Harper College

Health/Physical Science: A.S. Degree

Health/Physical Science: A.S. Degree

Students interested in transferring to a four-year university to study health and physical education should earn an either an A.A. or A.S. degree, depending on what the destination university requires. Please talk to your advisor to identify a course plan that will best meet your goals.

A.S. degree program plan

These requirements apply to students who first enrolled for Fall 2024 or later. Students who first enrolled prior to Fall 2024 should obtain the appropriate sheet of requirements from a Student Development Center.

The Associate in Science degree is a transfer-oriented option which fulfills most general education requirements and the first two years of many (but not all) baccalaureate programs at four-year institutions. Students pursuing the Associate in Science degree are encouraged to seek the advice of an academic advisor to determine the most appropriate or required course selections for their desired major and transfer institution.


3 courses.

A grade of C or better is required for ENG 101 and 102.

Hours Required: 9

Number Course Title Credits
ENG 101 3

Description:  Emphasizes the writing of expository prose. Introduction to the critical reading of nonfiction prose. IAI C1 900

Prerequisite: ENG 096 with a grade of P or other placement options: english-placement-grid.php ESL students need one of the following options: ESL 073 and ESL 074 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 086 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 and ESL 099 with grades of B or better; ESL 073 with required writing placement test score; or ESL 074 with required reading placement test score.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ENG 102 3

Description:  Continues ENG 101. Reading literature and writing of various types of prose. Introduces methods used in writing investigative papers. IAI C1 901R

Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor or department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SPE 101 3

Description:  Theory and practice of oral communications. Development of poise, confidence and skill in speech organization and delivery. Emphasis on frequent speaking, development of standards of criticism and selection and organization of material. IAI C2 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025


1 course.

Hours Required: 3

Number Course Title Credits
MTH 124 1 3

Description:  Develops the mathematics of simple models in behavioral, social and management sciences. Studies applications of set theory, vectors and matrices, linear programming, probability rules, and Markov chains with computer assistance. IAI M1 906

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 131 4

Description:  Completes the two course sequence that begins with MTH 130 and focuses on mathematical reasoning and the solving of real-life problems, rather than on routine skills. The following topics will be studied in depth: geometry, counting techniques and probability, logic and statistics. Students are expected to be active participants in the learning process. Calculators and computers will be used throughout the course. A weekly lab component is required. IAI M1 903

Prerequisite: MTH 130 (Mathematics for Elementary Teaching I) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 134 or

Description:  Designed specifically for students in business and the social sciences and does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics. It emphasizes applications of the basic concepts of calculus rather than proofs. Topics include limits; techniques of differentiation applied to polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; partial derivatives and applications; maxima and minima of functions; and elementary techniques of integration including substitution and integration by parts. Business and social science applications are stressed throughout the course. IAI M1 900-B

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 200 4-5

Description:  Studies limits, continuity, derivatives, antiderivatives, and definite integrals as they relate to algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Includes applications to geometry, science, and engineering. IAI M1 900-1, IAI MTH 901

Prerequisite: MTH 140 (Precalculus) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 165 or

Description:  Focuses on statistical reasoning and the solving of problems using real-world data rather than on computational skills. The use of technology-based computations (more advanced than a basic scientific calculator, such as graphing calculators with a statistical package, spreadsheets, or statistical computing software) is required with an emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of statistical results. Topics must include data collection processes (observational studies, experimental design, sampling techniques, bias), descriptive methods using quantitative and qualitative data, bivariate data, correlation, and least ­squares regression, basic probability theory, probability distributions (normal distributions and normal curve, binomial distribution), confidence intervals and hypothesis tests using p-values. (Credit will be given for either MTH 162 or MTH 165 or MTH 225, but not for more than one of these courses.) IAI M1 902

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 225 4

Description:  Focuses on the use of statistical concepts as decision-making tools with an emphasis on business-related applications. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability theory, and inferential methods including chi-square tests, regression analysis, and ANOVA. This course is strongly recommended for business majors. You may not receive credit for more than one of MTH 225 OR MTH 165 OR MTH 162 OR MGT 225. (IAI M1 902/IAI BUS 901)

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options (including meeting the Geometry requirement). mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 201 5

Description:  Continues MTH 200. Uses integrals to describe area and volume, studies techniques of integration, series, conics, polar coordinates and parametric equations with applications to science and engineering. IAI M1 900-2, IAI MTH 902

Prerequisite: MTH 200 (Calculus I) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 202 5

Description:  Continues MTH 201. Studies three-dimensional vectors, solid analytic geometry, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals, divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem. IAI M1 900-3, IAI MTH 903

Prerequisite: MTH 201 (Calculus II) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 220 3

Description:  Introduces analysis of finite collections and mathematical foundations of sequential machines, computer system design, data structures and algorithms. Includes sets and logic, sequences and subscripts, number systems, counting, recursion, graph theory, trees, finite probability, matrices and Boolean algebra. IAI M1 905, IAI CS 915

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Physical and Life Sciences

At least 1 course from the Life Sciences and 1 from the Physical Sciences. 1 course must be a lab science (marked with an *). With appropriate prerequisites an initial course for science majors or advanced level course may be substituted.

Hours Required: 7

Number Course Title Credits
Life Sciences:
BIO 101 3

Description:  Surveys the science of biology, emphasizing the human organism. Includes chemical and physical properties, physiological systems of control, growth, differentiation, reproduction, genetics, ecology, evolution and ethical considerations. Also includes a broader overview of the plant and animal kingdoms and humans’ place in, and interactions with, those kingdoms. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.) IAI L1 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 103 3

Description:  Surveys and analyzes the interrelationship between humans and the environment. Topics include ecology, biodiversity, evolution, natural resources and their use, physiology and health, and human populations. Examines human’s ecological, social, and cultural impacts on our environment. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.) IAI L1 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 104 * 4

Description:  Investigates the interrelationship between humans and the environment through scientific inquiry. Lecture and laboratory topics include the scientific method, ecosystems, biodiversity, energy sources, natural resources, conservation, pollution, and population dynamics. Incorporates chemical and physical aspects as applicable to relevant biological concepts. Examines human’s ecological, social and cultural impacts on our environment and possible solutions. Laboratory experiences involve some outside field work and field trips. Intended for non-science majors. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) IAI L1 905L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 105 3

Description:  Examines life and the evolutionary record with emphasis on human genetics and inheritance. Factors such as current applications of biotechnology and its ethical, political and social implications in the 21st century are considered. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.) IAI L1 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 110 * 4

Description:  Surveys the science of biology through scientific inquiry, emphasizing its impacts on humans and society. Includes chemical and physical properties, physiological systems of control, growth, differentiation, reproduction, genetics, ecology, and evolution with ethical and societal considerations. Provides a broad overview of the plant and animal kingdoms as well as the interactions with these organisms and humans, especially from a societal perspective. (NOTE: Lab Science credit) IAI L1 900L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 115 * 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.
Introduces fundamental processes of organisms operating at the molecular and the cellular level of organization. Topics include chemical and molecular aspects of life, cellular metabolism, genetic information flow, theory of inheritance, genetic engineering and principles of physiology. This course is in the first semester of a two-semester sequence intended for biology majors and pre-professionals. To guarantee credit students must complete the entire course sequence at the same school before transfer. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) IAI L1 910L, IAI BIO 910

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support AND placement into ENG 101 (Composition I, IAI C1 900) mathplacement.php english-placement-grid.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 116 * 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.
Introduces students to higher levels of biological organization from the organism to the ecosystem. Topics include organismal diversity, mechanisms of micro and macroevolution, animal behavior, and the dynamics and organization of populations, communities and ecosystems. This course is in the second semester of a two-semester sequence intended for biology majors and pre-professionals. To guarantee credit students must complete the entire course sequence at the same school before transfer. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) IAI L1 910L, IAI BIO 910

Prerequisite: BIO 115 (Fundamentals of Cellular Biology, IAI L1 910L, IAI BIO910) with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 120 * 4

Description:  Emphasizes scientific inquiry through selected concepts in biology, such as organization, function, cellular and molecular biology, heredity, diversity, evolution and ecology using plants as the type of organism. Topics include plant structure, diversity, growth, genetics, evolution, physiology and reproduction. Economic, cultural, environmental and medical relationships between plants and humans are emphasized. (NOTE: Lab Science credit.) IAI L1 901L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 140 * 4

Description:  Emphasizes scientific inquiry through selected concepts in animal biology. Surveys the animal kingdom based on theory of organic evolution, including morphology, histology, physiology, taxonomy, parasitology, embryology and ecology. Economic, environmental and medical relationships between animals and humans are emphasized. (NOTE: Lab Science credit.) IAI L1 902L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Physical Sciences:
AST 100 3

Description:  Introduces the main concepts of contemporary astronomy using a scientific approach. Topics include the scientific method, the celestial sphere, celestial motions, gravity, light, telescopes, the Solar System, stars, the interstellar medium, galaxies, and cosmology. Current research in the different areas will be discussed. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

AST 112 * 4

Description:  Introduces the main concepts of solar system astronomy. Topics include the fundamentals of astronomy, planetary motion, the Earth, the Moon, terrestrial planets, Jovian planets, small bodies in the solar system, the Sun, the formation of the solar system, other planetary systems, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Current research in the different areas will be discussed. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 906L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

