Harper College

Clubs, Workshops, and Make-a-thons (Oh My!): Two LLC Models for CoCurricular Engagement in Creative Communities

1:45-2:35 p.m.

Location: Pollock B

Type: Informative/panel Interactive

Audience: Living Learning Communities

Presenters: Scott Beal, Rachel Oti, and Lindsay Fedewa, University of Michigan -- Ann Arbor

How do we create meaningful traditions of engagement for students beyond the classroom that stay relevant to their current interests? Two University of Michigan Learning Communities -- Living ArtsEngine and Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts -- explain how they center both student voices and the greater values of their communities through their respective models of creative, interdisciplinary extracurricular programming. Participate in an imaginative activity that is exemplary of what these programs often look like, and leave with ideas of how to adapt our models to the needs of your own learning communities.

Last Updated: 3/3/25