Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Harper's faculty are experienced, knowledgeable graphic arts professionals. For contact info and courses taught, see below:
Graphic Arts Design & Technology Coordinator, Associate Professor, and Graphic Arts
& Design Club Advisor
Phone: 847.925.6092
Email: ktaylor@harpercollege.edu
GRA 101: Introduction to Graphic Arts Technology
GRA 102: Graphic Arts Desktop Publishing
GRA 103: Digital Imaging I/Beginning Photoshop
GRA 111: Press Operations
GRA 130: Introduction to Photography
GRA 211: Project Management, Estimating and Scheduling
GRA 213: Packaging, Finishing and Distribution Processes
GRA 221: Graphic Portfolio Design
GRA 229: Page Layout
GRA 230: Prepress Operations
GRA 231: Personalized Marketing Technologies
Adjunct Instructor
Email: pbruner@harpercollege.edu
GRA 101: Introduction to Graphic Arts Technology
GRA 102: Desktop Publishing
GRA 120: Graphic Design I
GRA 299: Digital Photography Capstone
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: ac07595@harpercollege.edu
GRA 220: Graphic Design II
GRA 221: Graphic Portfolio Design
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: fr13025@harpercollege.edu
GRA 130: Introduction to Photography
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: aloch@harpercollege.edu
GRA 103: Digital Imaging I/Beginning Photoshop
GRA 130: Introduction to Photography
GRA 131: Digital Photography I
GRA 232: Digital Photography II
GRA 145: WordPress
Office: Y103H
Phone: 847.925.6000 ext. 2296
Email: nmarquez@harpercollege.edu
GRA 101: Introduction to Graphic Arts Technology
GRA 112: Digital Illustration I/Beginning Illustrator
GRA 113: Digital Imaging II/Advanced Photoshop
GRA 222: Package Design
GRA 229: Page Layout
GRA 231: Personalized Marketing Technologies
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: me14608@harpercollege.edu
GRA 103: Digital Imaging I
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: ps04617@harpercollege.edu
GRA 120: Graphic Design I
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: eperez@harpercollege.edu
GRA 111: Press Operations
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: pj02109@harpercollege.edu
GRA 299: Digital Photography Capstone
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: jstolz1@harpercollege.edu
GRA 102: Desktop Publishing
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: awallace@harpercollege.edu
GRA 105: Introduction to Color Theory and Color Management
GRA 202: Advance Color Management
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 847.925.6374
Email: wweber@harpercollege.edu
GRA 101: Introduction to Graphic Arts Technology
Adjunct Instructor
Phone: 224.659.2362
Email: joseph.whalen@d214.org
GRA 112: Digital Illustration I/Beginning Illustrator
GRA 214: Digital Illustration II/Advanced Illustrator