
The Wealthy Self

Woman holding a baby sitting in front of laptop

3 Tips for the Parent Considering College

April 17, 2024

Nothing about parenthood (or life) will pause when you pursue the credentials you’ve been considering. But here are 3 reasons why you should do it anyway. Read More

Woman smiling for camera holding a paintbrush

Nights and Weekends: Learning to Embrace Your Passion as a Side Hustle

April 17, 2024

“Follow your passion.” “Live your dream.” Inspirational sayings like these make it seem like whatever your creative passion is must also be your full-time career, or that having a day job unrelated to your personal interests is a hindrance to pursuing that passion. Read More

Woman in graduation cap with money fanned out in front of her face

8 Common Myths About Financial Aid

April 17, 2024

Every penny you can earn in scholarships, grants, or other financial aid will help you accomplish your educational goals, but there are many misconceptions out there about financial aid that prevent students from getting the financial assistance they are eligible for. Read More

Female older student learning at home

Home Sweet Home: Seven Remote Work Careers

July 22, 2022

The secret’s out: Working from home comes with a lot of benefits. Better work-life balance, no commute, location independence, mental health improvements, and more. So it’s no wonder companies all around the world are restructuring to meet the demand of remote work flexibility. For those looking to change careers or seek a degree or certificate that will enable you to work remotely, look no further: Harper College can help you find that dream career that leads to home, sweet home. Here are seven careers to consider. Read More

Female student sitting at table listening intently on a conversation on the other side of the table.

The Resume Builder

September 16, 2019

When applying for that new job or promotion, you may well be qualified, but it’s how you communicate those qualifications that ultimately matters. The first step? Creating a sharp and polished resume. Read More

Student looking at roadmap

Roadmap to Paying for College

September 16, 2019

There are days we can feel trapped by our financial situation. Driving by that dream house with the “For Sale” sign in the yard, knowing there’s no way you can afford it on your current household income. Telling yourself time and time again this is going to be the year you finally take that vacation, only to get bogged down by bills and unforeseen medical expenses. Read More

Last Updated: 8/8/24