Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
News posts have Properties menus that are a little different from standard web pages. With news posts, most of the relevant settings are in a part of the Properties menu called "MultiEdit". To access this area, open the post in Omni CMS and click on the MultiEdit button in the upper right-hand corner.
Post Title: Appears at the top of the post and is used as a headline in feeds throughout the site.
Post Author: Appears below the headline. Can be "Harper College", the name of a person, or any department.
Author Email: It's recommended that you leave this blank.
Post Tags: These tags are used to pull articles into relevant pages across the site. For instance, the feed on the English program page will pull in any article tagged with "english".
Display Post: Display will make the post available in feeds. Do Not Display will remove it from feeds. However, if a post is set to Do Not Display, users could still access the article if they have a direct link or if the article was indexed by search engines.
Post Description: This is the short snippet that appears in news feeds across the site.
Use Image: Selecting "Image" will use the thumbnail set below. None will show a gray bar. It's recommended to use a thumbnail image in most situations.
Post Image: Enter the path to the image, or select your post's thumbnail image. Thumbnail images should be sized to 448x252.
Image Description: This is an alt-text description on of the thumbnail image. Provide a short description of the image for users who can't see it.
Featured Post: This feature is not in use.
Custom URL: This changes the link for the snippet that appears in news feeds across the site. By default, when you click on a headline in a news feed, it will take you to the full text article. However, you can change that destination by entering a full URL starting with https:// in this box. In most cases, leave this blank.
Call-to-Action: You can set a custom call to action for the feed item. Examples might be "Watch the Video" or "Hear Her Story". Leave blank for the default "Read More"
Another section of the Properties menu is called Parameters. It has some fields that look similar to what's under the MultiEdit menu, and while they should be filled out, they are not as visible.
Title: This is the title that appears in search engines.
Description: This description appears in search engines.
Tags: This feature is defunct.
Right Column Options: This feature is defunct.
Enable Disqus Comments: Leave it set to Off. This feature is defunct.
Post Date: This date will be automatically populated when you create the post. However, you can change the post date in order to future/back-date posts. The order posts appear in is determined by the post date.