Harper College

Clinical Requirement Information

The following requirements are mandated by the clinical site and are important for our commitment to public safety including personal safety from exposure to potential disease during clinical work.

Sterile Processing and Distribution



General Information

Student is responsible for meeting all requirements for Clinical Requirement Clearance prior to the first day of clinical.

DEADLINE FOR CLINICAL REQUIREMENT CLEARANCE: One week before the start of Clinical Rotation or the due date posted within the syllabus. Please allow plenty of time to get all requirements completed and reviewed.

Requirements and Steps to Follow to Obtain Health Clearance:

** STUDENT may complete health requirements with their own health care provider through    their insurance, OR at a clinic of their choice, OR through Northwest Community Healthcare Care Center (NCH) at Harper College; see below contact info:

Northwest Community Healthcare Outpatient Care Center at Harper College

Complio Surgical Technology/ Sterile Processing subscription

All Health Requirements are uploaded into Complio for tracking. http://harpercollegecompliance.com/

All medical records and requirements must be uploaded, reviewed and cleared by Complio before a student can attend a clinical rotation. You will need to choose a program of study, this will be Surgical Technology: for both the Surgical Technology and Sterile Processing and Distribution programs. Sign all student forms on Complio, including the Covid-19 Waiver.

If you have previously been registered in another Harper College healthcare program and had a Complio subscription you can switch your subscription to Surgical Technology and your previous health requirements will move over as well.

Please note that all requirements must be uploaded to your Complio account. THEN you need to attach it to each requirement and complete other information – most dates, etc.

  • Complio manages health clearance for students in Health Careers clinical programs. ANY questions or problems with Complio - CALL THEM FIRST at 1-800- 200-0853

Physical Exam

A physical exam must be signed, stamped and dated by a healthcare provider within the current year. Physical must state that essential abilities are met. Doctor must add a note clearly stating, “student can function as a Surgical Technologist/Sterile Processing Technician including list 50# and push 100#” OR “eligible to participate in sports”.

Note: Review Functional Abilities listed on the Harper Website. Student must be able to perform the functions of a Surgical Technologist or Sterile Processing Technician.

Harper’s physical form or Northwest Community’s form must be used. It can be found at: Harper Physical Form

COVID-19 Vaccine

Harper College is requiring all health career students who engage in a clinical rotation to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Unvaccinated students should begin their vaccine series no later than September 1, 2021. Students must receive the last dose of the vaccine series (one shot for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, two shots for the Pfizer or Moderna series) no later than October 8, 2021.

Students must upload proof of vaccination in the appropriate program tracking system. Failure to provide documentation of at least one COVID-19 vaccination shot by September 1, 2021 and a completed vaccine series by October 8, 2021, will result in student dismissal from clinical courses.

Students can obtain Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations free of charge at the NCH Outpatient Care Center located on the Harper campus. For more information visit the site below: https://www.harpercollege.edu/advisory/vaccine.php.

Religious and medical exemptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

For more information, see the COVID-19 Vaccine Policy: FAQ page.

Flu Vaccine

Vaccine given annually. (The flu vaccine is seasonal and changes every year in the Fall – must be administered by Oct 1st of current year). You must obtain proof of the current flu vaccine.

Proof of current vaccination MUST include the following:

  • Student name
  • Clinic name
  • Clinic address
  • Date administered
  • Lot # of vaccine
  • Expiration Date

Tetanus/Diphtheria/ Pertussis Vaccination(TDAP)

Obtain a one-time dose of TDAP if you have not previously received. Obtain TDAP boosters every 10 years thereafter.

TB Screening:


Needs to be done once in your career, and then continue with an annual test. A series of two subcutaneous injections; takes approximately 10 days to complete the two injections and the reading of them. The readings must occur within 48 to 72 hours of initial injection. The second TB test must be completed within 1 to 4 weeks after the 1st TB test.

2 Step Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST):

Two-step Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) must be completed prior two receiving other needed immunizations (Mumps, Rubella, Rubeola, or Varicella



Gold Blood Test

Blood test that aids in the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria which causes tuberculosis (TB). A positive QuantiFERON-TB Gold result means that the person has been infected with TB bacteria and should be followed by further medical and diagnostic evaluation to determine if the person has latent TB infection or TB disease.

For students who test positive for Tuberculin exposure:

You must submit a positive PPD and a negative chest x-ray. Once your chest x-ray is 1- year-old, you must submit an annual TB Clearance Letter.

If you have had the BCG vaccine, you must still receive a PPD. The vaccine will not be accepted in place of a PPD.


Last Updated: 1/14/25