Harper College

Building a Sense of Belonging in Living Learning Communities

11-11:50 a.m.

Location: Warhol A

Type: Informative/panel Facilitated dialogue

Audience: Living Learning Communities

Presenters: Garrett Tur, DeAnna Katey, Melissa Foreman, and Pam Geddes, Ball State University, Virginia Tech, University of Connecticut, Northeastern Illinois University

Through a panel with representatives from four universities in different geographic areas with distinct student bodies, we will provide our perspectives on how we build and cultivate a sense of belonging in the Living Learning Communities programs at our respective institutions. Although several similarities exist among our approaches, many differences make each institution unique. Looking closer at the strategies and methods we use to build that sense of belonging will allow us to share what works well and the challenges we face when implementing this work. In attending this session, attendees will gain a high-level understanding of how the institutional contexts of our practices led to the sense of belonging strategies we utilize-scaling practices through conversations and dialogue with different institutional contexts and partners.

Last Updated: 3/3/25