Harper College

Roy G. Kearns Memorial Scholarship

For Full-time Physical Education and Health Education Students

Roy G. Kearns Memorial Scholarship is available to full-time Kinesiology and Health Education (Kinesiology, Athletic Training, Sports Medicine, Coaching, Exercise Physiology) students. The scholarship may cover up to full time in-district tuition costs.

About Roy Kearns

The Roy G. Kearns Memorial Scholarship was developed to honor the memory of Roy Kearns who was a respected Harper College faculty member and successful tennis and swim coach in the Kinesiology and Health Education department for 23 years. Roy Kearns was a leader in the field of aquatics, tennis and recreation. Roy Kearns developed the aquatic program at Harper College and was an active leader in the Mid-American Red Cross Water Safety Program. He also coached mens tennis and swimming and was a recipient of numerous prestigious honors. Roy Kearns was a sensitive, caring gentleman who dedicated is life to teaching his students the value of physical education and sport. Roy's students always responded positively to his teaching and guidance because they knew he deeply cared about them as individuals. Roy was taken from us prematurely due to cancer.

About the Roy G. Kearns Scholarship

To preserve his memory and to honor the contributions that he made to the Kinesiology and Health Education Department, this scholarship was set up and is maintained by the Kinesiology and Health Education faculty. In addition to receiving a monetary award, the recipient is honored during the College graduation ceremony held in the spring.

This scholarship is made possible by donations from the Harper College Community, friends, students and peers.


The applicant must:

  • be a resident of Community College District 512.
  • be a kinesiology or health education major. have completed 24 credit hours of coursework at Harper College. (Six hours must be in KIN 200 or HED 200 level coursework)
  • have a 2.5 grade point average or better at Harper College.
  • be currently enrolled at Harper College in 12 hours, and maintain full-time status in good standing.
  • be involved in extracurricular activities at the college.
  • obtain recommendations from two Harper College faculty members, one of which must be written by a current kinesiology or health education faculty, activity sponsor or coach.

Please apply online for this scholarship through the Office of Student Financial Assistance.

Last Updated: 3/3/25