Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
All employees of the College are entitled to Worker's Compensation for occupational injuries or illnesses that arise out of, and in, the course of employment per the Illinois Workers' Compensation Act 820 ILCS 305, last amended 8/8/11.
Incident and Injury Management is included the EH&S/RM Manual, Section 5.
Medical expenses related to the treatment of a work related injury or illness are covered under workers' compensation. This includes doctor, hospital, physical therapy, prescription medication and equipment. Alternative treatment such as massage therapy and acupuncture must be pre-approved.
Workers' compensation will pay for wages lost as a result of an injury or illness. The absence must be related to the work injury and authorized by the treating physician. Compensation is determined according to State statute and is subject to a three day waiting period. Workers' compensation disability payments are approximately two thirds of the employee's average weekly wage and are non taxable income.
If the employee is unable to return to the pre-injury job after recovering from the work related injury or illness, he/she may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services.
If it is found that an employee has lied about a job-related injury or exaggerated an injury to remain off work, it is considered fraud. An employee convicted of fraud can face jail time and be forced to repay up to three times the amount of money they collected on the claim.
See Injury Reporting Procedures. Once an injury is reported, an accident investigation will be conducted by Environmental Health and Safety to find out how and why the injury occurred. Once all information is gathered EH&S will submit a claim to Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI), the College's claims adjustment service. CCMSI will make a determination whether or not the College will accept a claim. CCMSI also processes payments for medical expenses and disability payments for lost work time.
Medical expenses related to the illness or injury will be paid by CCMSI. If the employee's health care provider requests claim information, the employee should either give them the information for CCMSI (3333 Warrenville Rd., Ste. 550, Lisle, IL 60532, phone: 630-649-6000) or the Mgr. EH&S/RM.
The absence must be authorized by the employee's treating physician; absences that are not authorized will be considered personal time.
The authorized absence must be for three business days (excluding the day of injury) before workers' compensation pays for lost work time. Should the employee have paid leave time available, it may be used during the first 3 days. If the employee is out for 14 or more consecutive calendar days, then workers' compensation payments start from the first day of the absence.
While the employee is receiving workers' compensation payments, they are paid by Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI), they are not on the College's payroll. Sick time and vacation time do not accrue. It is the employee's responsibility to make payments to Accounting for benefits. Employees on modified duty remain on the College's payroll.
The employee must have a return to work slip from their doctor. Facilities Managment has physical job requirements, if the employee was off for longer then 10 business days, the employee will need to complete a Work Capacity Evaluation at NCH before returning to the job.
If the employee can return to work on a part time basis, worker's compensation will cover the time they cannot work and the College pays for the time the employee can work, for a total not to exceed 2/3 of their gross pay.
Post return to work follow up appointments should be scheduled after work hours.
All accidents and injuries, even if no medical attention is required, must be reported to the employee's supervisor. Failing to report an accident may jeopardize workers' compensation benefits, for future symptoms that may not appear immediately. See Employee Injury Report Form
No. To qualify as a workers' compensation case (compensable), the injury must be job related and arise as a result of work activities. Examples of injuries sustained that may not be compensable are injuries while on break or at lunch; injures sustained during intentional violation of safety rules or from starting a fight with a co-worker; and injuries sustained while impaired by drugs or alcohol. This is a complicated legal area that frequently changes with new court rulings. All Harper cases are carefully reviewed and written notification is made to the employee when the case is determined non-compensable. Claim denials can be appealed to CCMSI.
Yes. The Workers' Compensation Act requires employers to pay for two physicians (other than the employer's designated providers) selected by the employee for treatment of work-related injuries. Note: Payment to an employee-selected physician can be made only upon receipt of a medical report from that physician. If medical reports are not provided, payment remains the employee's responsibility.
However, employees are encouraged to go to NCH Care Center in building M for several reasons:
There are two main reasons that an employee might receive a bill from a collection agency. The first is when a treating physician or hospital fails to submit required medical reports to Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI). CCMSI will submit a second request to the medical provider, however payment will only be made upon receipt of medical status reports. The second situation is when a College Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), who has contracted with CCMSI to discount bills, receives the agreed upon discounted payment and fails to credit the patient's account for the discount. If either of these situations occur, forward the bills and the notice from the collection agency to EHSRM and the situation will be resolved as soon as possible.
Note: If the employees went to NCH Care Center in building M, they will bill CCMSI directly so, employee should never see a bill or collection notice from NCH Care Center.