
Picture Yourself: Adult Learner's Guide

The adult learner's guide to believing, achieving and
becoming more.

Student Success

Tips for your mind, body and soul


Tips to keep you thriving and investing in what matters most


Tips to keep you learning and discovering




Student looking at roadmap

Roadmap to Paying for College

September 16, 2019

There are days we can feel trapped by our financial situation. Driving by that dream house with the “For Sale” sign in the yard, knowing there’s no way you can afford it on your current household income. Telling yourself time and time again this is going to be the year you finally take that vacation, only to get bogged down by bills and unforeseen medical expenses. Read More

Young Woman sitting on the edge of a deck and looking out at the sea while the sun sets in the background

The Narrative Imperative

September 16, 2019

How we choose to tell our story can have profound impacts on the ways in which we view ourselves and everything life throws at us. Vicki Atkinson, Dean of Student Development at Harper College, offers techniques on how to help you rethink and rewrite your life’s story. Read More

Young Woman sitting on the edge of a deck and looking out at the sea while the sun sets in the background

The Five Anxieties of Going Back to School

September 16, 2019

It’s been decided: you’re going back to school. Not just to prove something to yourself or to turn your life around, but to be a shining example of persistence and achievement for your children and loved ones to look up to. Way to go. But before your anxious mind starts to wander through the natural anxieties of being an adult in college, take a deep breath and let us mend that worried mind one pestering anxiety at a time. Read More

Family cooking in kitchen

Recipes for Success

September 16, 2019

It’s no secret that eating healthy comes with a multitude of benefits. It can help us maintain a healthy weight which in effect reduces our risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It can significantly decrease our stress levels with the help of certain carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Calcium-rich foods can strengthen our teeth and bones, and for better or worse, our eating behaviors are learned from our children, which will be learned from their children, and so on. Read More

Last Updated: 6/17/24