AST 115 * 4

Description:  Introduces the main concepts of stellar, galactic, and extra-galactic astronomy. Topics include life cycles of stars, supernovae, black holes, interstellar medium, structure of the Milky Way galaxy, galaxy classification, galaxy interactions, dark matter, dark energy and the Big Bang model. Current research in the different areas will be discussed. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 906L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 100 * 4

Description:  Introduces basic concepts of inorganic and organic chemistry and biochemistry. Emphasizes chemical principles applied to biological systems. Laboratory exercises apply theory to biological and consumer products. Especially designed for students in allied health sciences. Meets the prerequisite of the Nursing program. IAI P1 902L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 103 * 4

Description:  Introduces chemical principles to illustrate the significance of chemistry in the world today. Practical applications and current issues related to general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemical topics will be integrated with chemical concepts. Recommended for non-science majors. IAI P1 903L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 105 * 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.
Relates biological and physical systems to chemistry. Focuses on four major themes: the sociology of science, chemical composition and change, the chemistry of life, chemistry and society. Corresponding laboratory is inquiry based. Designed to provide a higher level of scientific literacy to non-science majors and to provide elementary education majors, in particular, with the content knowledge and disposition about science that is necessary in order to be able to teach science in engaging and meaningful ways to their students. Aligned with State of Illinois teacher preparation standards. IAI P1 903L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 110 * 4

Description:  Introduces concepts of chemistry. Emphasizes the composition of matter, the periodic table, the chemistry of solutions and chemical calculations. The laboratory experiments utilize many common household materials to demonstrate applications of chemical concepts. For students whose preparation does not permit enrollment in CHM 121. IAI P1 902L

Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MTH 070 (Plane Geometry) with a grade of C or better or Geometry Waiver AND placement into college-level mathematics. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 121 * 5

Description:  Studies principles of atomic and molecular structure, bonding, stoichiometry, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory, and solutions. Corresponding laboratory experiments include volumetric and gravimetric analyses, a qualitative study of reactions, visible spectrophotometry, and problem-based analyses. Intended for all students whose majors require general chemistry, including science majors and pre-professionals. The course also satisfies a general education laboratory science requirement for students with previous chemistry experience. IAI P1 902L, IAI CHM 911

Prerequisite: Two semesters of high school chemistry or CHM 110 with a grade of C or better AND placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 100 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides a survey of earth materials, their origins, chemistry, structure, identification, classification and uses, with an emphasis on minerals and rocks used in everyday life, and their impact on health and the environment. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 907

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 101 3

Description:  Designed to give the non-science major an understanding and appreciation of basic concepts in geology, atmospheric science and astronomy. IAI P1905

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 110 * 4

Description:  Examines topics in geology: including rocks, minerals, plate tectonics, and geologic time; meteorology: including atmospheric science, severe weather, and atmospheric dynamics; astronomy: including the origins of modern astronomy, introduction to planetary science, and cosmology. IAI P1 905L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 111 * 4

Description:  Provides an introduction to the earth’s minerals, rocks and natural resources and the processes which have shaped the Earth’s surface such as sedimentation, mountain building, and action of water, wind, ice and downslope movements. Covers Earth’s fundamental structure and the behavior of Earth materials. Focuses on the roles of volcanism, earthquakes, sea-floor spreading and paleomagnetism in explaining plate tectonic theory. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 907L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 112 * 4

Description:  Includes basic principles of historical geology, rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, geologic time, reading the fossil record, the evolution of Earth through time, evolution of life through time, and the geologic story of the North American continent. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 907L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 113 * 4

Description:  Examines the relationships between humans and the geological environment. Includes the study of use and abuse of natural resources such as water, minerals, and energy, an overview of natural hazards, an examination of urban geology and land management issues and the relationship between community status and land use, an analysis of pollution and waste disposal, and an introduction to climate change and global warming. Emphasis is on issues and practices in the Chicagoland area. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 908L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 121 * 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.
Gives the non-science major an understanding and appreciation of the composition and structure of the atmosphere, thermodynamic processes, forces and related small- and large-scale motions, air masses, fronts, tropical cyclones, solar and terrestrial radiation, severe weather, basic weather forecasting techniques, and general circulations that affect the atmosphere. Knowledge of high-school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 905L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 111 3

Description:  Examines the spatial distribution of elements of Earth’s four physical spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere including landforms, climates, weather, vegetation, and soils. Consideration is given to the causes of these distributions and to their effects on human populations. IAI P1 909

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 112 * 1

Description:  Applies the scientific method of observation, hypothesis formation, and experimentation to Earth’s four physical spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. IAI P1 909L

Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in GEG 111 with a grade of C or better. (Physical Geography, IAI P1 909).

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 100 3

Description:  Examines basic topics in physics including motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and particles, and atomic structure. Course is for non-science majors fulfilling non-laboratory science requirements. IAI P1 900

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 110 * 4

Description:  Examines topics from physics including motion, structure of matter, electricity and magnetism, waves and particles and atomic structure. This course is intended for non-science majors fulfilling laboratory science requirements. IAI P1 900L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 112 * 4

Description:  Introduces non-science majors to topics from various sciences as they relate to energy resources and energy consumption. Connects the theory of energy to its practical applications. Examines the connection between science and economics, politics and other social issues, using energy as a focus. Meets laboratory science requirements for non-science majors. IAI P1 901L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 121 * 5

Description:  Covers mechanics, heat, fluids, and sound. Intended for students in life science, architecture and technology. Students pursuing degrees in engineering, physics, or chemistry should enroll in PHY 201. Knowledge of high school trigonometry assumed. IAI P1 900L

Prerequisite: MTH 140 with a grade of C of better,or other math placement options into MTH 200. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 201 * 5

Description:  Introduces mechanics using calculus. Topics include force and motion; work and energy; rotation; oscillations; and fluids. For students in chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. IAI P2 900L, IAI PHY 911

Prerequisite: MTH 200 (Calculus I, IAI M1 900-1, IAI MTH 901) with a grade of C or better. Recommend concurrent enrollment in MTH 201 (Calculus II, IAI M1 900-2, IAI MTH 902).

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Humanities and Fine Arts*

1 course selected from the Humanities and at least 1 from the Fine Arts. Interdisciplinary courses may be used for both categories.

Courses marked with a + meet the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement. One 3 credit-hour course is required for graduation.

Hours Required: 6

Number Course Title Credits
FRN 202 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides a crucial bridge between intermediate and advanced language courses. Focuses on a more in-depth study of history, geography, literature, and culture of French-speaking people. Includes analysis of daily life and current events. Students practice more complex structures of French grammar, fine-tune pronunciation, gain more advanced skills in composition, and continue to expand their vocabulary. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in French should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H1 900

Prerequisite: FRN 201 with a grade of C or better, or required placement exam scores.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

FRN 210 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides an introduction to literature from the French-speaking world and exposes students to a variety of literary genres and eras. Focuses on the development of more complex use of the language and addresses speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with of have taken classes in French should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H3 917

Prerequisite: FRN 202 with a grade of C or better, or required placement exam scores.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GER 202 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides a crucial bridge between intermediate and advanced language courses. Focuses on a more in-depth study of history, geography, literature, and culture of German-speaking people. Includes analysis of daily life and current events. Students practice more complex structures of German grammar, fine-tune pronunciation, gain more advanced skills in composition, and continue to expand their vocabulary. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in German should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H1 900

Prerequisite: GER 201 with a grade of C or better, or required placement exam scores.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GER 210 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides an introduction to literature from the German-speaking world and exposes students to a variety of literary genres and eras. Focuses on the development of more complex use of the language and addresses speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with of have taken classes in German should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H3 917

Prerequisite: GER 202 with a grade of C or better, or required placement exam scores.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 105 or

Description:  Introduces students to a selection of formative historical and contemporary texts in a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, the social sciences, literature, gender/multicultural studies, and the history of science. (Also listed as HUM 105. Credit will be given for either HST 105 or HUM 105, but not both.) IAI H9 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 105 3

Description:  Introduces students to a selection of formative historical and contemporary texts in a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, the social sciences, literature, gender/multicultural studies and the history of science.(Also listed as HST 105. Credit will be given for either HUM 105 or HST 105, but not both.) IAI H9 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 104 + 3

Description:  Examines the cultural structures and the literary, visual, and performing arts of the various societies of the Middle East. Examines and compares the great contributions these cultures have made in the various arts as living artifacts to both the present day Middle East and to other cultures including those of the West. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI HF 904N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 120 3

Description:  Studies the myths of Greece and Rome. Focuses on the stories of gods and heroes in classical literature and art. Considers the influence of classical mythology on later Western culture. IAI H9 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 125 + 3

Description:  Studies world mythic themes and patterns, excluding those of Greece and Rome. Focuses on archetypal figures/situations, symbolism, and figurative language found in creation stories, heroic legends and/or other traditional narratives. May include a special focus; consult the schedule. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI H9 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

JPN 202 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Continues JPN 201. Accuracy and ease in more complex conversation; advanced study of reading and writing. Study of more complex syntax and composition. IAI H1 900

Prerequisite: JPN 201 (Intermediate Japanese I) with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 105 3

Description:  Facilitates the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of poetry. Presents poetry of American, European and other literary philosophies and movements. Challenges students to develop skills in responding personally to poetry and in developing literary analyses. Reveals the link between the whole poem and particular literary qualities such as imagery, figurative language, allusion, connotation, and the music of poetry--sound and rhythm. Offers a forum for exchanging ideas about poetry in guided conversation and writing. IAI H3 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 110 3

