This section includes information on applicable state and federal laws, as well as College policies and procedures.
Elsewhere in the Catalog, College academic regulations are delineated for students. These include Harper College Standards for Academic Performance, Assessment and Placement Policy, Repeat Policy, Forgiveness Policy, Grading and Grade Points, Incomplete Grades, Attendance Policy, Academic Honesty Policy, Auditing a Course, Tuition and Refunds, Academic Honors, Withdrawals, Honors Program, Transcripts and Transfer of Credits.
The Catalog also includes graduation requirements for degrees and certificates, and information on all programs and courses and their prerequisites. The current semester course schedule is online and provides specific information regarding class times and registration procedures.
Americans with Disabilities Act
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act
Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act