Economy
Renewable energy, sustainability, and green building construction

Remote Economy
Supporting e-commerce, cloud computing, and network systems

Automated Economy
AI, robotics, automation, software and application development, and

data science

Last Updated: 3/18/25