Description:  Presents a survey of drama from various countries and eras. The course will include representative selections from such modes as tragedy, comedy, melodrama, romance, satire and social commentary as well as absurdist drama. The selections could include such authors as Ibsen, Miller, Moliere and Shakespeare, among others.(See THE 111 [Introduction to the Theatre] for theatrical study of drama.) IAI H3 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 115 3

Description:  Presents short stories and novels of high interest level. The selections typify authors and styles representative of major American and European literary movements and philosophies. Challenges the student to develop skills in literary analysis. Students will study characterization, narration, dialogue, plot and various other techniques of fiction. Individual sections may concentrate on particular periods, authors or topics. IAI H3 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 206 3

Description:  Presents selected works of universal significance contributed by people and civilizations from ancient times to 1800. IAI H3 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 207 3

Description:  Continues LIT 206. Selected works of universal significance contributed by people and civilizations from 1800 to the present. IAI H3 907

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 208 + 3

Description:  Studies selected works from non-western civilizations, such as Africa, China, India, Japan and the Middle East. Fiction, poetry and drama will be included. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI H3 908N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 210 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces Shakespeare's acting company, theater and audience. Discusses his techniques in building scenes, developing characters, handling dialogue. Readings and interpretations will consist of representative comedies, tragedies, histories, and problem plays. IAI H3 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 219 3

Description:  Introduces the various types of children's literature. Includes the history of children's literature, as well as the classic and current authors and illustrators. Covers such areas as picture and concept books, myths, poetry, fantasy and realism. IAI H3 918

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 220 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term. Surveys English-language translations of Japanese poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Reviews Noh and Kabuki drama and selections from Japanese cinema. Works will be studied in the context of Japanese history, but each work will be studied also as the product of its author's creative self-expression. No speaking or reading knowledge of Japanese is required; no background knowledge of Japan is required. IAI H3 909

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 221 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Presents American literature as an expression of American life through early social and political documents, novels, short stories and poems. IAI H3 914

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 222 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Explores American prose, drama, and poetry, Civil War to present, including minority literature, regional literature, literary journalism, criticism, and social and historical novels in their historical, social and cultural context to reflect current controversies and social changes. IAI H3 915

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 223 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.
Examines ways in which writers of color, and writers from historically marginalized cultures, have illuminated their American experience and questioned the authenticity of American democracy. May include such writers as Olaudah Equiano, Frederick Douglass, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Amiri Baraka, Leslie Marmon Silko, Sandra Cisneros, Toni Morrison, Maxine Hong Kingston, August Wilson, Louise Erdrich, Junot Diaz, Leslea Newman, Li-Young Lee, Sherman Alexie, Jhumpa Lahiri. IAI H3 910D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 224 + 3

Description:  Examines the evolving portrayal of women--the many images, impressions and stereotypes in literature. Includes literature written about women and by women. Selections reflect a diversity of cultures, eras, authors and genres. The student will read selections from such authors as Bronte, Chekhov, Chopin, Hardy, Morrison and Woolf. IAI H3 911D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 231 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Surveys English writers from beginning English literature to 1800. Reading and interpretation of writers such as Boswell, Chaucer, Congreve, Donne, Dryden, Johnson, Jonson, Malory, Milton, Pope and Swift. IAI H3 912

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 232 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Survey of English writers from Romantic Period to World War I. Reading and interpretation of writers such as Austen, Browning, Byron, Conrad, Dickens, Hardy, Keats, Shaw, Tennyson and Wordsworth. IAI H3 913

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 101 3

Description:  Introduces the student to reasoning in a language-centered context. Students will learn how to identify arguments and distinguish them from other types of discourse. Some topics covered include evaluating claims, recognizing informal fallacies, problem solving and evaluating media. Students will also learn how to cast issues in a neutral manner, to recognize and appreciate a variety of perspectives, and to argue for and against more than one perspective on an issue. The focus of this course is on everyday practical reasoning. IAI H4 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 105 3

Description:  Principles and problems of philosophy as seen in different schools of thought. Topics: validity of human knowledge; nature of reality; mind and body; free will and determinism; moral and aesthetic values; and religious belief. IAI H4 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 115 3

Description:  Considers problems of value and conduct, including the question of the "good life" or happiness; and contemporary moral issues such as war, violence, drugs, racism, crime and punishment. IAI H4 904

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 120 3

Description:  Focuses on the ideas of justice, liberty, equality, law and order, rights and privileges. This includes discussion of such issues as democracy, communism, nuclear war, capital punishment, sexual equality, hunger and drugs. IAI H4907

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 160 + 3

Description:  Introduces selected philosophical concepts and value systems of several non-Western cultures. Gives attention to the Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta and other Hindu texts, Confucius, the Tao Te Ching and other Chinese classics and key texts from at least two other traditions. IAI H4 903N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 205 + 3

Description:  Introduces the teachings, practices, social structures and histories of the religions of India (mainly Buddhism and Hinduism), and China and Japan (mainly Confucianism, Shinto and Taoism), and of the Middle East (mainly Christianity, Islam and Judaism). IAI H5 904N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 215 + 3

Description:  Surveys the contribution of religion to American culture including the differences between rural and urban society, the development of religious freedom and the rise of a "secular religion." Examines the emergence of new forms of belief and practice and the variety of religious issues confronting American society today. IAI H5 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 220 3

Description:  Examines the nature and presuppositions of Western religions, especially the reasons which can be given for and against the existence of God. Selected further topics: the problem of evil, life after death, the nature of religious experience, language, knowledge and authority, religion and science, and major philosophical theories on the nature of religion. IAI H4 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 225 3

Description:  Offers an overview of the New Testament and selected Early Christian writings. Introduces students to various methods of critical study, analysis, interpretation and application of these writings. IAI H5 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 231 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Surveys the major figures and schools in Western philosophical tradition from the pre-Socratic Greeks through the 14th century. Emphasis on interpreting philosophical reflection in light of the social, political, religious and cultural context from which it arises. IAI H4 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHI 232 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Surveys the major figures and schools in Western philosophical tradition from the 15th to the 20th century. Emphasizes interpreting philosophical reflection in light of the social, political, religious and cultural context from which it arises. IAI H4 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SGN 202 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Reviews American Sign Language grammatical structures and lexical items presented in SGN 201. Focuses on conversational practice to develop expressive and receptive facility with the language. Includes culturally significant topics and interaction with members of the deaf community. H1 900

Prerequisite: SGN 201 (American Sign Language III) with a grade of C or better, or consent of department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SGN 210 + 4

Description:  Examines the history of American Sign Language, the emergence of the deaf community as a linguistic and cultural group, the cultural norms, values, traditions and rules of social behavior of the deaf community, minority dynamics and cross cultural interactions. No knowledge of American Sign Language is required for this course; it is taught in ASL with an interpreter.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SPA 202 4

Description:  Provides a crucial bridge between intermediate and advanced language courses. Focuses on a more in-depth study of history, geography, literature, and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Includes analysis of daily life and current events. Students practice more complex structures of Spanish grammar, fine-tune pronunciation, gain more advanced skills in composition, and continue to expand their vocabulary. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in Spanish should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H1 900

Prerequisite: SPA 201 with a grade of C or better, or required placement exam scores.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SPA 210 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides an introduction to literature from the Spanish-speaking world and exposes students to a variety of literary genres and eras. Focuses on the development of more complex use of the language and addresses speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with of have taken classes in Spanish should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H3 917

Prerequisite: SPA 202 with a grade of C or better, or required placement exam scores.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Fine Arts:
ART 105 3

Description:  Introduces the visual arts with an emphasis on creating awareness of aesthetics, artistic concepts, media, theory and criticism. In addition, students will develop a critical understanding of art and build visual literacy. IAI F2 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ART 114 3

Description:  Examines the different ways of looking at film to improve understanding and appreciation of the medium as an art form. Includes critical analysis of different directors, film genres, historical trends and lecture about the technique and process of filmmaking. Between 10 and 15 films will be examined. IAI F2 908

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ART 130 3

Description:  Follows the historical development of the visual arts produced by Western civilizations, focusing on major artistic styles, works of art and monuments. Works are examined as expressions of the ideas, beliefs and practices of artists, cultures and societies. Covers the history of art from pre-history to the medieval age. IAI F2 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ART 131 3

Description:  Follows the historical development of the visual arts produced by Western civilizations, focusing on major artistic styles, works of art and monuments. Works are examined as expressions of the ideas, beliefs and practices of artists, cultures and societies. Covers the history of art from the medieval age to the end of the eighteenth century. IAI F2 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ART 132 3

Description:  Follows the historical development of the visual arts produced by Western civilizations, focusing on major artistic styles, works of art and monuments. Works are examined as expressions of the ideas, beliefs and practices of artists, cultures and societies. Covers the history of art from the nineteenth-century to the present time. IAI F2 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ART 133 + 3

Description:  Follows the historical development of the visual arts produced by non-western civilizations, focusing on major artistic styles, works of art and monuments. Works are examined as expressions of the ideas, beliefs and practices of artists, cultures and societies. Covers the history of art of Africa, China, India, Japan, Middle East, Oceania, and the Americas. IAI F2 903N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MCM 200 + 3

