Harper College

The Harbinger (Online Student-Produced Newspaper)

The Harbinger is a student run, digitally focused newspaper. We consider ourselves to be more than just a newspaper – we are a group of digital storytellers creating a platform for students who want to share their words, ideas, creative abilities, talents and passions. It is our hope to put “community” back into community college. The Harbinger is your story, your voice, and your paper. Get involved with us today!


How to Join Us

Meeting Days and Frequency: Contact advisor for meeting information.

Advisor:  Maham Khan

Advisor Email:  mkhan3@harpercollege.edu


Club Social Media: @harbstudentnews on Instagram


Student club members must be currently enrolled in credit classes. Please email the advisor(s) directly for membership and meeting information. Meetings occur during fall and spring semesters when classes are in session.

Last Updated: 11/19/24