Harper College

Psychology Sample Transfer Plan

Transfer to a four-year university to study psychology

Transfer majors Social Sciences icon

  • Psychology

Earn your Associate in Arts degree and transfer to a four-year institution to major in psychology. You’ll take core classes along with courses in practical psychology, adult psychology, theories of personality, biological basis of behavior, abnormal psychology and more.

Harper College is a great place to study psychology. Classes are taught by knowledgeable instructors who are highly skilled in the psychology field. Get additional experience by participating in the Psychology Club and more than 60 other student organizations.

This program offers you a convenient and affordable way to begin your college education by earning the first two years of your bachelor’s degree at Harper. Academic advisors will help you choose courses that meet the specific requirements of the four-year college or university you plan to attend.

Sample transfer plan

This sample transfer planning guide meets the requirements of the Associate in Arts degree and follows the Illinois Articulation Initiative psychology baccalaureate major recommendations. Students choosing to follow this sample plan need to choose the major of Associate in Arts if needing financial aid. Transfer institution requirements may vary - students should check individual college/university requirements before completing the sample plan as outlined. Baccalaureate admission may be competitive. Completion of these courses alone does not guarantee admission.

F = Fall only course S = Spring only course U = Summer only course


Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 3

Description:  Emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose. IAI C1 900

Prerequisite: ENG 096 with a grade of P or other placement options: english-placement-grid.php ESL students need one of the following options: ESL 073 and ESL 074 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 086 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 099 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 with required writing placement test score; or ESL 074 with required reading placement test score.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Humanities and Fine Arts1 3
Major Discipline and Transfer Elective2 3
MTH 165 4

Description:  Focuses on statistical reasoning and the solving of problems using real-world data rather than on computational skills. The use of technology-based computations (more advanced than a basic scientific calculator, such as graphing calculators with a statistical package, spreadsheets, or statistical computing software) is required with an emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of statistical results. Topics must include data collection processes (observational studies, experimental design, sampling techniques, bias), descriptive methods using quantitative and qualitative data, bivariate data, correlation, and least ­squares regression, basic probability theory, probability distributions (normal distributions and normal curve, binomial distribution), confidence intervals and hypothesis tests using p-values. (Credit will be given for either MTH 162 or MTH 165 or MTH 225, but not for more than one of these courses.) IAI M1 902

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

PSY 101 + 3

Description:  Investigates human and animal behavior with emphasis on the scientific nature of contemporary and classic psychological investigation. Emphasizes psychological theories, principles, and research applications. Introduces the divisions of the American Psychological Association. References biological processes, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, mental disorders, intelligence, aptitude, personality, development, daily life and everyday problems. IAI S6 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


Number Course Title Credits
ENG 102 3

Description:  Continues ENG 101. Reading literature and writing of various types of prose. Introduces methods used in writing investigative papers. IAI C1 901R

Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor or department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Physical and Life Science4 3
Social and Behavioral Science5 3
SPE 101 3

Description:  Theory and practice of oral communications. Development of poise, confidence and skill in speech organization and delivery. Emphasis on frequent speaking, development of standards of criticism and selection and organization of material. IAI C2 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

PSY 230 3

Description:  Investigates the classification, diagnosis, assessment, etiology and treatment of the mental disorders. Evaluates the theories, principles and empirically derived findings concerning the biological, psychological, social and cultural influences of abnormal behaviors. Introduces the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and its coding criteria, as well as the World Health Organization's statistical classifications (ICD). Explores the principles and practices of clinical psychologists and clinical researchers. IAI PSY 905

Prerequisite: PSY 101 (Introduction to Psychology/IAI S6 900) or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


Number Course Title Credits
Humanities and Fine Arts1 3
SOC 215 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces the methods used to understand, explain and predict how the thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals are influenced by the thoughts and actions of social groups. Investigates how attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by others within society and how society is influenced by the individual. IAI S8 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

Major Discipline and Transfer Electives6 3
Major Discipline and Transfer Elective 3
Physical and Life Science4 4


Number Course Title Credits
Humanities and Fine Arts1 3
Social and Behavioral Science5 3
Major Discipline and Transfer Elective7 3
Major Discipline and Transfer Elective 3
Major Discipline and Transfer Elective 3

1 - Select at least one course from Humanities and one from Fine Arts. Interdisciplinary courses may count in either category. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category.

2 - FYS 101 recommended. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category. Consult with the transfer school to see which courses will be accepted.

+ - This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement.

4 - Select one Physical and one Life Science course. At least one must include a lab. Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category.

5 - Refer to the Associate in Arts degree for approved courses in this category. One course from Humanities and Fine Arts or from Social and Behavioral Sciences must meet the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement for the Associate in Arts degree.

6 - PSY 230 or PSY 245 is recommended depending on interest. Consult with the transfer school to see which course will be accepted.

5 - Courses from outside of Psychology should be taken to complete the remaining Social and Behavioral Science requirements

7 - *Select from PSY228, PSY 216, PSY 217, or PSY218. Consult with the transfer school to see which course will be accepted based on your area of study.


Next steps

For more information about studying psychology at Harper, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.

Last Updated: 3/3/25