Description:  Surveys the historical development of film, emphasizing a study of films and innovations in film production that have had a significant influence on film as art form. Explores the history of film through the eyes of the filmmaker. Students will analyze film movements from multiple countries and recognize their effect on each other and the Hollywood film model. IAI F2 909

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MUS 103 3

Description:  Introduces standard concert repertory through intensive guided listening. Representative works by major composers from each period are chosen to illustrate the principal styles, forms and techniques of vocal and instrumental music. IAI F1 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MUS 104 + 3

Description:  Develops a stylistic frame of reference for judging popular music. Surveys characteristic elements of jazz, rhythm and blues, popular music and their relation to western classical music. For non-music majors. IAI F1 904

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MUS 106 3

Description:  Examines the evolution and development of jazz, America’s only native musical art form. The study begins in 1851 with the blending of African, European, Haitian, and Creole music and culture in New Orleans, which results in the creation of blues and improvisation. The study continues with further development in Chicago, Kansas City, New York, and Los Angeles. The course introduces blues, Dixieland, big band, cool, hard bop, funk, free, and fusion. IAI F1 905D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MUS 107 3

Description:  Surveys characteristic elements of music in the theatre. Includes opera, operetta and Broadway musicals. Examines them as media for communicating the philosophic, aesthetic and psychological perspectives of composers and their eras. Music experience not required. IAI F1 910

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MUS 108 + 3

Description:  Surveys the folk and traditional musics from around the world. Examines music-making, the people and musical cultures of South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and Oceania, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Europe, Africa and the Americas. Explores inter-relationships between musical genres and other art forms (dance, theater, visual arts and literature) and analyzes how these musics have intersected with the issues of race, class, gender, religion, ritual, politics, social movements and cultural identity. IAI F1 903N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MUS 120 3

Description:  Surveys the styles, periods, literature and personalities in each of the commonly accepted music periods, with primary emphasis on hearing music of each style. IAI F1 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

THE 111 + 3

Description:  Introduces theatre as a fine and performing art. Includes study and analysis of historical, social, aesthetic and technical aspects of traditional and contemporary theatrical/dramatic expression. IAI F1 907

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

THE 121 + 3

Description:  Examines how cultural perspective and minority expression shape theatre in the United States by exploring the roots of change in traditional theatre and the role of community in the formation of theatre companies. Specific focus will be given to African American theatre, Asian American theatre, Latino theatre, Native American theatre, feminist theatre, gay and lesbian theatre, political theatre, performance art and post-modernism as well as international trends. IAI F1 909D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Interdisciplinary Studies:
HUM 101 + 3

Description:  Explores architecture, art, history, literature, music, philosophy and the theatre of the Western tradition from Prehistory through the Medieval era. May include a special focus; consult the course schedule for specific topics. NOTE: HUM 101 and HUM 102 need not be taken in sequence. IAI HF 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 102 + 3

Description:  Explores architecture, art, history, literature, music, philosophy, and the theatre of the Western world from the Renaissance to the present. May include a special focus; consult the course schedule. IAI HF 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 106 + 3

Description:  Examines the arts of Asian cultures from ancient times to the present. Studies examples of the visual arts, music, dance, literature, world views, and religious traditions from selected civilizations in Asia, south of Russia, excluding the countries of the Middle East. IAI HF 904N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 107 + 3

Description:  Examines the arts of African cultures from ancient times to the present. Studies examples of the visual arts, music, dance, literature, world views, and religious traditions from selected civilizations in North Africa, the Sahel, South Africa, Central and East Africa, and West Africa, excluding countries associated with the Middle East. IAI HF 904N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HUM 110 + 3

Description:  Explores the nature of female creativeness, focusing on women in the traditionally male arenas of art and literature and on areas in which the female creative impulse manifests itself under other names such as the shaping of social attitudes, domestic arts and religious experiences. IAI HF 907D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

LIT 112 3

Description:  Introduces methods of reading, interpreting and analyzing literary works as well as examining methods used in translating those works to the medium of film. Presents the short story, novel and the drama in conjunction with their cinematic counterparts. Relates the development of film to such schools as German expressionism, film verity, etc. Focuses on analysis of each form both on its own and in relation to the others through reading, viewing and writing. IAI HF 908

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Social and Behavioral Sciences**

2 courses selected from at least two departments.

Courses marked with a + meet the World Cultures and Diversity graduation requirement. One 3 credit-hour course is required for graduation.

Hours Required: 6

Number Course Title Credits
ANT 101 + 3

Description:  Addresses such central questions as “What does it mean to be human?” and “How did we get to be the way we are?” Among the topics to be examined will be human, physical, and cultural evolution; the origin of culture; language; religion; kinship; economics; and the impact of contemporary life on the world’s populations. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI S1 900N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ANT 202 + 3

Description:  Describes and analyzes how people throughout the world define and resolve the problems of life that are found everywhere. Some of the specific topics studied will be religion, social structure, law, “the unknown,” economics and the formation of behavior within particular groups. IAI S1 901N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ANT 205 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Studies the origins and evolution of humans as physical and cultural beings. Includes origin, history, and behavior of primates; fossil records; and the principles of population genetics and their application to study of human variation. IAI S1 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ANT 206 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Surveys archaeological concepts, research, and methods for the study of prehistoric cultures. Includes rise and development of modern civilization, land and land use, agriculture, current archaeological investigations, interpretations of finds and introduction to field work techniques. IAI S1 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ECO 200 + 3

Description:  Covers descriptive rather than a quantitative approach to the study of economics. Major topics cover economic history, the elements of macroeconomics, microeconomics and a comparative look at other economic systems. Specifically designed for students in career-vocational curricula. IAI S3 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ECO 211 3

Description:  Covers economic problems faced by the individual and the firm. Examination of market structures, price and output determination. The microeconomic approach. IAI S3 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ECO 212 3

Description:  Covers economic problems faced by our society. Examination of resource allocation, national income and economic development, from a macroeconomic approach. IAI S3 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 100 + 3

Description:  Provides a systematic or regional introduction to the basic concepts of human geography using spatial analysis/awareness with both traditional and digital map analysis. Examines the causes and consequences of the uneven distribution of human activity, covering themes such as population, culture, economic activity, development, and urban patterns. IAI S4 900N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 101 + 3

Description:  Provides a thematic or regional introduction to the basic concepts of how world regions are constructed or classified. Using spatial analysis of both traditional and digital maps, factors will be explored to assess how regions evolve and are classified. Concepts will explore both developed and undeveloped regions connecting both human and physical geographical factors shaping and defining the classification of regions and interrelationships between them. IAI S4 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 103 + 3

Description:  Examines the regions of the world conventionally called “developing” or “emerging,” including the spatial patterns of physical and cultural elements that impart unique identities within these regions using both digital and traditional maps to explore complex geopolitical relations and/or international conflicts among developing regions of the world. IAI S4 902N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 104 + 3

Description:  Examines the regions of the world conventionally called “industrialized” or “developed,” including the spatial patterns of physical, cultural elements, and/or international conflicts that impart unique identities within these regions. Uses spatial analysis of both digital and traditional maps to promote critical thinking of complex geographic relationships among regions of world. IAI S4 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 150 3

Description:  Provides an introduction to geospatial technologies, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and Remote Sensing through hands-on computer based exercises. The essential principles of map use and design, and spatial analysis are also included in this course. Fundamental desktop computer skills assumed. IAI S4 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HED 202 + 3

Description:  Introduces students to the sociological, psychological, biological and emotional implications of human sexuality. Includes sexual orientation, gender identity, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and reproductive anatomy as well as other topics related to the field of human sexuality. Emphasizes exploring attitudes regarding sexual issues, clarifications of personal beliefs and development of healthy sexual behavior. IAI S9 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 111 3

Description:  Survey of the American experience through the pre-revolutionary period, the expansion westward and the Civil War. Special stress is placed upon the social, economic, cultural, political and constitutional development of the United States. IAI S2 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 112 3

Description:  Surveys the end of Reconstruction to the present, with primary stress on political and economic development. Also includes social, intellectual, and cultural phases, expanded role of government in national affairs and the participation of the United States in international relations. IAI S2 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 121 + 3

Description:  Surveys the political and constitutional history of the principal Latin American nations. The course will cover movements leading to independence and social and economic events which are pertinent to relationships with the United States. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI S2 920N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 141 4

Description:  Stresses political, social, cultural, economic, and technological developments from prehistoric times and concludes with the last manifestation of essentially medieval ideology,i.e., the Protestant Reformation. IAI S2 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 142 4

Description:  Continues HST 141. Commences with the emergence of modern times, i.e., the development of royal absolutism and the beginnings of the modern nation state and concludes with the 20th century and the modern world. IAI S2 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 231 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Surveys the Ancient Near East and Middle East from its origins in Ancient Summer up to 1453. Emphasis will be placed on social, political, economic, religious and military institutions. The process of change and broad continuities will be examined in relationship to the historical evolution and growth of the region. IAI S2 920N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 232 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Surveys the history of the Middle East from 1453 to the present. Emphasis is placed on social, political, economic, religious, and military institutions that shape the region. The establishment of colonial rule is highlighted along with the struggle for independence, modernization and development. IAI S2 920N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 241 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Surveys the history of China from prehistory to the end of the Ming Dynasty. Major emphasis is placed on the evolution and growth of the Imperial system and forces that shaped its continuation and growth. IAI S2 920N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 242 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.
Surveys the history of China from 1644, the Ching Dynasty, to the present. The content will stress the evolution of China from a period of strength and unity to one of disunity and change during the revolutionary times of 1911-1949. Special emphasis will be placed on the establishment of the Communist government in 1949 to the present. Economic modernization, role of foreigners and cultural advancements will also be highlighted. IAI S2 920N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 243 + 3

