Harper College

Harper Young Scholars Program

The History Department at Harper College sponsors a Young Scholars Program for current and former Harper History Students. This program provides an opportunity for students to present a 4-part lecture series during a Fall or Spring semester. The topics and specific lectures are determined by the student and faculty within the History Department. The goal of the program is to showcase current and former students who still carry a strong interest in History. Furthermore, it provides a forum for these students to explain their pathway to a B.A. and M.A. degrees in History and selected fields. As an alumnus, these students are vital members of an academic community engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of historical events.

The program will enable students to engage in mentoring opportunities, explore career opportunities, internships, and prepare lectures through the use of both scholarly literature and primary source documents. Through these lectures, students will refine their presentation skills of historical content in the pursuit of new knowledge.

To participate in the program, please contact Professor Michael J. Harkins at the History Department office at the College, I-107, or by phone at 847.925.6431.

Upcoming Events

To find more events, visit the College Calendar.

Last Updated: 3/3/25