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Student Services

Advising Services fosters a culture of growth and development for Harper College students. Advisors guide students through the college experience with intentional educational planning, empowering informed decision-making on academic and career goals, and connecting students to campus resources that holistically address students’ diverse needs. Advisors and students partner to ensure a greater chance of success, persistence, and completion of an academic credential.

Advising Services include academic goal-setting support, educational and transfer planning, and information on Harper’s career and transfer programs. New credential-seeking students are assigned an academic advisor who will assist them from start to finish. This includes developing semester-by-semester plans to meet each student’s goals, addressing academic concerns, and degree progress checks.

Advising Services is located in Building A, Room 364 and can be reached at 847.925.6220 or at: harpercollege.edu/services/advising

Specialized advising services are also offered for English as a Second Language (ESL) students. The English as a Second Language office can be reached at 847.925.6227.

Success Services for Students

Learn to study smarter! Success services for students provides individual instruction for students who would like to improve their learning skills. One-hour sessions include study skills, test-taking tips, time management, reading strategies, test anxiety, memory, concentration, motivation, note-taking skills, math strategies, accounting tips, economics tips, preparing for finals, and online study tips.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental instruction provides regularly-scheduled, informal review sessions. Students compare notes, discuss readings and develop organizational tools. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together. The sessions are facilitated by supplemental instruction leaders. Supplemental instruction is offered in select classes each semester.

Developmental Math Center

Tutoring for all developmental math classes is available online. Please check our website for current schedules and scheduling instructions.

For schedules, hours, and learn more about the Academic Support Center, visit: harpercollege.edu/academicsupport

The mission of Access and Disability Services (ADS) is to advocate for positive change that makes Harper College more universally accessible. We are guided by a philosophy of social justice, providing students access to opportunities to achieve their academic and personal goals. Harper College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, and state and local legislation.

Students can apply for ADS services and accommodations by filling out the online form at https://hood.accessiblelearning.com/s-Harper/ApplicationStudent.aspx, upload documentation about the nature and extent of their disability, then contact ADS to arrange an intake interview. The student will be interviewed and have their accommodation plan determined by an Access Advocate. ADS can assist students in arranging disability accommodations in the classroom, maintaining good academic standing, developing self-advocacy skills, and creating a post-Harper transition plan. In addition, ADS offers eligible students an opportunity to utilize a wide variety of specialized assistive technology equipment, and works closely with faculty and staff across Harper to ensure that the campus is physically, electronically and programmatically accessible to individuals with disabilities.  Social and disability cultural events and opportunities are also recognized as important to the development of the whole student and are offered each semester for the students to participate in or attend.

Services, accommodations and equipment are requested through a proprietary online system (AIM).  Students interested in securing access or services go to their student portal to manage their accommodations and make requests each semester.  Some services such as conversion of print material to digital, large print, auditory or Braille format may require six to eight weeks lead time. Availability of some services may be limited or delayed for students who submit requests late.  For questions or issues, the student should contact or stop by ADS at the earliest possible date at 847.925.6266 (voice); Deaf or Hard of Hearing callers, 224.836.5048 (Videophone).

ADS also provides information and reasonable accommodations to campus visitors. Requests should be made as early as possible to determine the availability of resources. Employees of the College who need reasonable accommodations should refer to the Human Resources Procedure Manual for information on how to request an employee accommodation.

ADS also can provide reasonable accommodations and services to pregnant students who apply for access and accommodations, in accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act. Pregnant students are afforded protections from discrimination and reasonable accommodations to allow equal access similar to a temporary disability. Title IX information is available at https://www.harpercollege.edu/about/consumerinfo/title-ix/campus-policy/index.php.

For more information, visit the Access and Disability website at: harpercollege.edu/ads

The Center for New Students and Orientation provides advising support to degree-seeking, certificate-seeking and students-at-large during their transition as a new student to the College. The Center for New Students and Orientation also delivers information helpful for students' successful navigation of Harper College and its processes.

This center offers New Student Orientation year-round. New Student Orientation provides an introduction to Areas of Interest and an overview of services and resources available at Harper College. At New Student Orientation, students begin setting goals, developing their educational plan and are assisted with the registration process.

