Harper College

Phlebotomy Program FAQs

Learn more about the Phlebotomy program at Harper College.

  • The phlebotomy program utilizes both Main campus and LCC facilities
  • PHB 101 will be offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer. Semester date and times vary.

The prerequisite for PHB 101 is “prior or concurrent enrollment in HSC 112 (Medical Terminology) with a grade of C or better and high school graduate.” However, the coordinator’s preference is students take HSC 112 before PHB 101.  If a student does not place into ENG 101, the coordinator recommends completing HSC 112 before taking PHB 101.  Students who place into ENG 098 and/or RDG 090 should take these classes before attempting HSC 112.  HSC 112 is a difficult class for students who place into Developmental English and/or Reading. 

This program is not eligible for financial aid since it is only 8 credit hours. Books, health requirements, urine drug screen, and other expenses are all additional costs.

A student who receives a grade below a "75%" in any phlebotomy course (theory or clinical) must repeat the entire course. A student must meet the minimum grade of "75% or better" in each course to advance in the curriculum.

PHB 101 is prerequisite prior to placement in PHB 102 at this time we offer PHB 101 as a 12 week or 16-week course. PHB 102 is an 8-week course with 3-week clinical rotation built in. Therefore, both courses could not be taken at the same time.  

  • Yes. Please be aware when registering for PHB 101 course that there are separate course fees for PHB 101 and PHB 102. When you register for PHB 101 this does not automatically register you for PHB 102 or cover the fees for that course. You will register for PHB 102 in the semester following completion of PHB 101.
  • Please be aware the following cost for Health requirement costs for use of tracking system: Phlebotomy Tracking package: $35/ Urine Drug Screen: $29 this is the responsibility of the students to pay for these items.

No, a student must complete all health requirements as laid out in the Phlebotomy Student Handbook prior to leaving PHB 101 or by the due date deadline listed in the intent to enroll form. 

Not currently only students that complete PHB 101 with Harper College are eligible for clinical placement due to specific course requirements/curriculum and clinical site affiliation agreements.


PHB 102 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pass PHB 101 and HSC 112 with a “C” or better
  • Health Clearance Requirement - Please view Phlebotomy Student Handbook for specifics
  • The PHB 102 class is offered in two 8 week sessions. There is specific due date deadline for completion of all health requirements to be considered eligible for clinical placement.
  • Please reference the Phlebotomy Student Handbook Section 3 on clinical placement, requirements, policies and procedures which is given to every PHB 101 student and available on the Harper College Website.
    • The Phlebotomy 102 class portion is completely online
    • The externship requires a minimum of 120 hours and runs 3-4 weeks, 32-40 hours/week. PHB 102 will now be offered in summer semester twenty seat available for summer, forty seats for fall and spring semester. Externship hours are determined by the site's schedule not the student's schedule. PHB 102 can only be done on a full-time basis. Externship hours vary depending on site (some are from 6 or 7 AM- 1 or 2 PM and others are 8 AM- 5 PM). There are no evening or weekend options available for the externship. Coordinator recommends students talk to their employers (if they work) about taking vacation time or a leave to complete the externship.

A student who receives a grade below a "75%" in any phlebotomy course (theory or clinical) must repeat the entire course. A student must meet the minimum grade of "75% or better" in each course to advance in the curriculum.

All students must complete the Phlebotomy 102 clinical externship experience in two semesters.

  • Completion of PHB 101 in fall semester: Complete PHB 102 in Spring or Summer Semester.
  • Completion of PHB 101 in spring semester: Complete PHB 102 in Summer or Fall semester.
  • Completion of PHB 101 in summer semester: Complete PHB 102 in Fall or Spring semester.
  • Summer clinical placement is very limited and once all spots have been filled no overrides will be provided.

Therefore, if a student is beyond the two-semester limit as outlined above. For the student to be eligible for PHB 102 placement a student would need to re-take PHB 101 principles and practice. In addition to be eligible for PHB 102 placement this includes completion of all heath requirements and Medcom modules.

  • Once all requirement health requirements, medcom and criminal background checks are complete and intent to enroll form is submitted to the Phlebotomy program coordinator, the student will get an email invitation with the clinical site placement and override into PHB 102.