Harper College

A story slam retrospective: 30 years of summer institutes at the Washington Center

2:45-3:35 p.m.

Location: Cassatt B

Type: Interactive Facilitated dialogue

Audience: Linked Courses, Coordinated Studies, Living Learning Communities, Residential Colleges

Presenters: Julia Metzker, Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education

Many a learning community program has been launched or refined as the result of intensive action planning at the Washington Center summer institute. In this session, we want to collect stories from your engagement with the summer institute as we prepare to mark the 40th year of the Washington Center. If you served as resource faculty, convened a team, or were on a team, come reminisce with us - and possibly commiserate about dorm life. Washington Center staff will lead you through structured story building exercises to celebrate and preserve the collective experience and insights of our community.

Last Updated: 3/3/25