Harper College

Teaching for SJS

All Harper faculty who are committed to or curious about social justice education are encouraged to participate in SJS curriculum development. Teaching for SJS is an opportunity to work closely with socially engaged faculty and students while implementing course content and classroom practices designed to empower students and to close equity gaps.Faculty participation is essential for the continued growth of our interdisciplinary, multicultural, and inclusive community and for the sustainability of the Social Justice Studies (SJS) Distinction.

How to Participate

There are two paths to SJS course approval:

The course redesign process is a collaborative professional development opportunity offering interested faculty an opportunity to participate in establishing social justice education at Harper College. Over the course of the semester-long redesign, participating faculty work together to bring current course plans more closely in line with the SJS Learning Outcomes and Course Commitments. Through self-assessment, group readings and discussions, guest speakers, and curriculum building workshop activities, participants prepare a redesigned course plan. Cohorts typically meet either in weekly 60-minute or biweekly 90-minute sessions. Finally, the SJS Advisory Council will determine whether these revised course plans demonstrate an ability to accomplish SJS Learning Outcomes and demonstrate SJS Commitments. Participants receive a competitive stipend based on course redesign, marketing, implementation, and evaluation.


Faculty who feel confident that their current course plan already achieves SJS Learning Outcomes and effectively demonstrates SJS Commitments have the option to skip directly to the final presentation for Advisory Council feedback and approval. Please keep in mind that the Council may advise that the applicant needs to complete the full redesign process to make necessary improvements. Applicants who skip the redesign process will only receive the stipend portions designated for course implementation and evaluation.


Requests to join the SJS Course Redesign process or to schedule an Advisory Council presentation must be sent to the SJS Coordinator within the first two weeks of the semester prior to course implementation.

For more information, contact the Social Justice Studies Coordinator:

Michael Bentley

Last Updated: 3/3/25