Description:  Studies history of East Asia since 1800. The traditional cultures of China and Japan, the Western impact and the Asian response will be covered. IAI S2 920N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

HST 245 + 3

Description:  Surveys the history of the world from 1945 to the present with major emphasis on historical issues and events that have global impact. IAI S2 913N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSC 101 3

Description:  Focuses on political involvement, elections, campaigns, interest groups, Congress, courts, the presidency, and the constitution. Discusses how our government runs, as well as current political controversies. Utilizes political figures as guest speakers and offers opportunities for political participation, especially in election years. IAI S5 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSC 220 3

Description:  Examines state and local governments including their powers, organization, functions, development, politics and contemporary issues/problems. IAI S5 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSC 250 + 3

Description:  Explores the politics of selected countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and/or the Middle East. Examines economic, social and political patterns and problems in different nations. IAI S5 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSC 270 + 3

Description:  Uses role playing to study how foreign policy is made. Explores human problems such as populations, food and energy on a global dimension. Examines international bodies, including the United Nations, and explores how nations interact. IAI S5 904

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSC 280 + 3

Description:  Examines the political systems of selected non-Western countries, including common governmental problems, causes of political instability and revolution and techniques of political analysis. IAI S5 906N

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSY 101 + 3

Description:  Investigates human and animal behavior with emphasis on the scientific nature of contemporary and classic psychological investigation. Emphasizes psychological theories, principles, and research applications. Introduces the divisions of the American Psychological Association. References biological processes, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotional life, mental disorders, intelligence, aptitude, personality, development, daily life and everyday problems. IAI S6 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSY 216 3

Description:  Investigates the psychological development of the child from conception through pubescence. Emphasizes the theories, principles and empirically derived findings of Child Psychology. Explores cultural and/or international contexts as well as normative and non-normative patterns of development. Discusses mortality during childhood. Integrates the various child psychopathologies. IAI S6 903

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSY 217 3

Description:  Investigates the psychological development of humans from late childhood through adolescence and young adulthood. Emphasizes the theories, principles and empirically derived findings of Adolescence Psychology. Explores cultural and/or international contexts as well as normative and non-normative patterns of development. Discusses mortality during adolescence. Integrates the study of adolescent psychopathologies. IAI S6 904

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSY 218 3

Description:  Investigates the biological, physical, social and psychological development of humans from young adulthood to death and through grief and bereavement. Emphasizes theories, principles and empirically derived findings of Adult Psychology. Addresses cultural and/or international contexts as well as normative and non-normative patterns of development. Discusses mortality throughout adulthood and adult psychopathologies. IAI S6 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PSY 228 3

Description:  Investigates the psychological development of humans from conception to death, through grief and bereavement. Investigates the theories, empirically derived science and principles of developmental researchers and developmental psychologists. Emphasizes cultural and/or international contexts as well as normative and non-normative patterns of development. Discusses mortality throughout the life-span. Integrates developmental psychopathologies. IAI S6 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SOC 101 + 3

Description:  Analysis and description of the structure and dynamics of human society. Application of scientific methods to the observation and analysis of social norms, groups, inter-group relations, social change, social stratification and institutions. This course meets the World Culture and Diversity graduation requirement. IAI S7 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SOC 120 + 3

Description:  Examines the family as a social institution and as a dynamic interactive system. Topics include courtship, marriage, family systems, parenting and non-traditional forms of the family. IAI S7 902

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SOC 205 + 3

Description:  Analysis of contemporary social problems. Investigation of theories dealing with conformity and deviance, racial and minority group prejudice, crime and delinquency, personality problems, urbanization and fundamental institutional problems due to social change. IAI S7 901

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SOC 215 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces the methods used to understand, explain and predict how the thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals are influenced by the thoughts and actions of social groups. Investigates how attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by others within society and how society is influenced by the individual. IAI S8 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SOC 230 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term. Examines the social processes in society which translate biological differences (sex) between men and women into social and psychological categories or gender roles. Various theories will be considered in an attempt to understand the existence of gender inequality and how the process of socialization influences the proper "place" for men and women in society. Gender roles and power are considered when analyzing the marketplace, politics, marriage and family, or in considering issues such as the feminization of poverty, violence in the home, and male sensitivity. IAI S7 904D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

SOC 235 + 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Examines differential power relations between racial and ethnic groups. Analyzes the economic, political, and cultural structures that produce and reproduce these power differences. Focuses on cultural diversity and various dimensions of prejudice and discrimination including an analysis of racial and ethnic inequality and its origins, and conditions under which these forms of inequality are (re)produced. IAI S7 903D

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Total General Education

No more than two GEG and two HST courses (except HST 105) may be used to fulfill the General Education requirements.

Hours Required: 31

Number Course Title Credits

Additional Mathematics Course

At least one course, 100 level or above, must be selected in mathematics.

Hours Required:3

Number Course Title Credits
MTH 101 4

Description:  Develops conceptual understanding, problem-solving, decision-making and analytic skills dealing with quantities and their magnitudes and interrelationships, using calculators and personal computers as tools. Includes: computing statistical measures such as central tendency and dispersion; computing correlation coefficients and regression equations; using normal distributions to test hypotheses; using logical statements and arguments in a real-world context; solving systems of equations and inequalities and modeling data; solving mathematical finance problems; and selecting and using appropriate approaches and tools in formulating and solving real-world problems. IAI M1 901

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 103 3

Description:  Emphasizes algebraic and graphical approaches. Topics include but are not limited to polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions and systems of equations. NOTE: This course does not fulfill the math requirement for the AA or AS degrees.

Prerequisite: MTH 070 (Plane Geometry) with a grade of C or better or Geometry Waiver AND placement into college level mathematics. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 124 3

Description:  Develops the mathematics of simple models in behavioral, social and management sciences. Studies applications of set theory, vectors and matrices, linear programming, probability rules, and Markov chains with computer assistance. IAI M1 906

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 130 4

Description:  Focuses on mathematical reasoning and problem solving and is designed to meet the requirements of the state certification of elementary teachers when taken in conjunction with MTH 131. The course examines the underlying conceptual framework of the topics of sets, functions, whole numbers, number theory, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and the real number system. Students are expected to be active participants in the learning process. They will apply mathematical reasoning in a variety of problem-solving situations using estimation, models, tables, graphs and symbolic representations. The use of appropriate techniques and tools, such as calculators and computers, are a focus of investigations and discussion throughout the course. A weekly lab component is required.

Prerequisite: MTH 070 (Plane Geometry) and a college-level math course (101 or higher) with grades of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 131 4

Description:  Completes the two course sequence that begins with MTH 130 and focuses on mathematical reasoning and the solving of real-life problems, rather than on routine skills. The following topics will be studied in depth: geometry, counting techniques and probability, logic and statistics. Students are expected to be active participants in the learning process. Calculators and computers will be used throughout the course. A weekly lab component is required. IAI M1 903

Prerequisite: MTH 130 (Mathematics for Elementary Teaching I) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 134 or

Description:  Designed specifically for students in business and the social sciences and does not count toward a major or minor in mathematics. It emphasizes applications of the basic concepts of calculus rather than proofs. Topics include limits; techniques of differentiation applied to polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; partial derivatives and applications; maxima and minima of functions; and elementary techniques of integration including substitution and integration by parts. Business and social science applications are stressed throughout the course. IAI M1 900-B

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 200 4-5

Description:  Studies limits, continuity, derivatives, antiderivatives, and definite integrals as they relate to algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Includes applications to geometry, science, and engineering. IAI M1 900-1, IAI MTH 901

Prerequisite: MTH 140 (Precalculus) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 140 5

Description:  Builds on MTH 103 (College Algebra) to provide the foundation for calculus and analytic geometry. Topics include but are not limited to radical and rational equations; equations quadratic in form; polynomial and rational functions; polynomial and rational inequalities; sequences and series; mathematical induction; the binomial theorem; trigonometric functions; inverse trigonometric functions; applications of trigonometric functions; polar coordinates and vectors; and the complex plane.

