Harper College

Registered Nurse Degree Program

Earn your nursing degree

Program facts Health Science icon

  • Credit hours: 68
  • Career options: Registered nurse (RN)

Earn your Associate in Applied Science degree in nursing with this 68-credit-hour RN degree program. Nursing is one of the most in-demand occupations, and employment is expected to grow at a faster-than-average rate in the coming years. This program will prepare you to provide quality care for clients across their lifespans in a variety of health care settings.

Learn from highly trained faculty members who regularly engage in professional development opportunities to provide cutting-edge teaching methods and clinical information. Practice your skills in Harper College’s Nursing Laboratory, a state-of-the-art simulated clinical environment.

Upon completion of this program, you’ll qualify to take the NCLEX-RN exam and apply for Illinois licensure as a registered nurse.

This is a limited-enrollment program. Please review this program's admission criteria and process.

Nursing degree requirements

This 68 credit-hour program is designed to enable students to receive an Associate in Applied Science degree in Nursing at the completion of the two-year sequence. The program is approved by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc (ACEN).

The Associate in Applied Science degree in Nursing qualifies the graduate for NCLEX-RN and application for Illinois licensure as a registered nurse. Legal limitations could prohibit an individual from taking this licensing examination. Questions regarding these restrictions should be directed to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations at 217.782.8556. Positions are available in a variety of health care settings.

Because of the nature of clinical experiences and individual instruction required in this program, specialized technology and the equipment necessary to offer this program, a higher tuition rate is assessed for career-specific courses. These include courses with the NUR prefix. Students pay 1.5 the regular rate of tuition.

Admission Requirements:

Nursing is a limited enrollment program. For admission requirements, please contact the Admissions Outreach Office at 847.925.6700 or visit harpercollege.edu.

Students who apply for this limited enrollment program are obligated to meet current admission requirements and follow program curriculum as defined at the time of acceptance to the program.

Upon admission to the Nursing program, the mathematics requirement is met.


A grade of C or better in all coursework is required for all students.

Number Course Title Credits Category
BIO 260 1 4 AAS General Education

Description:  Introduces the anatomy of the human body; the following systems studied either regionally or systemically: integumentary, skeletal, articular, muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine and reproductive. Includes some introductory histology. Specially designed for students in health careers, biology, and physical education. Strongly recommended preparation: One year of high school biology with a grade of C or better taken within the last five years, or BIO 110. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) Formerly BIO 160. IAI BIO 920C

Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 101. english-placement-grid.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

BIO 261 1 4 AAS General Education

Description:  Emphasizes physiological principles at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and system level, as they pertain to the human organism. The following systems are studied in detail: skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive and endocrine. In this course, special applications will be made to meet the needs of students in health careers, biology and physical education.(NOTE: Lab science credit.) Formerly BIO 161. IAI BIO 920C

Prerequisite: BIO 260 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

ENG 101 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose. IAI C1 900

Prerequisite: ENG 096 with a grade of P or other placement options: english-placement-grid.php ESL students need one of the following options: ESL 073 and ESL 074 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 086 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 099 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 with required writing placement test score; or ESL 074 with required reading placement test score.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

PSY 101 + 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Investigates human and animal behavior with emphasis on the scientific nature of contemporary and classic psychological investigation. Emphasizes psychological theories, principles, and research applications. Introduces the divisions of the American Psychological Association. References biological processes, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, mental disorders, intelligence, aptitude, personality, development, daily life and everyday problems. IAI S6 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


A grade of C or better in all coursework is required for all students.

Number Course Title Credits Category
BIO 230 1 4 AAS General Education

Description:  Examines characteristics and importance of microorganisms; emphasis on identification, anatomy and physiology, control, relationship to health and disease and economic importance. College chemistry or equivalent is desirable. Strongly recommended preparation: One year of high school biology with a grade of C or better taken within the last five years, or BIO 110.(NOTE: Lab science credit.) Formerly BIO 130.

Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 101. english-placement-grid.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 110 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Establishes a firm basis on which to build subsequent nursing courses. Examines the essential concepts and core values of the nursing profession including health and wellness, safety, caring, critical thinking, ethics, the nursing process, and standards of practice.

