Harper College will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.


Picture Yourself: Adult Learner's Guide

The adult learner's guide to believing, achieving and
becoming more.

Student Success

Tips for your mind, body and soul


Tips to keep you thriving and investing in what matters most


Tips to keep you learning and discovering




man smiling

The Art of Getting Unstuck

April 18, 2024

It’s all too easy for your personal or professional life to slowly turn into something you feel stuck in. But no matter your circumstances, there’s always a way to break out of those mental and physical routines and start moving in the right direction. Read More

woman dancing

Own Your Awesome: How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome

April 18, 2024

Imposter syndrome is the internal belief of not feeling as competent, intelligent or skilled in the way that others perceive you to be. Right now, you might be feeling unsure of yourself and your abilities, especially if you're starting a new chapter in life such as attending college. You might be feeling like you don’t belong or your mind might be trying to tell you that you’re not good enough. Read More

person standing silhouetted in the sunset

The Power of Everyday Wonder: 5 Educators on the Hidden Phenomena That Fascinate Them

April 18, 2024

We all have plenty to be distracted by: unread texts, current events, childcare demands, overdue assignments—not to mention an overflowing email inbox. When all that gets to be too much, it’s good for your mind, body and soul to take a moment and find some perspective in the amazing things we take for granted. Read More

students sitting in library laughing and smiling

Why College? Just Ask These College Students

April 18, 2024

It’s a common sentiment these days to be skeptical of the value of a college degree. The time commitment, cost of tuition and lack of a job guarantee all make it a challenge for anyone regardless of their life circumstances. We spoke with 6 adult students who, despite those obstacles, believe a college education is the best path towards achieving their career goals. Read More

Last Updated: 6/17/24