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 165 or

Description:  Focuses on statistical reasoning and the solving of problems using real-world data rather than on computational skills. The use of technology-based computations (more advanced than a basic scientific calculator, such as graphing calculators with a statistical package, spreadsheets, or statistical computing software) is required with an emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of statistical results. Topics must include data collection processes (observational studies, experimental design, sampling techniques, bias), descriptive methods using quantitative and qualitative data, bivariate data, correlation, and least ­squares regression, basic probability theory, probability distributions (normal distributions and normal curve, binomial distribution), confidence intervals and hypothesis tests using p-values. (Credit will be given for either MTH 162 or MTH 165 or MTH 225, but not for more than one of these courses.) IAI M1 902

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 225 4

Description:  Focuses on the use of statistical concepts as decision-making tools with an emphasis on business-related applications. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability theory, and inferential methods including chi-square tests, regression analysis, and ANOVA. This course is strongly recommended for business majors. You may not receive credit for more than one of MTH 225 OR MTH 165 OR MTH 162 OR MGT 225. (IAI M1 902/IAI BUS 901)

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options (including meeting the Geometry requirement). mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 201 5

Description:  Continues MTH 200. Uses integrals to describe area and volume, studies techniques of integration, series, conics, polar coordinates and parametric equations with applications to science and engineering. IAI M1 900-2, IAI MTH 902

Prerequisite: MTH 200 (Calculus I) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 202 5

Description:  Continues MTH 201. Studies three-dimensional vectors, solid analytic geometry, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals, divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem. IAI M1 900-3, IAI MTH 903

Prerequisite: MTH 201 (Calculus II) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 203 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces matrices, vector spaces and linear transformations. Serves as a first exposure to abstract mathematical structures. Include matrices and their operations, determinants, solutions of systems of linear equations, Euclidean and general vector spaces, bases and dimension, linear transformations and their associated subspaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Discusses applications to mathematics, computer graphics, and physical sciences. IAI MTH 911

Prerequisite: MTH 201 (Calculus II) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 212 3

Description:  Continues MTH 202. Emphasizes solutions of first order differential equations, linear differential equations, special second order equations and series solutions. Studies selections from these topics: LaPlace transforms, Fourier series, numerical methods and applications of matrix algebra. IAI MTH 912

Prerequisite: MTH 202 (Calculus III, IAI M1 900-3, IAI MTH 903) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

MTH 220 3

Description:  Introduces analysis of finite collections and mathematical foundations of sequential machines, computer system design, data structures and algorithms. Includes sets and logic, sequences and subscripts, number systems, counting, recursion, graph theory, trees, finite probability, matrices and Boolean algebra. IAI M1 905, IAI CS 915

Prerequisite: MTH 103 (College Algebra) with a grade of C or better, or other placement options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Additional Science Course

At least one course, 100 level or above with a total of three credit hours or more, must be selected in science.

Hours Required:3

Number Course Title Credits
AST 100 3

Description:  Introduces the main concepts of contemporary astronomy using a scientific approach. Topics include the scientific method, the celestial sphere, celestial motions, gravity, light, telescopes, the Solar System, stars, the interstellar medium, galaxies, and cosmology. Current research in the different areas will be discussed. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

AST 112 4

Description:  Introduces the main concepts of solar system astronomy. Topics include the fundamentals of astronomy, planetary motion, the Earth, the Moon, terrestrial planets, Jovian planets, small bodies in the solar system, the Sun, the formation of the solar system, other planetary systems, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Current research in the different areas will be discussed. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 906L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

AST 115 4

Description:  Introduces the main concepts of stellar, galactic, and extra-galactic astronomy. Topics include life cycles of stars, supernovae, black holes, interstellar medium, structure of the Milky Way galaxy, galaxy classification, galaxy interactions, dark matter, dark energy and the Big Bang model. Current research in the different areas will be discussed. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 906L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 101 3

Description:  Surveys the science of biology, emphasizing the human organism. Includes chemical and physical properties, physiological systems of control, growth, differentiation, reproduction, genetics, ecology, evolution and ethical considerations. Also includes a broader overview of the plant and animal kingdoms and humans’ place in, and interactions with, those kingdoms. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.) IAI L1 900

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 103 3

Description:  Surveys and analyzes the interrelationship between humans and the environment. Topics include ecology, biodiversity, evolution, natural resources and their use, physiology and health, and human populations. Examines human’s ecological, social, and cultural impacts on our environment. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.) IAI L1 905

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 104 4

Description:  Investigates the interrelationship between humans and the environment through scientific inquiry. Lecture and laboratory topics include the scientific method, ecosystems, biodiversity, energy sources, natural resources, conservation, pollution, and population dynamics. Incorporates chemical and physical aspects as applicable to relevant biological concepts. Examines human’s ecological, social and cultural impacts on our environment and possible solutions. Laboratory experiences involve some outside field work and field trips. Intended for non-science majors. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) IAI L1 905L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 105 3

Description:  Examines life and the evolutionary record with emphasis on human genetics and inheritance. Factors such as current applications of biotechnology and its ethical, political and social implications in the 21st century are considered. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.) IAI L1 906

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 110 4

Description:  Surveys the science of biology through scientific inquiry, emphasizing its impacts on humans and society. Includes chemical and physical properties, physiological systems of control, growth, differentiation, reproduction, genetics, ecology, and evolution with ethical and societal considerations. Provides a broad overview of the plant and animal kingdoms as well as the interactions with these organisms and humans, especially from a societal perspective. (NOTE: Lab Science credit) IAI L1 900L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 115 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.
Introduces fundamental processes of organisms operating at the molecular and the cellular level of organization. Topics include chemical and molecular aspects of life, cellular metabolism, genetic information flow, theory of inheritance, genetic engineering and principles of physiology. This course is in the first semester of a two-semester sequence intended for biology majors and pre-professionals. To guarantee credit students must complete the entire course sequence at the same school before transfer. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) IAI L1 910L, IAI BIO 910

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support AND placement into ENG 101 (Composition I, IAI C1 900) mathplacement.php english-placement-grid.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 116 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.
Introduces students to higher levels of biological organization from the organism to the ecosystem. Topics include organismal diversity, mechanisms of micro and macroevolution, animal behavior, and the dynamics and organization of populations, communities and ecosystems. This course is in the second semester of a two-semester sequence intended for biology majors and pre-professionals. To guarantee credit students must complete the entire course sequence at the same school before transfer. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) IAI L1 910L, IAI BIO 910

Prerequisite: BIO 115 (Fundamentals of Cellular Biology, IAI L1 910L, IAI BIO910) with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 120 4

Description:  Emphasizes scientific inquiry through selected concepts in biology, such as organization, function, cellular and molecular biology, heredity, diversity, evolution and ecology using plants as the type of organism. Topics include plant structure, diversity, growth, genetics, evolution, physiology and reproduction. Economic, cultural, environmental and medical relationships between plants and humans are emphasized. (NOTE: Lab Science credit.) IAI L1 901L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 135 4

Description:  Surveys the human body, with emphasis on basic physical and chemical concepts, anatomy, physiology and embryology. Designed to meet the needs of students in certain allied health career programs. Knowledge of high school biology is assumed. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.)

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 136 3

Description:  Surveys the nature of human disease with emphasis on the functional disturbances within the body systems. Designed to meet the needs of students in certain allied health career programs. Knowledge of high school biology assumed. (NOTE: Not Lab science credit.)

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 140 4

Description:  Emphasizes scientific inquiry through selected concepts in animal biology. Surveys the animal kingdom based on theory of organic evolution, including morphology, histology, physiology, taxonomy, parasitology, embryology and ecology. Economic, environmental and medical relationships between animals and humans are emphasized. (NOTE: Lab Science credit.) IAI L1 902L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 230 4

Description:  Examines characteristics and importance of microorganisms; emphasis on identification, anatomy and physiology, control, relationship to health and disease and economic importance. College chemistry or equivalent is desirable. Strongly recommended preparation: One year of high school biology with a grade of C or better taken within the last five years, or BIO 110.(NOTE: Lab science credit.) Formerly BIO 130.

Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 101. english-placement-grid.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 260 4

Description:  Introduces the anatomy of the human body; the following systems studied either regionally or systemically: integumentary, skeletal, articular, muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine and reproductive. Includes some introductory histology. Specially designed for students in health careers, biology, and physical education. Strongly recommended preparation: One year of high school biology with a grade of C or better taken within the last five years, or BIO 110. (NOTE: Lab science credit.) Formerly BIO 160. IAI BIO 920C

Prerequisite: Placement into ENG 101. english-placement-grid.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 261 4

Description:  Emphasizes physiological principles at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ and system level, as they pertain to the human organism. The following systems are studied in detail: skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive and endocrine. In this course, special applications will be made to meet the needs of students in health careers, biology and physical education.(NOTE: Lab science credit.) Formerly BIO 161. IAI BIO 920C

Prerequisite: BIO 260 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 295 1-3

Description:  Provides experimental exploration of a scientific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. This laboratory course is designed to teach the principles and practice of experimental Biology in an area of both student interest and faculty expertise. Before registering, students must submit to the Biology Department a contract with the instructor for accomplishing a defined research task. Credit is contingent on the submission of a final report.

Prerequisite: BIO 110 or BIO 115 with a grade of C or better, prior consultation with instructor, completed contract, and consent of department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 296 1-3

Description:  Provides additional opportunity for students to do experimental exploration of a scientific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. This laboratory course is designed to give students more time to work on a research project. Before registering, students must submit to the Biology Department a contract with the instructor for accomplishing a defined research task. Credit is contingent on the submission of a final report.

Prerequisite: BIO 295 with a grade of B or better, prior consultation with instructor, completed contract, and consent of department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

BIO 297 1-3

Description:  Provides additional opportunity for students to do experimental exploration of a scientific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. This laboratory course is designed to give students more time to work on a research project. Before registering, students must submit to the Biology Department a contract with the instructor for accomplishing a defined research task. Credit is contingent on the submission of a final report.

