Harper College

Anthropology and Sociology Faculty

Meet Our Faculty

Dr. Monica Edwards

Portrait of Monica Edwards

Office: J149
Phone: 847-925-6814
Email: medwards@harpercollege.edu

Dr. Monica Edwards is a Professor of Sociology at Harper College. She received her M.S. in Sociology from Illinois State University and her PhD in Sociology from Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Edwards has been at Harper College since 2010, and has been teaching Sociology since 2000.

Dr. Monica’s areas of sociological interest include: critical and compassionate pedagogies, food systems, the sociology of the climate crisis, gender, sexuality, intersectionality theory, and social inequalities. Monica's dissertation focused on how popular culture is used as a tool/resource in negotiating relationships across sexual differences. Her current work focuses on social justice pedagogies.

In her free time, Dr. Monica enjoys camping, hiking, biking, travelling, reading and listening to and playing music.

  • Edwards, M., & Grippe, A. (2019). Assimilation in Suburbia? Geographical and Cultural Barriers to Working With LGBTQ+ Students in Suburban Community Colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2019(188), 29-41.
  • Edwards, Monica. "Left Behind By the Alter: Why Queers and Sociologists Need Materialist Feminism." Socialist Studies 11.1 (2016).
  • Edwards, Monica. "Transconversations: New media, community, and identity." LGBT identity and online new media (159-172). New York: Routledge (2010).

At Harper College Dr. Edwards regularly teaches:

  • Introduction to Sociology (SOC 101) — in person and online sections offered.  This class is taught through the lens of food systems, environmental racism and environmental sustainability.  We will focus on exploring the reciprocal relationships between social structure, culture, and human agency.
  • Family in Contemporary Society (SOC 120) — in person and online classes offered.  This class is taught through the lens of intersectionality (race/class/gender) and the household division of labor within historical context.
  • Sociology of Sex & Gender (SOC 230) — in person and online sections offered.  This class is taught through the lens of gender and the body and policing. We explore multiple theoretical perspectives: materialist feminism, social construction theories, and “doing gender” (symbolic interactionism).


Dr. James Gramlich

silhoutte of a person's head

Office: J-155
Phone: 847.925.6279
Email: jgramlic@harpercollege.edu

Dr James Gramlich is Professor of Sociology and Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. He earned his BA from Oklahoma State University and his MA and PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Professor Gramlich began teaching in 1998 and has been a faculty member at Harper since 2008.

Dr Gramlich has broad, interdisciplinary interests, but his sociological areas of focus include social psychology and symbolic interaction, international and comparative sociology, race and ethnicity, and the role of place and space in social organization. His PhD thesis focused on adaptation and self-presentation among people experiencing homelessness in Chicago and London.

He is currently completing an Open Educational Resource — a zero-cost online textbook — for use in teaching sociological social psychology and symbolic interaction.

  • SOC101: Introduction to Sociology (On-Campus/Blended/Online LIVE): The focus of this course is the development of a sociological imagination, critical reasoning skills, and an appreciation of empiricism. Students learn how these skills enable them to take a skeptical stance toward features of the social world normally taken for granted. Particular attention is paid to exploring the role of stratification and inequality in shaping social organization.
  • SOC205: Social Problems (On-Campus/Blended/Online LIVE/Study Abroad): This class is organized around assessing the origins and nature of problematic features of society. Emphasizing how social problems emerge and how they are constructed allows students to identify and appreciate the role of history, place, culture, and material conditions. The study abroad version of the course is capped with two weeks of fieldwork and immersion in London as part of a comparative analysis of social problems.
  • SOC215: Social Psychology (On-Campus/Blended/Online LIVE): This course explores the influence society has on the individual and how interaction impacts social organization. This relationship is explored through the lens of homelessness and the constraints on interaction created by social conditions as well as by the design and use of public space.
  • SOC235: Race and Ethnicity (On-Campus/Blended/Online LIVE): The focus of this class is on intergroup relations in the US and other multi-ethnic and multi-racial societies. The history, social construction, and consequences of racial and ethnic categories are explored and contextualized. A broad set of theories explaining prejudice and discrimination are considered and critiqued.


Last Updated: 3/3/25