Prerequisite: Admission into the Nursing degree program and BIO 261, ENG 101 and PSY 101 with grades of C or better, and prior or concurrent enrollment in NUR 180 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 112 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides the student with the opportunity to practice and apply basic knowledge and skills to the provision of patient care in the laboratory and clinical setting. Students will begin development and application of the nursing process, clinical reasoning, and professional communication when caring for patients.

Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in NUR 180 with a grade of C or better, and admission into the NUR AAS degree program

Corequisite: NUR 110.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 180 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Presents the pathophysiological basis of illness for the beginning professional nurse. Focuses on major diseases and illnesses that affect the health of the individual throughout the life cycle. Theories relating etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations are used to study common disease processes that compromise the client’s health.

Prerequisite: BIO 261 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

PSY 228 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Investigates the psychological development of humans from conception to death, through grief and bereavement. Investigates the theories, empirically derived science and principles of developmental researchers and developmental psychologists. Emphasizes cultural and/or international contexts as well as normative and non-normative patterns of development. Discusses mortality throughout the life-span. Integrates developmental psychopathologies. IAI S6 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


A grade of C or better in all coursework is required for all students.

Number Course Title Credits Category
NUR 140 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Develops essential medical and surgical knowledge and skills needed to provide nursing care to patients with respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, and endocrine dysfunctions throughout the adult life cycle. Utilization of critical thinking and therapeutic communication is used through implementation of the nursing process. Health promotion and disease prevention will be addressed.

Prerequisite: NUR 110 and NUR 112 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 141 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides the student with the opportunity to apply essential respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal and endocrine systems’ dysfunctions knowledge and skills to the provision of patient care in the clinical setting. Students will utilize critical thinking and therapeutic communication when providing care to patients. Nursing care will be provided in a variety of settings including acute and ambulatory care.

Prerequisite: NUR 112 with a grade of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 140.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 150 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Utilizes the nursing process to provide patient-centered nursing care for patients experiencing psychosocial issues/mental health disorders. Emphasizes health promotion concepts in the care of patients across the life cycle and the continuum of mental health care. Addresses various treatment modalities and interventions including those applicable to community-based care.

Prerequisite: NUR 110 and NUR 112 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 151 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides experience in caring for patients with psychological issues/mental health disorders in a variety of acute care and community-based health care settings. Students will utilize critical thinking and therapeutic communication in providing care to patients across the life cycle in the continuum of mental health care.

Prerequisite: NUR 112 with a grade of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 150.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 210 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides theory and demonstration of skills required for a basic, systematic physical assessment. Includes content and practical experience in interviewing and obtaining a health history and the skills of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation as they are utilized in the routine patient assessment performed by the registered nurse. Focuses on the assessment of normal findings and the description of deviations from normal. Discusses cultural considerations and expected findings of individuals across the life cycle, i.e. infant/child, adolescent, young/middle adult, and older adult. Requires the synthesis of previously learned knowledge of anatomy, physiology, nursing concepts and nursing process.

Prerequisite: BIO 260 and EMS 212, or NUR 104, or NUR 112 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 213 2 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Builds on pharmacology content begun in previous coursework (either NUR 111 or HSC 165). Discusses pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the major classifications of medications at an advanced level in order to understand the pharmacological activity within each classification. Incorporates the principles of safe drug administration. NOTE: This course is designed for nursing students. (formerly HSC 201)

Prerequisite: BIO 135 and HSC 165, or BIO 260 and NUR 110 or HSC 112 and HSC 165 with grades of C or better, or prior or concurrent enrollment in NUR 101.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

ELECTIVE (Required for students transitioning from the Practical Nursing Certificate Program into the Nursing A.A.S. Degree Program):

A grade of C or better in all coursework is required for all students.

Number Course Title Credits Category
NUR 185 3 Optional Course

Description:  Builds on the knowledge and skills obtained in the Practical Nursing Program. Focuses on the critical thinking skills necessary to transition from the role of Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) into Harper's Nursing A.A.S. Degree Program. Examines the philosophy of the associate degree nursing program and major concepts of the role of the Registered Professional Nurse. Includes the essential concepts and core values of the nursing profession including health and wellness, safety, caring, ethics, clinical reasoning, health promotion teaching, the nursing process and standards of practice for the Registered Professional Nurse.

