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Program Overview

This 18 credit-hour certificate program provides the basic knowledge and skill for entry-level jobs in commercial and industrial maintenance.

Program Requirements


Number Course Title Credits
MFT 102 4

Description: Provides the student with an introduction to the manufacturing world and provides specific instruction to facilitate safe work practices in industrial environments. Introduces manufacturing specializations such as mechatronics, precision machining and welding. Covers fire safety, pressurized gases, electrical hazards, and safe machine usage. Students will also become acquainted with OSHA policy. Students will have the opportunity to earn the Safety Certification through Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC).

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MFT 109 2

Description: Provides a basic understanding of tools and equipment used in manufacturing and knowledge of how to improve productivity through predictive and preventive maintenance.

Prerequisite: MFT 102 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MFT 134 3

Description: Provides students in the machine trades the basic skills required for visualizing and interpreting industrial prints. Emphasizes orthographic projection techniques of top, front, side, and section views, tolerancing, geometric dimensioning and the impact of computer drafting as related to the machine trades.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HVA 101 3

Description: Introduces vocabulary, concepts and scientific principles used in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. Studies theories on heat laws, pressures, matter, and energy; examines refrigerant chemistry and the refrigeration cycle. Covers proper refrigerant management techniques and safe practices. Emphasizes practical application, troubleshooting techniques, measuring and testing the operation of the basic refrigeration cycle; including working with ACR copper tubing, tools, and instruments.

Prerequisite: MTH 097 (Basic Technical Mathematics) with a grade of C or better, or consent of coordinator.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 097 1 3

Description: Reviews arithmetic, introduces basic algebraic and right triangle trigonometric techniques. Includes arithmetic, elementary algebra, geometry, ratio and proportions, measurements, right triangle trigonometry and their application to solve a variety of career and technical problems. Draws practical problems the student’s career area, including emergency services, graphic communications, building trades, culinary arts and information technology. Intended for students pursuing Harper degrees and certificates in career program fields. This course: is not transferable, does not satisfy the prerequisite for any other mathematics course, and does not satisfy any general education requirements.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

WLD 110 3

Description: Covers fundamentals of oxyacetylene welding theory and practices and beginning electric welding. Includes arc welding and gas welding, brazing and cutting in the horizontal position.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

1 - Students may take MTH 097, MTH 101, MTH 103, or higher.

Last Updated: 1/14/25