The Center for New Students also provides advising and onboarding services for academically-prepared high school students interested in earning Harper College credit through the Early College and Middle College programs. Additionally, the Center for New Students provides customized case-management for Fast Track students and those receiving funding from the WIOA grant.

For more information, contact the Center for New Students and Orientation at 847.925.6208 or visit: harpercollege.edu/orientation

Student Development Counseling Services provides support to students across three main areas: Career, Personal, and Educational Counseling.  Services are offered individually, in workshop, and small group formats free of charge. Counseling Services uses a short term model to provide services such as stress reduction and wellness techniques to help students achieve their goals. Counseling Services does not provide long term or acute counseling care or services that involve or require diagnosis, medication or competency evaluation. For urgent needs, counselors have walk-in hours and can provide crisis intervention and consultation during business hours.  We also work with community agencies to help students find additional support, as needed. For more information, visit: harpercollege.edu/services/counseling/

The Job Placement Resource Center (JPRC) is committed to helping Harper students become job search ready. Services include assisting with resumes and cover letters, interview preparation, job search strategies and review of the “essential skills” required for today’s workplace.

Full-time, part-time, co-op and internship positions posted by area employers for Harper students and alumni can be accessed 24/7 on our online job-listing site Hire a Hawk. New job opportunities are posted continuously. Resumes can be also be posted on this site to apply for positions and for employers to view.

Students interested in working on campus as a student aide can receive help with their application in the JPRC. Many on-campus employment opportunities are available each semester.

Assistance can be obtained by scheduling an individual appointment or during walk-in hours.

Call 847.925.6400, email at jprc@harpercollege.edu or visit: harpercollege.edu/jprc

The Library is committed to providing resources and services, as well as physical space, computing facilities, and reference assistance to support and enhance teaching and learning.  The Library responds to patrons’ informational needs by developing, maintaining and improving access to a balanced collection of materials, both physical and online, as well as providing access to programs and services that reflect the full range of diversity of the college community. For more information, visit harpercollege.edu/library

The Women's Program supports the education and employment goals of people in economic need who are single parents, women fleeing domestic (intimate partner) violence, non-traditional career seekers, or women pursuing English as a Second Language coursework through specialized case-management. Limited scholarships are available for tuition, books, and class fees, as funding permits. The Women's Program can be reached at 847.925.6558 or by visiting: harpercollege.edu/services/advising/womensprogram/

Comprehensive student programming and activities are available at little to no cost for students. In-person and/or virtual lectures, concerts, films, special events and other leadership, social and intellectual opportunities are sponsored throughout the year by Student Engagement. Students can explore and enjoy diversity programs and multicultural celebrations; be involved with student media and publications; access free legal and immigration guidance; participate in the student leadership programs; connect to the Center for Veterans and Military Connected Students; attend lectures, concerts, film, art exhibits sponsored by the Cultural Arts Committee; and be involved in one of the many clubs and student organizations on campus. A list of active student clubs and organizations can be found at:harpercollege.edu/services/involvement/clubs/

Numerous student organizations are active and students are encouraged to begin other organizations within the established guidelines.

Student Engagement is located in the Student Center, Building A, Room A336. Additional information can be found at: harpercollege.edu/getinvolved

Student Engagement recognizes outstanding contributions to the student experience at Harper College through monetary awards known as Student Service Awards.   Students are typically nominated by a club or organization advisor and/or by other students based on their performance, position, responsibility, leadership, length of service, and involvement in student clubs and organizations or leadership programs.    Evidence of significant contributions must be documented in the recommendation. The nomination process opens during the spring semester. 

More information on these award programs is available through Student Engagement.

