Harper College

Harper Jury and Fashion Show

Fashion Studies students showcase their original work.

The spring semester is devoted to the production of both the Jury Show, which is an opportunity for design students to receive critique from industry professionals, and the Fashion Show, which is the most important marketing tool of the industry.

The Fashion Show not only showcases the work of fashion design students but also fashion merchandising students. The Fashion Show and Jury Show are the capstone projects for Fashion Merchandising students enrolled in the FAS 229: Promotion of Fashion class. All students earning a certificate or associate degree in fashion design or merchandising are required to participate in the fashion show production.

Local high school students can also participate in the Fashion Show through the Harper Challenge program. If you would like more information about Harper Challenge, please contact Lucinda McDonald at ml04156@harpercollege.com or (847) 925-6342.

Tickets are available at the Harper College Box Office.

2025 Jury and Fashion Show

Past Shows

Last Updated: 3/3/25