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A student who has passed an Advanced Placement examination in high school is given at least one course of equivalent ungraded credit, except in the case where credit has already been earned for that equivalent course from sources other than AP exams. In the event that more than one applicable AP exam is received equating to the same Harper College course(s), at maximum, one 3 credit hour elective course will be awarded. Duplicate credit will not be awarded. Exams, whether passed or not, do not affect a student's grade point average.

Please Note: This is Harper College’s own institutional AP policy and the College cannot account for how other institutions will interpret AP test results in transfer.

Students must request that the College Board send a copy of their Advanced Placement scores directly to Harper College, Testing Center, School Code #1932. Score reports sent directly to a student’s home can be accepted by Harper College – provided they remain in the sealed envelope.

The following guidelines will be used for students who have Advanced Placement scores evaluated for credit at Harper College:

Examination Score Harper Equivalent Number of Hours
Art History 3, 4, or 5 ART 105 3
Art Studio 2D Design 3, 4, or 5 ART 901^^ 3
Art Studio 3D Design 3, 4, or 5 ART 901^^ 3
Art Studio Drawing 3, 4, or 5 ART 901^^ 3
Music 3 MUS901^ 3
4 or 5 MUS111 3
Biology  3 or 4 BIO 110 4
5 BIO 115 4
Chemistry*** 3 CHM 121 5
4 or 5 CHM 121 & 122 10
Physics 1 (Algebra Based) 3, 4, or 5 PHY901 3
Physics 1 (Algebra Based) & Physics 2 (Algebra Based) Note: Both must be taken together, any score lower than 4 in any one exam will only grant credit for PHY100 4 or 5 on both exams PHY 121 & 122 10
Physics B (non-calculus) Note: no longer offered as of 2014-2015** 3 PHY 121 5
4 or 5 PHY 121 & 122 10
Physics C (electricity & magnetism)*** 3 PHY 100 3
4 or 5 PHY 202 5
Physics C (mechanics)*** 3 PHY 100 3
4 or 5 PHY 201 5
Computer Science A 3, 4, or 5 CSC 121 4
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, or 5 CIS 106 3
Environmental Science 3, 4, or 5 BIO 103 3
Calculus AB 3, 4 or 5 MTH 200 5
Calculus BC (AP69-Calculus AB Subscore) 2 (w/AB Subscore of 3) MTH 200 5
3, 4 or 5  MTH 200 & 201 10
Pre-Calculus 5 MTH 140 5
3 or 4 (with SAT Math score of 660 or higher or ACT Math score of 28 or higher AND 2 semesters of high school Pre-Calculus with a "C" or better both semesters) MTH 140 5
3 or 4 (without one or both of the above qualfiers) MTH 103 3
Statistics 3, 4 or 5  MTH 165 4
English Language & Composition 3 ENG 101 3
4 or 5 ENG 101 & ENG 102 6
English Literature & Composition 3 ENG 101 3
4 or 5 ENG 101 & ENG 102 6
Social Science
African American Studies 3, 4 or 5 BAC 901^ 3
Economics: Macro 3, 4 or 5 ECO 212 3
Economics: Micro 3, 4 or 5 ECO 211 3
European History 3 HST 141 4
4 or 5 HST 141 & 142 8
Government & Politics – Comparative 3, 4 or 5 PSC 250  3
Government & Politics – United States  3, 4 or 5 PSC 101  3
Human Geography 3, 4 or 5 GEG 100 3
Psychology  3, 4 or 5 PSY 101 3
US History 3 HST 111 3
4 or 5 HST 111 & 112  6
World History 3, 4 or 5 IAT 901^ 3
Foreign Languages
Chinese 3 CHN 201  4
4 or 5 CHN 201 & 202 8
French 3 FRN 201 4
4 or 5 FRN 201 & 202 8
German 3 GER 201 4
4 or 5 GER 201 8
Italian 3 FLN 201^ 4
4 or 5 FLN 201 & 202^ 8
Spanish 3 SPA201 4
4 or 5 SPA 201 & 202 8
Spanish Literature 3 SPA 202 4
4 or 5 SPA 202 & 210  7
Japanese 3 JPN 201 4
4 or 5 JPN 201 & 202 8
Latin 3, 4 or 5 FLN 901 & 902^ 8
Seminar 3, 4 or 5 BAC 901^ 3
Research 3, 4 or 5 BAC 901^ 3


**Retired Exams will be accepted for credit for three years post retirement.
***For the UIUC Engineering Pathways program, AP credit cannot be applied for technical coursework (chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics).  AP credit may be awarded for other coursework according to the University of Illinois score requirements.

^A direct equivalent Harper College course does not exist; generic elective credit will be awarded.
^^Students interested in pursuing ART course specific credit may do so by submitting a portfolio of their work to the Liberal Arts/Art Department.