Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
As a partner of the Harper University Center, DePaul University is offering the opportunity for students earning an Associate of Arts or with equivalent credit hours the ability to complete a BA in Communcation and Media on-site at Harper College. As a Communication and Media major, you will take courses from a variety of programs in the College of Communication: Communication Studies, Media and Cinema Studies, Communication and Technology, Journalism, Organizational Communication, and Public Relations and Advertising.
In the College of Communication, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the complex and challenging communication practices and processes that characterize our rapidly changing world. You’ll master the techniques for crafting and delivering messages across a variety of social contexts and platforms: face-to-face, print, audio, video, web, and other social media.
Cohorts officially begin each fall quarter in September.
MCS 208 History of Cinema 1945-1975
MCS 341 Topics in Radio Studies
ORGC 201 Business & Professional Communication
PRAD 244 Principles of Advertising OR PRAD 255 Public Relations OR Religious Dimensions/Philosophical Inquiry course
CMM 101 Intro to Human Communication
PRAD 335 Advertising & Society
MCS 271 Media & Cultural Studies
JOUR 275 Introduction to Journalism OR CMNS OR ORGC topics
CMNS 230 Performance: Communication, Creativity and the Body
JOUR 377 Special Topics in Journalism
MCS 342 History of TV & Radio
CMN 103 Intercultural Communication OR College of Communication elective
CMN 394 Online Communication Internship OR Approved Service Learning Experiential Learning course
Religious Dimensions/Philosophical Inquiry Learning Domain online (if not yet completed)
PRAD 374 Media Relations
CMNS 313 Nonverbal Commuication
MCS 353 Topics in Media Studies
JOUR 361 Journalism Law and Ethics
PRAD 256 Writing for Public Relations and Advertising
PRAD 291 Research Methods for PRAD
CMNS/ORGC Topics course
CMN 396 Capstone in Communication
Elective OR Religious Dimensions/Philiosophical Inquiry (if not yet completed)
Actual degree plans will vary depending on transfer credits and previous courses completed. Degree completion time will vary by the number of courses students complete each term. DePaul University reserves the right to modify the courses offered and course schedules.
Students planning to enroll in the Communication and Media degree at Harper University Center are strongly encouraged to complete the IAI General Education Requirement at their community college as well as the equivalents to the DePaul courses listed below prior to their enrollment in the program.
Kyra Frazier
Assistant Director| Undergraduate Admission | Transfer Recruitment and Admission |
DePaul University
Phone: (773) 325-8774
Text: (312) 820-8513
Students can make an appointment with Kyra here: https://connect.depaul.edu/portal/appointments-frazier