Prerequisite: Licensure as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), meet Nursing Program admission criteria as stated in the Associate Degree Nursing Handbook, and completion of NUR 104 with a grade of C or better.

Corequisite: BIO 230, NUR 180 and NUR 210.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 195 2 Optional Course

Description:  Builds on the knowledge and skills learned in the practical nursing program. Develops the knowledge and the critical thinking skills necessary to transition from the role of Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) into the Nursing A.A.S. Degree Program with a focus on medical surgical nursing topics at Harper College. Examines the philosophy of the Nursing A.A.S. Degree Program and major concepts of the role of the Registered Professional Nurse. Includes an emphasis on application of the nursing process related to selected health problems.

Prerequisite: Licensure as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), meet Nursing Program admission criteria as stated in the Associate Degree Nursing Handbook, BIO 230, NUR 180, NUR 185 and NUR 210 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 196.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 196 2 Optional Course

Description:  Focuses on the application of the nursing process to adult patients with respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and endocrine health problems in the lab, simulation hospital, and acute care hospital clinical settings.

Prerequisite: Licensure as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), meet Nursing Program admission criteria as stated in the Associate Degree Nursing Handbook. Completion of BIO 230, NUR 104, NUR 180, NUR 210, and NUR 185 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 195.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


A grade of C or better in all coursework is required for all students.

Number Course Title Credits Category
NUR 201 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Utilizes the nursing process to provide patient-centered nursing care for childbearing women, infants and patients with problems related to the reproductive system. Addresses health promotion and common alterations in body systems.

Prerequisite: PSY 228, NUR 140, NUR 141, NUR 150, NUR 151, NUR 210, and NUR 213 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 202 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Develops essential nursing medical and surgical knowledge and skills needed to provide nursing care to patients with respiratory, musculoskeletal, sensory, neurological and renal dysfunction throughout the adult life cycle with emphasis on the older adult. Utilization of critical thinking and therapeutic communication are used through implementation of the nursing process. Health promotion and disease prevention will be addressed.

Prerequisite: PSY 228, NUR 140, NUR 141, NUR 150, NUR 151, NUR 210 and NUR 213 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 205 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Expands on utilization of the nursing process in exploring the nurse’s role as provider of care, educator and advocate for infants, children, and adolescents. Addresses topics of health promotion and maintenance for children and families. Considers acute, chronic and terminal conditions experienced by children.

Prerequisite: PSY 228, NUR 140, NUR 141, NUR 150, NUR 151, NUR 210 and NUR 213 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 220 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides experiences in caring for childbearing families and patients with reproductive problems in acute and community-based settings. Students will utilize the nursing process to address common alterations in body systems.

Prerequisite: PSY 228, NUR 140, NUR 141, NUR 150, NUR 151, NUR 210 and NUR 213 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 201.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 240 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides the student with the opportunity to apply knowledge learned about respiratory, musculoskeletal, sensory, neurological and renal dysfunction to the provision of patient care in the clinical setting. Students will utilize critical thinking and therapeutic communication when providing care to patients in this area. Nursing care will be provided in a variety of settings including acute care, ambulatory care and the community.

Prerequisite: PSY 228, NUR 140, NUR 141, NUR 150, NUR 151, NUR 210 and NUR 213 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 202.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 250 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Applies principles of the nursing process to provide nursing care to infants, children and adolescents in hospital and community-based settings. Experience is provided in caring for children and families with a variety of specific system disorders. Emphasis will be on utilizing critical thinking and the nursing process to provide safe care in various health care settings.

Prerequisite: PSY 228, NUR 140, NUR 141, NUR 150, NUR 151, NUR 210 and NUR 213 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 205.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

SPE 215 3 AAS General Education

Description:  Examines how culture influences the communication process including values, beliefs, norms, linguistic and nonverbal differences between cultures, cultural bias, ethnocentrism, globalization and cultural adjustment. Reviews major theories of intercultural communication and the practical approaches to communicating more effectively with persons from other cultures. Allows students to consider the role that communication has in creating, maintaining or challenging cultural assumptions, norms, rules and power structures. Explores how diverse underlying cultural orientations and patterns influence communication behaviors within and between cultures. Students will learn to evaluate their own and others' communicative behaviors from a culturally sensitive perspective. IAI MC 904

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025


A grade of C or better in all coursework is required for all students.

