Harper College

Getting better all the time: building a community of faculty development for linked course LC's

2:45-3:35 p.m.

Location: Warhol B

Type: Interactive

Audience: Linked Courses

Presenters: Jeffrey Thomas and Sarah Fatherly, Queens University of Charlotte

Teaching in linked-course learning communities is often a new experience for faculty and LC programs understandably typically focus professional development efforts on supporting these new colleagues. But for a strong program to thrive, it is important to offer support for returning faculty who face different challenges than first-time instructors and have the opportunity to deepen and enrich the LC experience for faculty and students alike.

In this interactive session, we will create space to explore what it means to design continuous professional development relevant for different stages of LC faculty experience. Participants will identify challenges more experienced faculty face and discuss examples of resources that can be useful with this audience. Together we will explore strategies for creating development activities that foster communities of continuous improvement. Participants will be able to walk away with concrete ideas for framing and delivering activities that can support LC faculty on their campuses.

Last Updated: 1/14/25