Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
9-9:50 a.m.
Location: Pollock B
Type: Informative/Panel
Audience: Living Learning Communities
Presenters: Kyrsten Novencido, American University
University College is a first-year Living-Learning Community available for students at American University. Boasting a nearly 20-year legacy as a singular Living-Learning Community, this session takes an overall retrospective view on University College's inception, year-to-year adaptation and today's practices. By delving into the program's rich history, we aim to set the stage to explore about three factors:
By addressing these varied audiences, we can celebrate and reflect on the program's successes but also identify opportunities for improvement. This session's reflection will provide contextual knowledge for those new or familiar with the creation of a Living-Learning Community.