Harper College

Associate in Applied Science

Male and female law enforcement officers stand next to a police car

Earn your degree in law enforcement and justice administration

Career options Public Service icon

  • Law enforcement
  • Private security

Prepare for a career in law enforcement and justice administration with this 61-credit-hour degree program. This is an ideal program for individuals interested in pursuing a career in the law enforcement field. The program also meets the specific entry-level requirements for becoming a law enforcement officer in the State of Illinois.

Take courses in criminal justice, criminal law, juvenile justice, forensics, corrections, patrol procedures, organized crime and more. All classes are taught by expert instructors who have practical knowledge and experience in their respective fields.

A.A.S. degree program plan

This 61 credit-hour program is designed to serve the needs of individuals who are seeking a career in law enforcement and to meet the specific entry-level requirements to be a law enforcement officer in the State of Illinois.

This multi-disciplinary curriculum provides a general education as well as specialized training. Students who successfully complete the initial 30-31 credit hours of this program may continue on with the law enforcement career track (Year 2).

F = Fall only course S = Spring only course U = Summer only course


Number Course Title Credits Category
ENG 101 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose. IAI C1 900

Prerequisite: ENG 096 with a grade of P or other placement options: english-placement-grid.php ESL students need one of the following options: ESL 073 and ESL 074 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 086 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 099 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 with required writing placement test score; or ESL 074 with required reading placement test score.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 101 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Studies the history, role, development, and constitutional aspects of law enforcement and public safety. Review of agencies and functions involved in processes of administration of criminal justice. IAI CRJ 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 116 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Introduces student to the use of scientific disciplines in crime investigation. Identifies the variety of sources of evidence and the means by which comparative analysis can be made. Introduces student to probability theory. Develops skills in crime scene technology, fingerprinting, photography and recording.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Mathematics1 3 AAS General Education
SOC 101 + 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Analysis and description of the structure and dynamics of human society. Application of scientific methods to the observation and analysis of social norms, groups, inter-group relations, social change, social stratification and institutions. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI S7 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025


Number Course Title Credits Category
LEJ 201 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Examines local, state and federal criminal law. Topics include a definition of the crimes, their elements, and attendant circumstances and related defenses.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 205 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Examines organization, jurisdiction and functions of juvenile agencies. Juvenile court movement, juvenile detention, processing and treatment. Statutes and court procedures for juveniles. Problems of juvenile delinquency, theories of causation and prevention programs. Police responsibilities and contacts, current community, state and federal prevention programs. IAI CRJ 914

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 101 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Introduces the student to reasoning in a language-centered context. Students will learn how to identify arguments and distinguish them from other types of discourse. Some topics covered include evaluating claims, recognizing informal fallacies, problem solving and evaluating media. Students will also learn how to cast issues in a neutral manner, to recognize and appreciate a variety of perspectives, and to argue for and against more than one perspective on an issue. The focus of this course is on everyday practical reasoning. IAI H4 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSY 101 + 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Investigates human and animal behavior with emphasis on the scientific nature of contemporary and classic psychological investigation. Emphasizes psychological theories, principles, and research applications. Introduces the divisions of the American Psychological Association. References biological processes, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, mental disorders, intelligence, aptitude, personality, development, daily life and everyday problems. IAI S6 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SPE 101 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Theory and practice of oral communications. Development of poise, confidence and skill in speech organization and delivery. Emphasis on frequent speaking, development of standards of criticism and selection and organization of material. IAI C2 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025


Number Course Title Credits Category
LEJ 104 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides the student with an integrated knowledge about the system through which the criminal offender is processed. Emphasis will be placed upon the philosophical bases of punishment and treatment techniques in institutional and community-based programs plus parole programs. IAI CRJ 911

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 135 4 Program Requirement

Description:  Introduces techniques and procedures used by police in job-related activities. Includes discussion and practice in areas such as vehicle stops, initiating investigations, responding to calls, building checks, emergency situations, crowd control and report preparation.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 210 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Examines the nature and extent of crime in American society, theories of crime causation and control of criminal behavior. IAI CRJ 912

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 214 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Examines issues in community policing with emphasis on the concept of public and community relations as well as police involvement in community problems. Stresses the role of the police in maintaining public order and safety as a member of the community and in partnership with other community constituencies.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 216 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Studies the art of investigation to reconstruct facts and circumstances of any event. Prepares students to plan and execute investigations commonly performed in civil and criminal work with concentration on obtaining direct evidence through interviewing, interrogation, observation and the use of documents and records.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025


Number Course Title Credits Category
EMG, KIN or LEJ electives2 6 Program Requirement
LEJ 200 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Prepares students to successfully resolve critical ethical and leadership issues they will encounter in their law enforcement careers. Includes developing and maintaining professional integrity, the proper exercise of discretion and authority, morale and motivation, and responsibility for ethical conduct.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 and LEJ 210 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 202 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Examines and analyzes federal and state law relating to arrest, search and seizure, First Amendment activities, interrogation, civil liability of police, and trial procedures.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LEJ 225 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Introduces the phenomenon of crisis and the theories, methods and techniques used by law enforcement. Includes psychological factors, use of force, and de-escalation communication.

Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

1 - Students must place into 100-level mathematics or higher. If a student does not place into 100-level math, they may seek to retake the math placement exam or complete a college-level math course with co-requisite to meet math requirements. Students that place into 100-level mathematics or higher can take a 3 credit-hour AAS General Education elective. See full list of AAS General Education Electives. See full list of AAS General Education Electives.

+ - This course meets the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement.

2 - Electives: EMG 131, EMG 231, KIN 100, LEJ 107, LEJ 138, LEJ 140, LEJ 217, LEJ 218, LEJ 240(S), LEJ 295, LEJ 299.

Program learning outcomes

Students will:

  • Use appropriate terminology to effectively communicate and solve problems within law enforcement.
  • Follow correct procedural guidelines when responding to various Human Rights situations (e.g. Domestic Violence, Hate Crimes, etc..).
  • Respect diverse perspectives and cultures while serving in any Criminal Justice Field.
  • Determine the proper Use of Force while responding to various law enforcement scenarios.
  • Apply constitutional standards while engaging in law enforcement activities.

Next steps

For more information about law enforcement training at Harper, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.

Last Updated: 1/14/25