SIU Degree Pathway for Paralegal Studies
Transfer Guide
Learn more about transferring to SIU to earn your bachelor's in Paralegal Studies
after earning your AAS Paralegal Studies at Harper College.
Harper College Courses
AAS Paralegal Studies - 61 Hours |
- ENG 101 (3hrs) - Composition
- Eng 103 (3hrs) - Tech & Report Writing
- MTH 101 (4hrs) - Quantitative Literacy (Higher level MTH courses accepted)
- PSY 101 (3hrs) - Intro to Psychology
- SOC 101 (3hrs) - Intro to Sociology
- PSC 101 (3hrs) - American Politics and Government
- Elective (3hrs) - Humanities
- PLS 101 (3hrs) - Intro to Paralegal Studies
- PLS 103 (3hrs) - Litigation
- PLS 105 (3hrs) - Family Law
- PLS 110 (3hrs) - Law Office Technology
- PLS 115 (3hrs) - Legal Research & Writing
- PLS 123 (3hrs) - Real Property Law
- PLS 201 (3hrs) - Tort Law
- PLS 202 (3hrs) - Estate Planning
- PLS 205 (3hrs) - Contract Law
- PLS 208 (3hrs) - Internship in Paralegal Studies
- PLS 210 (3hrs) - Corporate and Securities Law
- PLS 216 (3hrs) - Ethics, Legal Writing & the Law Office
- PLS 221 (3hrs) - Bankruptcy Law
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Courses
BS Paralegal Studies (PLST) - 59-62 hours |
- CMST 101 (3hrs) - Intro to Oral Communication
- Elective (3hrs) - Physical Science
- Elective (3hrs) - Life Science
- Elective (3hrs) - Fine Arts
- Elective (3hrs) - Multicultural
- PARL 300A (3hrs) - Research & Writing I
- PARL 300B (3hrs) - Research & Writing II
- PARL 310 (3hrs) - Civil Procedure
- PARL 350 (3hrs) - Family Law
- PARL 405 (4hrs) - Advanced Internship
- Paralegal Electives (3-6hrs) - Select 1-2 from program list
- Electives (25hrs) - Ensure 42 senior level hours total
Total Hours to Bachelor Degree: 120-123 Hours
Salary Range: $51,700 - $55,300
Possible Careers:
- Paralegal
- Legal Assistant
- Legal Support Staff
- Case Manager
- Legal Administrator
- Law Office Manager
Additional careers possible with post-baccalaureate degree
Disclaimer: You are encouraged to use this transfer guide when planning your progress
towards degree completion. Following a transfer guide does not guarantee admission
into the listed program. Information is attempted to be kept current; however, any
curriculum changes reflected in the Undergraduate Catalog override the information
on this guide. Contact your Academic Advisor for assistance in interpreting this guide.