Harper College

Fostering Successful Learning Communities Through Purposeful Assignment Design: Work Smarter, Not Harder


Location: Pollock A

Type: Interactive

Audience: Linked Courses

Presenters: Heidi Giffin, Queens University of Charlotte

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of learning objectives that you need to address in your Learning Community course(s)? Course SLOs, Gen Ed SLOs, QEPs, and more - how can you address those in meaningful and relevant ways AND create community? This session is about how one teacher approaches course and assignment design in a purposeful way. If you are new to LCs or just need to refresh your course design, this working session can help you align objectives and consider the kinds of assignments that will best address those goals. Come prepared to share ideas and learn from others' experiences about how to address the many expectations of teaching and learning in a Learning Community.

Last Updated: 1/14/25