The Student Government Association (SGA) represents all Harper students to the College's staff, faculty, administration, and the community. SGA officers and senators are responsible for acting upon student concerns, appointing students to College committees, reviewing and recommending changes in College policy, approving registration of student organizations, and otherwise promoting and advocating for student success and student welfare. Student Government Association is made up of students elected to the positions of President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Any student may petition to be a Senator on Student Government Association. Additionally, Student Government Association has three secretaries that are select by the Vice President: Secretary for Diversity and Inclusion, Secretary for Student Engagement, Secretary for Leadership and Service. Learn more at: harpercollege.edu/services/involvement/clubs/student-government-association.php

The Student Center, located in Building A, offers space for formal and informal gatherings and student activities. Many of Harper's lectures, concerts, informal discussions, meetings, conferences and other activities are held in the Student Center. Its facilities include Cockrell Dining Hall, two TV areas, lounges, meeting rooms and the student radio station, WHCM - 88.3FM. A variety of College offices are also housed in the Student Center. As a common area of the campus, individuals' behavior is subject to general time, place, and manner guidelines.

To ensure efficient use of the facilities, the following building policies have been established:

  • Individuals are expected to be respectful of others who are using the facility. Any person or group causing a significant disruption to others may be required to leave and may be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct or other appropriate means.
  • Programs may be held in the Student Center that may require the relocation of students from one area to another. In such cases, regulations will be posted or announcements will be made indicating the affected area.  A full listing of events taking place in the Student Center and on Campus can be found on the Harper College Events webpage. 
  • Connecting electronic devices, such as gaming systems or phone chargers, to College operated televisions in the Building A Student Center is not permitted without prior approval from Student Engagement.
  • Closed captioning shall be featured on all Student Center televisions as it provides an important connection to news, entertainment and information for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.  If the closed captioning has been turned off, please visit the Student Engagement office located in Building A Room 336 for assistance in restoring the closed captioning functions.     

Free tutoring is available in more than 200 courses. This assistance is provided by professional and peer tutors. Students must be enrolled in the course for which they are seeking tutoring.

Services that are offered include tutoring by appointment, tutoring on a drop-in basis and review seminars. Study guides are also available for certain courses.

Appointments may be scheduled through your Student Portal. To make an appointment:

  1. Log in to your MyHarper Student Portal
  2. Click on Academic Success
  3. Click on Schedule a Tutoring Appointment

For more information and our current schedule, visit: harpercollege.edu/academicsupport


Drop-ins are available for chemistry, math, developmental math and statistics in the Tutoring Center. To join a drop-in tutoring session,

  1. Click on Live Chat (on the website)
  2. Chat with the Front Desk -- they will ask you questions about your Harper ID number and the course you're looking for help with

The Center for Student Veterans and Military-Connected Students at Harper College serves as a central resource hub for all military veterans, active-duty personnel and their eligible spouses or dependents who are students at Harper. Located in Building A, the center opened in 2017, and offers the following services.  For more information, contact 847.925.6555 or visit: harpercollege.edu/registration/financialaid/veterans/


  • Information on Veteran scholarships, emergency loans
  • Dedicated Veterans Lounge with study area and computer
  • SVA (Student Veterans Association)
  • Assistance with military transcript evaluations
  • Student, Academic and Career Programming
  • Referrals to Student Resources, Services and Student Life
  • Referals to local Veteran assistance organizations
  • Individual student advocacy
  • VA work study program

The Writing Center provides several free services which are available to help Harper students succeed. They can work in the open computer lab, consult with tutors on a drop-in basis about their papers in all academic areas, and make appointments with tutors to discuss specific assignments and develop skills in writing, literacy and critical thinking. Online support for writing assignments is also available.

Tutors can:

  • Clarify assignment requirements
  • Guide you through steps of writing process
  • Suggest strategies for revision
  • Respond to drafts
  • Answer specific questions on structure, grammar and content
  • Reinforce skills in building vocabulary, writing sentences, developing paragraphs and proofreading
  • Assist with documentation
  • Offer strategies for interpreting, analyzing and evaluating a text
  • Develop a plan for building on strengths and improving writing and reading skills

Appointments may be scheduled through your Student Portal. To make an appointment:

  1. Log in to your MyHarper Student Portal
  2. Click on Academic Success
  3. Click on Schedule a Success Services Appointment


Drop-ins are available for the Writing Center. To join a drop-in tutoring session,

  1. Click on Live Chat (on the website)
  2. Chat with the Front Desk -- they will ask you questions about your Harper ID number and the course you're looking for help with
  3. Click on the link in the chat to join the tutoring session

For more information and our current schedule, visit harpercollege.edu/academicsupport


Last Updated: 10/29/24