Prerequisite: BIO 296 with a grade of B or better, prior consultation with instructor, completed contract, and consent of department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 100 4

Description:  Introduces basic concepts of inorganic and organic chemistry and biochemistry. Emphasizes chemical principles applied to biological systems. Laboratory exercises apply theory to biological and consumer products. Especially designed for students in allied health sciences. Meets the prerequisite of the Nursing program. IAI P1 902L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 103 4

Description:  Introduces chemical principles to illustrate the significance of chemistry in the world today. Practical applications and current issues related to general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemical topics will be integrated with chemical concepts. Recommended for non-science majors. IAI P1 903L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 105 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.
Relates biological and physical systems to chemistry. Focuses on four major themes: the sociology of science, chemical composition and change, the chemistry of life, chemistry and society. Corresponding laboratory is inquiry based. Designed to provide a higher level of scientific literacy to non-science majors and to provide elementary education majors, in particular, with the content knowledge and disposition about science that is necessary in order to be able to teach science in engaging and meaningful ways to their students. Aligned with State of Illinois teacher preparation standards. IAI P1 903L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 110 4

Description:  Introduces concepts of chemistry. Emphasizes the composition of matter, the periodic table, the chemistry of solutions and chemical calculations. The laboratory experiments utilize many common household materials to demonstrate applications of chemical concepts. For students whose preparation does not permit enrollment in CHM 121. IAI P1 902L

Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MTH 070 (Plane Geometry) with a grade of C or better or Geometry Waiver AND placement into college-level mathematics. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 121 5

Description:  Studies principles of atomic and molecular structure, bonding, stoichiometry, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory, and solutions. Corresponding laboratory experiments include volumetric and gravimetric analyses, a qualitative study of reactions, visible spectrophotometry, and problem-based analyses. Intended for all students whose majors require general chemistry, including science majors and pre-professionals. The course also satisfies a general education laboratory science requirement for students with previous chemistry experience. IAI P1 902L, IAI CHM 911

Prerequisite: Two semesters of high school chemistry or CHM 110 with a grade of C or better AND placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 122 5

Description:  Continues CHM 121 as the second semester of a general chemistry sequence intended for all students whose major requires a full year of general chemistry, including science majors and pre-professionals. Includes the principles of chemical kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base reactions, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics. Also introduces topics in organic, nuclear, transition metal, and descriptive chemistry. Laboratory includes experiments related to the lecture material. IAI CHM 912

Prerequisite: CHM 121 (General Chemistry I) with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 125 4

Description:  Introduces principles and health applications of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Studies the structure, nomenclature and reactions of organic compounds. Also studies carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, metabolic pathways and bioenergetics. Includes related laboratory exercises. Intended for students in the allied health sciences but open to all non-physical science majors.

Prerequisite: CHM 110 or CHM 121 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 201 4

Description:  Surveys topics of organic chemistry covering nomenclature, structure, reactions and synthesis of the major classes of organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and amines. The laboratory includes experiments in distillation, crystallization, chromatography, extraction, synthesis and analysis.

Prerequisite: CHM 100, CHM 110, or CHM 121 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 204 5

Description:  Applies modern theories of electronic structures to the study of chemical and physical properties of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, and alkyl halides. Students also study reaction mechanisms and stereochemistry as they apply to the above classes of organic compounds. Laboratory includes syntheses, qualitative organic analyses, IR and visible spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, thin layer chromatography, HPLC, polarimetry, and refractometry. Intended primarily for science majors and pre-professionals. IAI CHM 913 Students should complete CHM204 and CHM205 at the same school since topics are covered in different order at different schools.

Prerequisite: CHM 122 (General Chemistry II, IAI CHM 912) with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 205 5

Description:  Continues CHM 204 with further study of nomenclature, stereochemistry, reactions, and mechanisms of the following functional groups: conjugated dienes, aromatics, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, and nitrogen containing compounds. Laboratory includes syntheses, qualitative organic analyses, NMR, IR and UV-Vis spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, thin layer chromatography, HPLC, polarimetry, and refractometry. Intended primarily for science majors and pre-professionals. IAI CHM 914 Students should complete CHM204 and CHM205 at the same school since topics are covered in different order at different schools.

Prerequisite: CHM 204 (Organic Chemistry I, IAI CHM 913) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 210 5

Description:  Introduces theory and applications of sampling and quantitative chemical analysis with a focus on acid-base equilibria, complexation, extraction and chromatography, solubility, precipitation, redox reactions, and activity. Considerable emphasis is placed on extended equilibrium concepts and the fundamentals of spectroscopy. Laboratory experiments are related to lecture topics; they emphasize experimental precision and accuracy and include spreadsheet-based computer calculations.

Prerequisite: CHM 122 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 220 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces the chemical and physical properties of all classes of biological molecules and their assemblies including small molecules, macromolecules, and processes found in living organisms. Includes structures of amino acids, nucleotides, lipids, and sugars, as well as their corresponding macromolecular structures, i.e., proteins, nucleic acids, membranes, and polysaccharides as related to their biological functions; kinetics and mechanism of enzymatic reactions, the central metabolic pathways, and the genetic code. Introduces current biochemical techniques and the proper use of laboratory tools and equipment utilized in a biochemistry lab.

Prerequisite: CHM 122 with a grade of “C” or better and either CHM 201 or CHM 204 with a grade of “C” or better or consent of the instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 295 1-3

Description:  Provides experimental exploration of an authentic scientific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. This laboratory course is designed to teach the principles and practice of modern experimental chemistry. Before registering, students must submit to the Chemistry Department a contract with the instructor for accomplishing a defined research task. Credit is contingent on the submission of a final report.

Prerequisite: CHM 121 with a grade C or better, prior consultation with instructor, completed contract, and consent of the department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 296 1-3

Description:  Provides additional opportunity for students to do experimental exploration of an authentic scientific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. This laboratory course is designed to give students more time to work on a research project. Before registering, students must submit to the Chemistry Department a contract with the instructor for accomplishing a defined research task. Credit is contingent on the submission of a final report.

Prerequisite: CHM 295 with a grade B or better, prior consultation with instructor, completed contract and consent of the department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CHM 297 1-3

Description:  Provides additional opportunity for students to do experimental exploration of an authentic scientific research topic under the supervision of a faculty member. This laboratory course is designed to give students more time to work on a research project. Before registering, students must submit to the Chemistry Department a contract with the instructor for accomplishing a defined research task. Credit is contingent on the submission of a final report.

Prerequisite: CHM 296 with a grade B or better, prior consultation with instructor, completed contract, and consent of the department chair.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CSC 121 4

Description:  The first in a sequence of courses for majors in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering. Introduces a disciplined approach to problem-solving and algorithm development, in addition to an introduction to procedural and data abstraction. Covers: selection, repetition, and sequence control structures; program design, testing, and documentation using good programming style; block-structured high-level programming languages; and arrays, records, and files. IAI CS911

Prerequisite: MTH 070 (Plane Geometry) with a grade of C or better or Geometry Waiver; AND college-level placement in mathematics. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CSC 122 4

Description:  The second in a sequence of courses for majors in Computer Science. Covers: design and implementation of large-scale problems; abstract data types; data structures (files, sets, lists, stacks, queues, and trees); program verification and complexity; recursion; dynamic concepts (memory, scope, block structures); text processing; and an introduction to searching and sorting algorithms. This course will use the same programming language as CSC 121: Computer Science I (IAI CS911: Computer Science I). IAI CS912

Prerequisite: CSC 121 Computer Science I (IAI CS911 Computer Science I) with grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CSC 211 4

Description:  Develops working knowledge in the use of the computer in the C programming language. Includes problem formulation, data storage and retrieval, algorithms, flowcharts or pseudocode, numerical analysis and structural programming, lexical analysis and string manipulation. Introduces student to a UNIX-like operating system environment. Intended for the computer science or engineering student.

Prerequisite: CSC 121 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CSC 214 4

Description:  Introduces the Java language in a UNIX environment. Includes algorithms, problem formulation, structured programming, variables, data types, input/output repetition, selection, arrays, functions, classes/objects, stacks, queues, linked structures, and recursion. Applications emphasize math, science, engineering, and computer science. This course will build on topics covered in CSC 121 (only in a new language).

Prerequisite: CSC 121 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CSC 216 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides exposure to techniques for storing and manipulating data. Includes discussion of insertion, deletion, and retrieval algorithms for stacks, queues, deques, linked lists, trees, etc. Emphasizes algorithm analysis as it builds on topics from previous course (CSC 122). Emphasizes mathematics, engineering, science, and computer science applications. Designed as the third of a sequence of courses (CSC 121, CSC 122, CSC 216 and CSC 217) for students majoring in Computer Science.

Prerequisite: CSC 122 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

CSC 217 4

Description:  Emphasizes machine-level programming, instruction sets, data representation, subroutines, I/O hardware and software, linking and loading related to higher level languages. Designed as the fourth in a sequence of courses (CSC 121, CSC 122, CSC 216 and CSC 217) for students majoring in Computer Science.

Prerequisite: CSC 216 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 100 1

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Introduces engineering techniques, methods and history. Explores career options and requirements for various engineering fields. Covers interrelationships within and between engineering, technology and science to allow differentiation between various career choices.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 105 1

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the fall term.

Introduces students to techniques and computer applications for solving problems in engineering and science. Emphasis is on Microsoft Excel and Matlab, software packages required for many junior- and senior-level engineering courses and in professional practice. Topics include problem formulation, data plotting, roots of equations, systems of linear equations, numerical integration, and optimization. Laboratory exercises will allow students to apply these computer tools to solve a variety of practical problems in engineering and science.