Number Course Title Credits Category
Humanities or Social and Behavioral Science3 3 AAS General Education
NUR 216 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Focuses on application of advanced nursing medical and surgical knowledge and skills needed to provide nursing care to patients with hematologic, immunologic, and oncology disorders. Concepts regarding critical care will also be presented and discussed. Utilization of critical thinking and therapeutic communication is used through implementation of the nursing process. Health promotion and disease prevention will be addressed.

Prerequisite: NUR 201, NUR 202, NUR 205, NUR 220, NUR 240 and NUR 250 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 218 1 Program Requirement

Description:  Facilitates the transition from nursing student to entry-level registered nurse. Addresses the challenges and responsibilities associated with management and leadership within an organization, assuming a professional role, career management, nursing research and continuing education.

Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in NUR 216 and NUR 260 with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 260 2 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides the student with the opportunity to apply advanced concepts to patients with complex multisystem disorders. Areas of concentration include but are not limited to hematological dysfunction, oncology, multisystem organ failure, shock, and burns. Students will utilize critical thinking and therapeutic communication when providing care to patients in this clinical rotation. Nursing care will be provided in a variety of settings including acute care and the community.

Prerequisite: NUR 220, NUR 240, and NUR 250 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 216.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

NUR 280 3 Program Requirement

Description:  Provides experiences to begin the transition from nursing student to registered nurse. Emphasis will be on the collaborative care and management of groups of patients with selected system disorders. The clinical experiences will enable students to assume the role of the registered nurse in the management and delegation of nursing care of clients with system disorders and will be under the direction of a registered nurse preceptor. Students will utilize critical thinking, teaching–learning principles and therapeutic communication when providing care to multiple patients in the clinical setting.

Prerequisite: NUR 216 and NUR 260 with grades of C or better.

Corequisite: NUR 218.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025 | Summer 2025

1 - Must be completed no earlier than five years prior to beginning the Nursing program.

+ - This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement.

2 - Must be completed no earlier than two years prior to beginning the Nursing program.

3 - See full list of AAS General Education Electives.

RN program learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program are able to:

  • Safety: Plan, implement and evaluate strategies to minimize risk of harm to patients and providers.
  • Communication/Teamwork/Informatics: Collaborate with the healthcare team to effectively communicate with patients and families using verbal, written and electronic methods.
  • Evidence-Based Practice: Utilize evidence-based clinical reasoning to improve patient outcomes.
  • Wellness/Health Promotion Teaching: Provide and evaluate patient education plans across the continuum of care to promote wellness throughout the lifespan.
  • Professional Identity: Develop a professional identity through behaviors that demonstrate integrity, respect, responsibility, legal and ethical practice, teamwork, and commitment to learning.

Student achievement outcome data

Registered Nursing Program

Year Harper ADN Pass Rate State Pass Rate National Pass Rate Completion Rate Job Placement
2016 90% (74/82) 85% 85% 64% 91%
2017 92% (80/87) 86% 87% 77% 91%
2018 95% (116/122) 88% 88% 76% 89%
2019 92% (108/118) 88% 88% 72% 97%
2020 89% (77/87) 88% 87% 61% 97%
2021 95% (114/120) 82% 78% 76% 99%
2022 80% (94/118) 77% 80% 55% 100%
2023 90% (76/84) 85% 89% 60% 81%
2024 92% (72/78)  87% 91% 61% Pending


RN NCLEX Pass Rate State Board .PDF

The Registered Nursing program maintains accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). The next accreditation site visit will be September 18–20. program is accredited through Fall 2026.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
Phone: 404.975.5000
Fax: 404.975.5020

Nursing Program approved by:
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
320 West Washington
Springfield, IL 62786

Related nursing programs

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Next steps

For more information on the Nursing RN degree program, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.

Last Updated: 3/17/25