Harper College

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a limited enrollment program and has special requirements. Attendance at a Health Care Careers Information Meeting is mandatory prior to acceptance. At this meeting the following topics will be covered: career overview, curriculum plans, preparing for admission and admission policy. Meeting with an academic advisor is also strongly recommended. New students should contact the Center for New Students and Orientation, 847.925.6208. Previously enrolled or current Harper College students should contact the Academic Advising and Counseling Center, 847.925.6393.

Specific tuition costs are listed here under Step 2. Radiologic Technology coursework is double the standard tuition. =TUITION AND FEES** ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Financial aid is available through the Harper College Office of Student Financial Assistance and from area hospitals and agencies.

The following are needed to be successful:

  • Strong academic skills
  • Aptitude for science
  • Effective communication skills
  • Musculoskeletal health-ability to lift and move freely
  • Visual and auditory acuity within normal range
  • High ethical standards
  • Manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination
  • Hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, neck and back health
  • Ability to comfortably work with and show empathy toward patients

According to the results of a 2016 survey conducted by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, the annual full-time salary range for radiologic technologists across the nation average between $52,291–$92,396 with $65,756 being the mean for all disciplines.

Yes. Once accepted into the program the coordinator will provide you with information about when to contact Health and Psychological Services (HPS) to complete specific health requirements. HPS is located in Building A, Room A362, 847.925.6849. The student will be required to undergo a criminal background check and random drug screening.

The program is accredited by the Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology. Accreditation allows the graduates to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technology (ARRT) Examination immediately upon graduation and apply for temporary licensure from the Illinois Emergency Management Association, Division of Nuclear Safety. Since 2008, all Harper College Radiologic Technology graduates have passed their registry examination with the ARRT on the first attempt, averaging a score of 87 percent.

**Cost of Attendance Information

Last Updated: 3/3/25