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Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Financial Assistance

In addition to the Standards of Academic Performance (SOAP), federal and state financial aid recipients must also comply with all Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements for financial assistance as follows:

  1. Grade Point Average Standard: Students must achieve and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 in all credit courses attempted throughout their entire enrollment at Harper College; whether or not financial aid was received. This grade point average standard does not include developmental courses, and for repeated courses it only includes the highest earned grade.

  2. Cumulative Completion Rate: Students must complete at least 67 percent of the credit courses attempted throughout their entire enrollment at Harper College; whether or not financial aid was received. The percentage is found by dividing the successfully completed credit hours by the number of credit hours the student attempted. Successfully completed credit hours include the following grades: A, B, C, D, AR, BR, CR, DR, P and PR.

  3. Maximum Time Frame (Credit Hours) Standard: Students must complete their program of study within 150 percent relative to the published length of the program of study. For example, a student enrolled in an educational program that requires 60 credit hours cannot receive financial assistance after 90 attempted credit hours. If during the SAP review it becomes clear that a student cannot mathematically complete his/her program within the maximum time frame (credit hours), he/she will become ineligible for financial assistance.

Review the complete Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, including the requirements and appeal procedures. 

Last Updated: 4/3/24