Harper College

News Feed Component

To add news stories to your page, click on the Components icon in the page editor toolbar (the icon looks like an atom diagram) and choose the News Feed component. You will then need to enter information about the feed.

Section Identifier: Used for tracking purposes, not displayed, should be unique and descriptive of the page its on (eg. Biology News Feed)

Section Heading: The heading text that appears above the news feed.

Intro Text: The text that appears below the heading and above the news feed.

Keywords: Enter the keywords that your articles are tagged with. For example, articles related to the chemistry department are tagged "chemistry". Leaving this blank to pull in any news post.

Post Layout: Choose the layout for the news feed. The most common layout options include:

Blowout: Displays posts on white background, with a button for the call to action.
Headline: Just the Headline is displayed
Stacked: Two or more articles are displayed stacked vertically on a gray background. Call to action is displayed as linked text.

Location: Leave this blank to pull posts from anywhere. To pull from a specific folder location, add the folder path.

Number of Posts: Select the number of posts you want displayed.

Year: Limit the posts by year by entering a four-digit year into this field.

Pagination: Enabling this will paginate your news feed

Enable/Hide Heading and Intro: Setting this to display-none will hide it, visible will enable it.

Stacked Example

HOPE Scholarship Yosephine Lee

Harper's HOPE Scholarship supports students through collective giving

To celebrate its 10th year, the HOPE Giving Circle has launched the 10 for 10 initiative, which is fundraising to award 10 scholarships each worth $10,000 to Harper students. Read More

Ethics Bowl team

Harper’s Ethics Bowl team headed to national competition

After clinching the two-year college regional title, Harper College’s Ethics Bowl team will once again compete for the national championship. Read More

Black History Month 2025

Harper’s Black History Month events aim to inspire, educate

As part of Harper College’s celebration, the history department will present free events that will help the community engage with Black history through music, innovation, art and more. Read More

Last Updated: 11/22/24