Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Career options
Prepare for a career in forensic science with this 60-credit-hour degree program. Forensic technicians are trained in identifying, gathering and preserving evidence, playing a critical role in the criminal justice system. As a student in this program, you’ll learn the legal and scientific aspects of evidence, methods of crime scene searches and procedures for locating and preserving evidence.
Take classes in fire behavior and combustion, criminal justice, chemistry, criminal procedures, hazardous materials, investigative process, leadership and ethics for law enforcement, forensics and more.
This 60 credit-hour program will provide instruction to students in the proper techniques of identifying, collecting and packaging physical evidence associated with crime scenes and understanding the importance of proper evidence handling. The forensic science technician is responsible for processing evidence at crime scenes, identifying, collecting, and preserving physical evidence to support law enforcement activities. Graduates may be employed as forensic technicians, property and identification custodians, arson investigators and investigators for local law enforcement and fire services, federal agencies, local, regional and national crime labs, as well as in private industry such as insurance companies, etc.
F = Fall only course S = Spring only course U = Summer only course
A grade of C or better in all FIS, LEJ, and MTH courses is required for all students.
Number | Course Title | Credits | Category |
ENG 101 | Composition I | 3 | AAS General Education |
Description: Emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose. IAI C1 900 Prerequisite: ENG 096 with a grade of P or other placement options: english-placement-grid.php ESL students need one of the following options: ESL 073 and ESL 074 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 086 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 099 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 with required writing placement test score; or ESL 074 with required reading placement test score. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
FIS 121 | Fire Behavior and Combustion | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Explores the theories and principles of how and why fires start, spread, and are brought under control. Students will be able to relate the principles by which fires spread with the appropriate methods of control. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 101 | Introduction to Criminal Justice | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Studies the history, role, development, and constitutional aspects of law enforcement and public safety. Review of agencies and functions involved in processes of administration of criminal justice. IAI CRJ 901 Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 116 | Forensics I | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Introduces student to the use of scientific disciplines in crime investigation. Identifies the variety of sources of evidence and the means by which comparative analysis can be made. Introduces student to probability theory. Develops skills in crime scene technology, fingerprinting, photography and recording. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
Mathematics1 | 3 | AAS General Education |
A grade of C or better in all CHM and LEJ courses is required for all students.
Number | Course Title | Credits | Category |
ANT 215 | Introduction to Forensic Anthropology S | 3 | Program Requirement |
This course is only offered in the spring term. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
CHM 100 | Chemistry for the Health Sciences or | ||
Description: Introduces basic concepts of inorganic and organic chemistry and biochemistry. Emphasizes chemical principles applied to biological systems. Laboratory exercises apply theory to biological and consumer products. Especially designed for students in allied health sciences. Meets the prerequisite of the Nursing program. IAI P1 902L Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
CHM 110 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | 4 | AAS General Education |
Description: Introduces concepts of chemistry. Emphasizes the composition of matter, the periodic table, the chemistry of solutions and chemical calculations. The laboratory experiments utilize many common household materials to demonstrate applications of chemical concepts. For students whose preparation does not permit enrollment in CHM 121. IAI P1 902L Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MTH 070 (Plane Geometry) with a grade of C or better or Geometry Waiver AND placement into college-level mathematics. mathplacement.php Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
ENG 103 | Technical and Report Writing | 3 | AAS General Education |
Description: Introduces the various types of writing and communication used in business and technology. Includes instructions, procedures, abstracts, proposals, visuals and reports. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor or department chair. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 217 | Forensics II | 4 | Program Requirement |
Description: Provides an expanded understanding of the procedures for collection and analysis of physical evidence, concentrating on the evidentiary significance of items commonly found at crime scenes. Includes detailed methods of processing a crime scene; documentation, location and proper collection of evidence; proper handling of evidence; and analytical techniques of interpreting evidence. Prerequisite: LEJ 116 with a grade of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
A grade of C or better in all FIS and LEJ courses is required for all students.
