Harper College will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Peter Soby is a proud to be a Distinguished Alumni of Harper College. After Harper, Peter attained his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Even though he is a C5/C6 quadriplegic due to a spinal cord injury at the age of 19 (Between his freshman and sophomore year at Harper), he has overcome many obstacles and made it his motto to, “not just survive, but thrive” in life. And that’s just what Peter has done in his very eclectic career.
For most of his career, Peter worked independently as a producer in the film, theater and music video industries in Los Angeles. Peter has produced 8 feature films, over 20 short films, over 20 music videos and dozens of plays. One of Peter's greatest sources of pride is resurrecting/owning the 1961 cult-classic film entitled, CARNIVAL OF SOULS. He helped oversee the negative restoration of the film by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences, and he then collaborated with the esteemed Criterion Collection to release a special edition, digitally-enhanced restoration Blu-ray of the film which is also currently streaming on HBO Max.
In 2017, Peter was the cofounder/CCO/Entrepreneur of a video collaborating app called ZigZag. He worked on every aspect of the tech start up from the business plan and pitching to investors to working with the developers and getting the app approved and launched in the Apple iOS store. The app contains a “clip library” featuring famous and funny snippets from movies, TV shows and Youtuber’s. Peter’s main focus now is providing that clip content for the app.
On a final note, Peter is an accomplished painter and proud member of the distinguished worldwide artists publishing house, the MFPA (Mouth and Feet Painting Artists), as he creates his paintings holding the paintbrush in his teeth. The MFPA published a children’s book that Peter wrote and mouth-painted all the illustrations called, “Muffin’s Fun and Curious Christmas”. He’s also had his art shown at the esteemed Hive Art Gallery in downtown Los Angeles.