Fire Safety
Did you know that, according to, "Each year more than 2,500 people die and 12,600 are injured in home fires in the
United States. But unlike other disasters, home fires can be prevented!"
Every October, Harper College holds an annual fire drill. Everyone on campus is required
to participate, and the goal is to exit your building within three (3) minutes. The
Palatine Fire Department assists and conducts an evaluation to see how we do against
the three minute goal. Staff Members who have volunteered as evacuation personnel,
should review their evacuation duties.
Learn more about what you can do at home to stay safe - from preventing a fire, to
responding to a fire emergency, to getting help in the aftermath of a fire:
- The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a global nonprofit organization devoted to eliminating death, injury, property
and economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards. If you would like to
learn more information check out their public education Safety Tips Sheets or the NFPA Journal. "Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware. Fire Can Happen Anywhere."
- The Red Cross provides shelter, food, health and mental health services to help families
and communities recover after a disaster. The American Red Cross website also covers Home Fire Safety, Recovering After a Home Fire, and Fire Safety for Kids.
- UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute is dedicated to increasing firefighter knowledge to reduce injuries and deaths in
the fire service and in the communities they serve. Click on the Public Educational Resourceslink or watch their video, "Close Before You Doze!"
- The Department of Homeland Security have their webpage, which provides information to help you plan ahead for
any type of disaster. Select, Home Fires, to visit their webpage to learn more on fire safety.
- The Health and Wellness Awareness Council "is a diverse organization that promotes safety and health information." They shared
this resource, from, "A Guide to Senior Fire Prevention & Developing an Escape Plan."