Prerequisite: MTH 140 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 110 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides an integrated introduction to selected fundamental concepts and principles in electrical and computer engineering including circuits, electromagnetics, communications, electronics, controls, and computing. Laboratory experiments focus on practical applications which will be applied to a design project.

Prerequisite: MTH 200 or higher with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 120 4

Description:  Introduces engineering graphics and design. Includes drafting, dimensioning, tolerancing, fasteners, and descriptive geometry. Engineering graphics topics include multi-view orthographic representations, principal auxiliary views, section views and production drawings. Laboratory work is supported by three-dimensional CAD utilizing solid modeling techniques. IAI EGR 941

Prerequisite: MTH 070 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or better or other placement/Geometry options. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 210 3

Description:  Emphasizes analysis of force systems using vectors. Topics include particle statics, general principles and force vectors, rigid body equilibrium, moments of inertia, distributed forces and centroids, analysis of structures, virtual work and friction. IAI EGR 942

Prerequisite: MTH 200 (Calculus I, IAI M1 900-1, IAI MTH 901) and PHY 201 (General Physics I: Mechanics, IAI P2 900L, IAI PHY 911) with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 211 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Emphasizes dynamic analysis of rigid bodies. Topics include particle kinematics (rectilinear and curvilinear), Newton’s laws, energy, work, and momentum methods, planar dynamics and rigid bodies, rigid body kinematics, impulse and momentum, and vibrations. IAI EGR 943

Prerequisite: EGR 210 (Analytical Mechanics/Statics IAI EGR 942) and PHY 201 (General Physics I: Mechanics IAI P2 900L, IAI PHY 911) with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 212 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term. Covers elastic and inelastic relationships involving deformable bodies. Topics include concepts of stress and strain, material properties (elastic and plastic), torsion, shear stresses and deformations, thermal stresses, thin-walled pressure vessels, pure bending, stresses and strains, transverse loading of beams, shear stress and combined loadings, transformation of stress and strain (Mohr’s Circle), design of beams and shafts for strength, shear and moment diagrams, deflection of beams, energy methods, and columns. IAI EGR 945

Prerequisite: EGR 210 (Analytical Mechanics: Statics, IAI EGR 942) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 240 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces classical thermodynamics. Topics include basic concepts and definitions, the zeroth law of thermodynamics, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, ideal and real gas behaviors, control-volume energy analysis, entropy, non-reactive ideal gas mixtures and psychrometrics and cycles.

Prerequisite: MTH 202 (Calculus III) with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

EGR 265 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the summer term.

Introduces analysis of electric circuits, electrical components, and networks. Topics include concepts of electricity and magnetism, circuit variables (units, voltage, inductance, power and energy), circuit elements (R, L, C and operational amplifiers), simple resistive circuits, circuit analysis (node-voltage, mesh-current, equivalents, and superposition), transient analysis, and sinusoidal steady state (analysis and power). Introduces standard electrical instruments and measurement techniques. Covers circuit response, elementary filter response and resonance measurements. Includes basic measurements of transistors and operational amplifiers. IAI EGR 931L

Prerequisite: MTH 202 (Calculus III, IAI M1 900-3/IAI MTH 903) and PHY 202 (General Physics II-Electricity/Magnetism, IAI PHY 912) with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 100 3

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Provides a survey of earth materials, their origins, chemistry, structure, identification, classification and uses, with an emphasis on minerals and rocks used in everyday life, and their impact on health and the environment. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 907

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 101 3

Description:  Designed to give the non-science major an understanding and appreciation of basic concepts in geology, atmospheric science and astronomy. IAI P1905

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 110 4

Description:  Examines topics in geology: including rocks, minerals, plate tectonics, and geologic time; meteorology: including atmospheric science, severe weather, and atmospheric dynamics; astronomy: including the origins of modern astronomy, introduction to planetary science, and cosmology. IAI P1 905L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 111 4

Description:  Provides an introduction to the earth’s minerals, rocks and natural resources and the processes which have shaped the Earth’s surface such as sedimentation, mountain building, and action of water, wind, ice and downslope movements. Covers Earth’s fundamental structure and the behavior of Earth materials. Focuses on the roles of volcanism, earthquakes, sea-floor spreading and paleomagnetism in explaining plate tectonic theory. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 907L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 112 4

Description:  Includes basic principles of historical geology, rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, geologic time, reading the fossil record, the evolution of Earth through time, evolution of life through time, and the geologic story of the North American continent. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 907L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 113 4

Description:  Examines the relationships between humans and the geological environment. Includes the study of use and abuse of natural resources such as water, minerals, and energy, an overview of natural hazards, an examination of urban geology and land management issues and the relationship between community status and land use, an analysis of pollution and waste disposal, and an introduction to climate change and global warming. Emphasis is on issues and practices in the Chicagoland area. Knowledge of high school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 908L

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

ESC 121 4

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.
Gives the non-science major an understanding and appreciation of the composition and structure of the atmosphere, thermodynamic processes, forces and related small- and large-scale motions, air masses, fronts, tropical cyclones, solar and terrestrial radiation, severe weather, basic weather forecasting techniques, and general circulations that affect the atmosphere. Knowledge of high-school algebra is assumed. IAI P1 905L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 111 3

Description:  Examines the spatial distribution of elements of Earth’s four physical spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere including landforms, climates, weather, vegetation, and soils. Consideration is given to the causes of these distributions and to their effects on human populations. IAI P1 909

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

GEG 112 1

Description:  Applies the scientific method of observation, hypothesis formation, and experimentation to Earth’s four physical spheres: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. IAI P1 909L

Prerequisite: Prior or concurrent enrollment in GEG 111 with a grade of C or better. (Physical Geography, IAI P1 909).

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 100 3

Description:  Examines basic topics in physics including motion, force, energy, electricity and magnetism, waves and particles, and atomic structure. Course is for non-science majors fulfilling non-laboratory science requirements. IAI P1 900

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 110 4

Description:  Examines topics from physics including motion, structure of matter, electricity and magnetism, waves and particles and atomic structure. This course is intended for non-science majors fulfilling laboratory science requirements. IAI P1 900L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 112 4

Description:  Introduces non-science majors to topics from various sciences as they relate to energy resources and energy consumption. Connects the theory of energy to its practical applications. Examines the connection between science and economics, politics and other social issues, using energy as a focus. Meets laboratory science requirements for non-science majors. IAI P1 901L

Prerequisite: Placement into college-level mathematics without support. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 121 5

Description:  Covers mechanics, heat, fluids, and sound. Intended for students in life science, architecture and technology. Students pursuing degrees in engineering, physics, or chemistry should enroll in PHY 201. Knowledge of high school trigonometry assumed. IAI P1 900L

Prerequisite: MTH 140 with a grade of C of better,or other math placement options into MTH 200. mathplacement.php

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 122 5

Description:  Continues PHY 121. Topics in electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics.

Prerequisite: PHY 121 with a grade of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 201 5

Description:  Introduces mechanics using calculus. Topics include force and motion; work and energy; rotation; oscillations; and fluids. For students in chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. IAI P2 900L, IAI PHY 911

Prerequisite: MTH 200 (Calculus I, IAI M1 900-1, IAI MTH 901) with a grade of C or better. Recommend concurrent enrollment in MTH 201 (Calculus II, IAI M1 900-2, IAI MTH 902).

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 202 5

Description:  Introduces electricity and magnetism using calculus. Topics include charge; electric field and potential; resistance, capacitance, and inductance; DC and AC circuits; magnetic fields; laws of Gauss, Ampere, and Faraday; Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves; geometric optics, lenses and mirrors, interference and diffraction, and polarization. Intended for students in chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. IAI PHY 912

Prerequisite: MTH 201(Calculus II, IAI M1 900-2, IAI MTH 902) and PHY 201 (General Physics I: Mechanics, IAI P2 900L, IAI PHY 911) with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

PHY 203 5

DescriptionThis course is only offered in the spring term.

Introduces thermodynamics and quantum physics. Topics include temperature and heat; ideal gas law; first and second law of thermodynamics; kinetic theory of gases; entropy; relativity; quantization; the atom; solid state physics and conduction; nuclear and elementary particle physics. Intended for students in chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. IAI PHY 913

Prerequisite: MTH 201 (Calculus II, IAI M1 900-2, IAI MTH 902) and PHY 201 (General Physics I: Mechanics, IAI P2 900L, IAI PHY 911) with grades of C or better.

Class Schedule:  Spring 2025

Major Discipline and Transfer Electives

Number Course Title Credits

World Cultures and Diversity Requirement

One 3-credit hour course is required. Courses that fulfill this requirement may also be used to fulfill requirements in the General Education category.

Hours Required:

Number Course Title Credits
Select one course marked with a + from the above Groups.

Total Hours Required

Hours Required: 60

Number Course Title Credits

1 - MTH 124 may be used if taken Spring 1999 or later.

- **3 additional hours of Social and Behavioral Sciences AND 3 additional hours of Humanities and Fine Arts will be required at the transfer institution to complete the Illinois Articulation Initiative General Education Core Curriculum (IAI GECC)


Next steps

For more information about the health and physical education program at Harper College, contact Admission Outreach at 847.925.6700, or submit a request information form. You can also apply online.

Last Updated: 1/14/25