Number | Course Title | Credits | Category |
CIS 101 | Introduction to Computer Information Systems | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Provides students with an introduction to computer and information systems used in business environments. Includes computer hardware, operating systems, information systems, programming concepts, computer security and ethics, and trains students in the use of business software including word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, database management software, networking and internet access methods. IAI BUS 902 Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
FIS 132 | Hazardous Materials | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Reviews basic chemistry, storage, handling, laws, standards and fire fighting practices pertaining to hazardous materials. Emphasis on identification, labeling, handling, firefighting, and mitigation of hazardous materials emergencies. Students who wish to satisfy the Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshall Certificate Requirements must successfully complete this course as well as the required practical skills evaluation prior to taking the state examination by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (A.H.J.). Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
FIS 210 | Fire -Arson Investigation 2 | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Provides the identification of the nature and behavior of fire, combustion properties, sources of ignition, the techniques and procedures for the identification of the cause and origin of fires, the detection of arson, the role of the fire investigator, the role of the crime laboratory, arson law, and fire report writing. Prerequisite: FIS 100 and FIS 121 with grades of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 202 | Criminal Procedures | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Examines and analyzes federal and state law relating to arrest, search and seizure, First Amendment activities, interrogation, civil liability of police, and trial procedures. Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 218 | Forensics III | 4 | Program Requirement |
Description: Focuses on specialized evidence and reconstruction of crime scenes with the use of hands-on training in advanced techniques of identifying, collecting and preserving physical evidence with the use of luminal, biological presumptive tests, trace evidence, arson and explosive evidence. Prerequisite: LEJ 217 with a grade of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
A grade of C or better in all LEJ courses is required for all students.
Number | Course Title | Credits | Category |
LEJ 200 | Leadership and Ethics for Law Enforcement | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Prepares students to successfully resolve critical ethical and leadership issues they will encounter in their law enforcement careers. Includes developing and maintaining professional integrity, the proper exercise of discretion and authority, morale and motivation, and responsibility for ethical conduct. Prerequisite: LEJ 101 and LEJ 210 with grades of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 216 | Investigative Process | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Studies the art of investigation to reconstruct facts and circumstances of any event. Prepares students to plan and execute investigations commonly performed in civil and criminal work with concentration on obtaining direct evidence through interviewing, interrogation, observation and the use of documents and records. Prerequisite: LEJ 101 with a grade of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
LEJ 295 | Forensics IV | 3 | Program Requirement |
Description: Provides a unique course in crime scene investigation incorporating a combination of lecture and hands-on training utilizing advanced techniques of crime scene analysis and reconstruction. Students will process a crime scene from its initial discovery to the testimony in court. Prerequisite: LEJ 218 with a grade of C or better. Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
PHI 101 | Critical Thinking | 3 | AAS General Education |
Description: Introduces the student to reasoning in a language-centered context. Students will learn how to identify arguments and distinguish them from other types of discourse. Some topics covered include evaluating claims, recognizing informal fallacies, problem solving and evaluating media. Students will also learn how to cast issues in a neutral manner, to recognize and appreciate a variety of perspectives, and to argue for and against more than one perspective on an issue. The focus of this course is on everyday practical reasoning. IAI H4 906 Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology + | 3 | AAS General Education |
Description: Analysis and description of the structure and dynamics of human society. Application of scientific methods to the observation and analysis of social norms, groups, inter-group relations, social change, social stratification and institutions. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI S7 900 Class Schedule: Spring 2025 | Summer 2025 |
1 - Students must place into 100-level mathematics or higher. If a student does not place into 100-level math, they may seek to retake the math placement exam or complete a college-level math course with co-requisite to meet math requirements. Students that place into 100-level mathematics or higher can take a 3 credit-hour AAS General Education elective. See full list of AAS General Education Electives. See full list of AAS General Education Electives.
2 - Prerequisite of FIS 100 will be waived for Forensic Science students.
+ - This course meets the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement.
For more information about forensic science training at Harper College, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.