Harper College

Why we like teaching in learning communities OR how to recruit your colleagues to LCs.

1:45-2:35 p.m.

Location: Warhol A

Type: Interactive

Audience: Linked Studies, Coordinated Studies

Presenters: Shawn Browers and Jeffrey Thomas, Queens University of Charlotte

Learning communities are a high impact practice with positive impacts on student learning. However, administratively, launching new LCs can present challenges in getting faculty buy-in. This session will guide participants through creative, narrative writing exercises to encourage participants to reflect on the joys, personal benefits, and professional growth that are often by-products of teaching in LCs. Guided prompts will also facilitate group discussions to share common themes and insights. By the end of this session, participants will have concrete examples of the perceived benefits of teaching in learning communities for faculty. For administrators, this session will provide new ways to consider personal benefits to the faculty as means of incentive and recruitment. For faculty, we hope this session will offer a way to think about teaching in LCs to explore new passions, find new collaborators, or deepen existing areas of interest.

Last Updated: 3/3/25